The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Thanks again for the support, guys.

By the way, is that a redundant term? I mean...can you have an aneurysm anywhere else in the body?
Absolutely not redundant. There's a particularly gnarly type of aneurysm called an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which there's no coming back from if it ruptures. I'm not super knowledgeable in vasculature and pathophysiologies related to vasculature, but I want to say aneurysms can happen to any vessel, just with varying degrees of lethality....I think.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: GEM push button
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brush: Grizzly Bay Decadence, 26mm Boss
  • Soap: Soap Commander Liberty
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, SC Liberty
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Silverstein - A Beautiful Place To Down
My 6 days off actually turned out to only be 5. I got a series of emails yesterday afternoon outlining operational changes, which included a schedule change. The bosses decided that it makes more sense to open up a temporary fourth shift and reduce the people on duty so that fewer people are exposed. Along with the extra shift, there's a new schedule. We're doing 24/72. So I'll have 3 days off at a time going forward...maybe. One of the caveats is that I'm essentially on call the day before I go in just in case something happens. It's getting wild. I posted in the Rona thread the numbers in the county I work in, and it's not as drastic as Houston, but it's pretty significant considering how rural the county feels. Other than that, it's business as usual.

I've been having a ton of trouble going to bed at a reasonable hour so I figured that I would shower and shave. I recorded the shave, but I'm not super sure I'll post it, not because I'm saying super controversial things, but because I don't think I like it. I was going to use B&M Lyssa, but I felt it was too dark. Lyssa is definitely floral, but it has a super dark undertone, which was intended for fall and the theme of the scent, switch revolved around the idea of making yourself smell not super great to zombies. Liberty is definitely more fitting for the season and the mood I'm trying to be in. Times are super uncertain and scary enough, I just want an olfactory escape. I had one hell of a shave, although I think I would've enjoying it more if I weren't talking to myself the entire time, which is probably why I don't make more videos.


I was too lazy to change the artist, but this record has been on repeat since it was released. It's that good.

You guys are all awesome. I don't even know what else to say. I think I've done all my ranting for now. I'm very much looking forward to going to sleep at reasonable hours at some point; last Monday really jacked me up and I haven't been sleeping the same since. I was going to add a bit of a story from my last shift, but even I think it might've been dehumanizing and glorifying some stuff. I try not to share too many of my "war stories" for those reasons. I know you guys are pretty cool with what I share, but I have to draw the line somewhere. Enough of that nonsense, it's time for sleep. I hope everybody is well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
No worries about not sharing stories Ben. Honestly a good shower and shave is what always helps me get relaxed enough to sleep, and luckily you still get 5 days off! If you still have trouble sleeping try going outside for about 15 to 20 minutes. My dad always told me that sunlight will reset your internal clock (but he also told me a bunny laid eggs). Stay safe out there.
I hear ya. When we’re setting our schedules it ends with “for as long as that works” or “until it gets worse”.

Hope you find a way to relax and get some sleep.
Thanks again for the support, guys.

Absolutely not redundant. There's a particularly gnarly type of aneurysm called an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which there's no coming back from if it ruptures. I'm not super knowledgeable in vasculature and pathophysiologies related to vasculature, but I want to say aneurysms can happen to any vessel, just with varying degrees of lethality....I think.


We're doing 24/72. So I'll have 3 days off at a time going forward...maybe. One of the caveats is that I'm essentially on call the day before I go in just in case something happens.
You have to do what you have to do...and I know a shift like this is not uncommon with first responders...but I never understand it. It sets the first responder up to make life threatening mistakes at the end of the shift. Not that they are ideal...but 12, 14, or 16 hour shifts are much better.

last Monday really jacked me up and I haven't been sleeping the same since.
You need to find a way to get some good sleep. That is where you will recharge and heal (yes with the ours that you are working, the time put in, and the physical and mental things you are dealing are damaging your body). I know it is easier said than done...but getting good sleep is no more important than ever for you. Try some CBD oil or check out some Reishi Tea. Or how about a magnesium supplement (yes this does help you relax believe it or not), or maybe some meletonin. Like I said...easier said than done.

I was going to add a bit of a story from my last shift, but even I think it might've been dehumanizing and glorifying some stuff. I try not to share too many of my "war stories" for those reasons. I know you guys are pretty cool with what I share, but I have to draw the line somewhere.
You never mind about us. Share what you want...we got you bro! And when all of this is and I are going to have a drink together. We don't live that far away from each other.

Take care of yourself man! And oh yeah! Pretty darn good shave there!
Man those hours suck ... hang in there. Maybe a shower, shave and some melatonin will help with the sleep issues.

Sometimes just relaxing and clearing your mind can help too.
It’s good that you’ll get a break, and hopefully it’ll be a restful one. You know how we roll here; share or don’t, you’ve got friendship and support here either way.
No worries about not sharing stories Ben. Honestly a good shower and shave is what always helps me get relaxed enough to sleep, and luckily you still get 5 days off! If you still have trouble sleeping try going outside for about 15 to 20 minutes. My dad always told me that sunlight will reset your internal clock (but he also told me a bunny laid eggs). Stay safe out there.
Wait. Then how else do the eggs just show up??? Sorcery? Get real, Pat, bunnies lay eggs.

