The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Jectah
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brush: TDR Aquamarine
  • Soap: DG/CL Fourth and Pine
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, DG/CL Fourth and Pine
  • Frag: none
  • Music: No Doubt - Return of Saturn
Back to work. I'm almost finished with the reports from last shift. I legitimately feel bad when I don't finish them before end of shift, but the only time I've felt worse was that tour that ended with a 5 hour structure fire. Today, so far, has been a lot better.

I felt like a change in seasons happened and my nose thinks they Fourth and Pine is more of a Spring scent. Really green and in your face citrus, which is probably just a lot of neroli. I got another awesome lather. The jectah made quick work of the growth and made it possible to get on the road faster than usual. Great shave!

The guy who founded Android ate my phone.

I don't know why or how, but I got back into No Doubt for a couple of hours. I guess I know why, because it's kinda fun music except for the breakup songs.

Just this report and the one from earlier today until I'm caught up. And I caught a short nap too compensate for another night of poor sleep at home. I might have to get on teladoc and see if I can get some more of my medication to take a little more edge off my anxiety. Monday really hit hard with the gravity of reality that's going on. It's dumb that I'm aces when my decision matters at work, but having everything else completely out of my hands is unnerving. I know, I know, I gotta relax before I burn out, but that's not really in the cards right now. Luckily I don't think I'll need to pull hours like Dave just yet, but I can see it coming when it starts overwhelming the system in my area. I guess I gotta get back to work now. I hope you're all safe. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brush: Pea Soup
  • Soap: Club CBL
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Chilly Clubm6
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Silverstein - A Beautiful Place To Down
Last day of the tour. I've had to decon once today so far. I don't think my patient has it, but it's just a precaution. Better safe than sorry. These past two shifts have been exponentially easier on us than Monday. I'm looking forward to having 6 days off, which I just realized was happening. Time flies, but is linear at the same time. Look, I didn't write the laws of physics.

I had Cut Tobacco out and had trouble thinking of a splash to pair it with and remembered that I hadn't tried Club CBL yet. It being in stick form was a bonus. Chris PIFed me a similar product early on in my time here, of course before the tonsorial line. I got a pretty decent lather despite not really applying enough. I had to apply more for my last pass, but that's not the end of the world with the ease of use.

The Rona ate my picture.

I've been sleeping on Silverstein for a couple of years and this release is a banger! The track above is probably my favorite song off the album so far.

I don't think I have explain myself here, but I'd kinda like to anyway because reasons. By default I make light of stressful situations because that's the behavior that I learned from my dad who was a paramedic for 20 years. So if you see me making light of the situation here or elsewhere, please don't be offended. I think there are people in the healthcare realm and outsiders that don't understand the constant stress we're under even without a pandemic and don't care to understand why we're always making light of the most stressful situations. Man, sometimes you just have to laugh at a crappy situation to get by, that's how we remove ourselves from reality. It's a stupid defense mechanism, I agree, but it does work to keep me sane after all the things I've seen, smelled, felt, and heard. I think that's the end of my word vomit. If you've made it this far thanks for reading. I hope you're all safe. Thanks for reading........again, Cadre.
Music: Silverstein

I love that dude! Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic are two of my favorite books! And that poem...Sarah Silvia Cynthia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out...oh ya! That's my Jam! 🤪

By default I make light of stressful situations because that's the behavior that I learned from my dad who was a paramedic for 20 years. So if you see me making light of the situation here or elsewhere, please don't be offended. I think there are people in the healthcare realm and outsiders that don't understand the constant stress we're under even without a pandemic and don't care to understand why we're always making light of the most stressful situations. Man, sometimes you just have to laugh at a crappy situation to get by, that's how we remove ourselves from reality. It's a stupid defense mechanism, I agree, but it does work to keep me sane after all the things I've seen, smelled, felt, and heard.

Hey man...we all cope with life and hard situations in our own ways. If others can't understand that...then, them be damned! I think you and I are a little similar in that situation. People think I blow things off in tough times. I'm not...and more often than not, I am really feeling it inside. It's just the way I deal with things. I have been in some really bad and tough situations...and if you are dead serious about everything, all the time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a will end up with a brain aneurysm! (By the way, is that a redundant term? I mean...can you have an aneurysm anywhere else in the body?) deal with you and all the others can go to hell!

Get some rest definitely deserve it!
In today’s PC culture. Humor is often seen as wrong. Nothing can be joked about.
I say screw that. Suck it up people. We all have an expiration date. Live life. Enjoy what you have. And use humor and whatever else you need to deal with the difficult times.
I’ve lost more than one friend at work to cancer. Now one that I have worked with for over twenty years has throat cancer. His voice is totally shot. From the cancer and chemo. Guess what we call him at work?
Froggy like from OurGang little rascals. Trust me. He and us (coworkers)know that it is serious. But gallows humor takes the edge off.
My mom has cancer. Waiting to hear the treatment plan for her. So does it make me bad to try and cheer him and her up?
If I knew it would make them more anxious or upset. Would I joke? No absolutely not.
So yea Ben I get what your saying. As a lot of us probably do. Haven’t really noticed any “snowflake” posts here.
Hang tough. Thanks for making a difference. And thank your dad too.
Enjoy your time off, Ben. You definitely don't need to explain yourself around here. We all deal with tough times in a way that works for us. Many have considered my humor inappropriate at times, but if I let all the crap inside at once I'd have had a nervous breakdown long ago. A little dark humor lets enough in at a time that it is possible to deal with it and move on.