The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

Busy nights and big plans ahead! Glad you could check in Ben. Stay...Fros-, er PPE-y...out there! :cool:
Welcome back, Ben. We're expecting a surge of patients, but who knows when? Everyone's busy making preparations, as I'm sure you are. Preparing for the unknown is challenging, but we all need to be ready for anything. Stay safe, my friend.
Welcome back, Ben. We're expecting a surge of patients, but who knows when? Everyone's busy making preparations, as I'm sure you are. Preparing for the unknown is challenging, but we all need to be ready for anything. Stay safe, my friend.
We're super limited on preparations because PPE supplies are on backorder. There's a lot of uncertainty in our corner too. The best we have going on is trying to stay on top of the updates so it doesn't creep up on us. I'm sure the tension in the air is overwhelming across the country.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Merkur 37C
  • Blade: Supermax
  • Brush: TDR IPA
  • Soap: Lather Bros Imperial
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Lather Bros Imperial
  • Frag: none
  • Music: none
Two days in a row. Wild. Work was pretty boring, which I'm totally not okay with, but I'm sure they'll have be screaming uncle in a week or so. In doing my research I found that I gotta make some financial moves to put us in a better position to buy a house. It won't be easy, but it'll be necessary.

I don't know why, but I felt compelled to pull out every shaving product I own. In doing that I found a couple of things that I want to kill and possibly a couple of other things that I might set aside for a PIF; I'll have to think about how to get it done and plan accordingly. I've only used Imperial once and I wasn't super crazy about the scent and the performance is mediocre, making it a candidate for killing. I thought about PIFing it, but it's also a set and I don't want to burden anybody with a mediocre set of products that they might not even like. Back to the scent. It's definitely leathery, with some other sweetness to it that I can't put my finger on. It's not the tobacco and it's definitely not the lavender. It's made with raspberry beer so maybe it's that??? Anyway. I did a minute load to get working on killing it. One pass and done. Waste of soap???? Ehhhhhh. Absolutely, but that's the point, plus I didn't have to worry about underloading. The soap did alright, nothing spectacular about it. The razor and blade combo was smooth and comfortable. I finished up with the matching balm which has menthol...that really threw me off for some reason.

My bathroom counter is a mess so there was zero chance of a picture today. Aha! A legitimate excuse this time, take that Bill Gates!

My mind was running with all the stuff on my counter so it was too preoccupied with that to think about putting music on. Weird.

I got really worked up this morning about one of my coworkers being a needy turd, but I got over it. Some people are just too spoiled and their complaining ruins the fun for the rest of us. I think that's enough nonsense for today. I hope everybody is doing well out there. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Senator
  • Blade: Treet Silver, new
  • Brush: TDR Aquamarine
  • Soap: DG Sweet Lemon
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, DG Sweet Lemon
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Direct Hit! - Brainless God
Monday morning...errr afternoon! It's another beautiful day in paradise. First day of the tour and it's going to be a rough one. Stuff is happening that's not super fun at all and it's related to the hoopla. It feels like it's slamming us hard today. I'm over this for real. I'm also running on maybe an hour of sleep. This is not super fun.

Some good things and not super amazing things about today's shave. The amazing was the lather; it might be the best lather I've ever made. The not so great was the blade. I hadn't used one of these in a long time and it was the first time in the Senator. Maybe it was that I hadn't shaved in 4 days, or maybe it was just the blade, but it was a little tuggy on the first pass. The comfort increased over the last passes.


I listened to music.

Guys, I'm 7 reports deep. This has not been a fun shift at all. 5 of those patients needed a doctor for sure and none of them had Rona flags. It's easy to forget that sick people stay sick no matter what's going on, accidents happen, etc. The EMS gods are throwing me into the deep end early into me being a paramedic. I'd like to share more thoughts, but this isn't the place for it. I gotta get back to my reports. I hope your Monday was better than mine. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
You guys shelter in place? All the other BS should be cut back some if people aren’t running around.
You guys shelter in place? All the other BS should be cut back some if people aren’t running around.
Not yet. So far it's just a curfew, but I can see that coming in a few days. There are other problems they will pop up when people start noticing certain details are missing.
Hang in there Ben. We are all appreciative for what men and women like you are doing. We know this is going to end at some point, we just gotta keep praying. Hope it eases up for you a little bit brother.
Just blame this all on Bill Gates! 🤪 You are doing good and important work. But you need to find a way to take care of your self or else you won't be any good for those who really need you. It's hard...but don't stress over the little stuff. Vent here all you want...we are good listeners. Take care of your self Ben!
Hang in there, man! You are part of what is keeping us going. Never thought being a community pharmacist would put me front and center, but it is. Obviously not like you first responders and direct care personnel, but there is a push on to enlist community RPhs to do testing, if there are ever enough kits. Back to you, @bentheduck, hang tough, we all rely on you!!

And a big THANK YOU for all the work you do, and for all the crap to deal with afterwards.