Hey Ben, used my Gem push button yesterday also. And I filmed my shave today even though I wasn't feeling it and trashed it also because, REASONS. Hang in there man !!
Reasons will get you, dude. I'll do a redux tomorrow.

I hear ya. When we’re setting our schedules it ends with “for as long as that works” or “until it gets worse”.

Hope you find a way to relax and get some sleep.
The uncertainty is the only thing killing me. I hope you get some rest too!

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You have to do what you have to do...and I know a shift like this is not uncommon with first responders...but I never understand it. It sets the first responder up to make life threatening mistakes at the end of the shift. Not that they are ideal...but 12, 14, or 16 hour shifts are much better.

You need to find a way to get some good sleep. That is where you will recharge and heal (yes with the ours that you are working, the time put in, and the physical and mental things you are dealing are damaging your body). I know it is easier said than done...but getting good sleep is no more important than ever for you. Try some CBD oil or check out some Reishi Tea. Or how about a magnesium supplement (yes this does help you relax believe it or not), or maybe some meletonin. Like I said...easier said than done.

You never mind about us. Share what you want...we got you bro! And when all of this is and I are going to have a drink together. We don't live that far away from each other.

Take care of yourself man! And oh yeah! Pretty darn good shave there!
Our call volume doesn't merit doing less than 24 hour shifts, and 24s are a lot easier on the budget and managing of personnel.

I've given CBD some consideration. There's still that stigma in my mind, but if the benefits outweigh my slightly narrow thinking I'll try it. It might also take the edge off my anxiety, so there's also that.

It also might be a good idea to do my hazmat tech homework to take my mind off reality.

Man those hours suck ... hang in there. Maybe a shower, shave and some melatonin will help with the sleep issues.

Sometimes just relaxing and clearing your mind can help too.
They're actually kinda better than what we normally do in a way. There's normally a 5 day sprint ending with 4 days off. I'm actually slightly okay with this new setup for now. 4 days off allowed for going home to visit my mom and sister a lot better.

It’s good that you’ll get a break, and hopefully it’ll be a restful one. You know how we roll here; share or don’t, you’ve got friendship and support here either way.
Thanks, Eric! You guys make it hard to forget those things.


I actually have one of those belts. It has some strong character with all the soot stains from Chicago.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Rockwell 6S
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brush: TDR Aquamarine
  • Soap: Soap Commander Refreshment
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Soap Commander Refreshment
  • Frag: Jaques Bogart Pour Homme
  • Music: Joyner Lucas - ADHD
It's both Monday and Friday! I'm already annoyed. My partner didn't catch on to my sense of urgency and was being lackadaisical, even after I told him to do stuff faster. Then in the heat of all this crap I gave a doctor a smart ass response. I feel bad about that, but I doubt either of us will remember in a couple of hours, and I'll definitely cut that crap out going forward. He's cool, but I gotta remember who I'm talking to at the end of the day. I need more coffee.

This is supposed to smell like sweet tea, but I'm not getting any of that off the puck. The bath soap and balm are a lot better representations, but something is super off about the soap. It doesn't smell bad, just not like sweet tea. Same great performance, though. The 6S did its thang. I really enjoyed today's shave. This juice reminds me a lot of Mercedes-Benz Man Grey, but sweeter. I like it a lot. @Smattayu hooked it up with some great stuff.


What I'm listening to is very, very NSFW so I didn't even bother linking anything. I don't even remember how I found Joyner Lucas, but I'm a huge fan now. And like J. Cole, it has more to do with the production than the lyrical content, although they're both damn good lyricists. Being a student of music at one point in my life, I've come to appreciate the nuances in all types of music. Not a lot of people put a lot of thought into listen to music.

Alright, I'm pretty much over feeling bad. It's life, move forward and learn. It feels empty in here. We're completely separate, with 3 people at each station. Being privy to some information is a double-edged sword, and not being privy to things that I feel I need to know is frustrating. We'll get by with what we're given in terms of pertinent information. I hope everybody is well. Thanks for reading and the continued support, Cadre.
Sorry about the Monday happy Friday?? Hey, if nobody is around, you can give us a tour of the station!
Sorry about the Monday happy Friday?? Hey, if nobody is around, you can give us a tour of the station!
You're not missing much. It's got a few walls, a couple of which are haunted by Bubba. There's a fire truck and three ambulances. That's pretty much it.
Dude, I watched a 30min video just of all the stuff on a fire truck.
30 minutes? Were they having a slow day? Geez, I can go over the whole truck in like 5 minutes in surprising detail. It'll take me about 5 hours to go over the ambulance though, I almost always go down rabbit holes.
My partner didn't catch on to my sense of urgency and was being lackadaisical, even after I told him to do stuff faster.
In the Marine Corps we would do what is called "take him out to the tree-line." Of course there was no's just a weird way of saying corrective action...which is a polite way of saying...whoop that ass!

Then in the heat of all this crap I gave a doctor a smart ass response.
Well then...maybe you need to be tacken to the tree-line! 🤪

Don't sweat it man! it won't be the last time some know it all paramedic-fireman will spout off to him! 🙃

Hey, if nobody is around, you can give us a tour of the station!
Yes...tour of the station Please!

haunted by Bubba.
There has to be more to this story!

By the way Mr. The you watch Tacoma FD?