The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Life On the Wee Woo Box

  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Senator
  • Blade: That blade that I've been using that I can't remember how many times I've used
  • Brush: Cloud
  • Soap: Noble Otter Lonestar
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, NO Lonestar
  • Frag: none
  • Music: We Are the Union - Self Care
Hey, long time no see...again. I can't say it's been overly hectic at work, but business has definitely picked up when I'm on duty. Ha, I said duty. Saturday was a pretty crappy day because of some stuff that happened to a friend. Then there's a bunch of crap going on around the world right now. I actually got back from stocking up a bit. But I had pizza for lunch so there's that.

I'm still catching up on sleep I lost two weeks ago so I'm sleeping in late every day that I'm off, which leads to less frequency of shaving. I made it a point to shave today. I've wanted Lonestar for as long as I've known about Noble Otter, I just never got around to buying it until last month when they restocked. It smells distinctly Texan to me, which I love. And there's the usual great performance. I only did one pass again to get the bulk of my growth off, but I felt clean again with that one pass. And yes, I showered, before my shave too. It's amazing what a decent shave will do to your spirits.


You very well might recognize the song I tagged above. We Are the Union make such good music.

One more day off before I go back to work. I have really only one thing planned and that's to work on 4 Hazmat Tech exams. The first couple of chapters are fairly boring but still very important so I'll be reading those chapters for sure. It's getting weird out there, so stay safe. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Tell your lady that the Cadre doesn’t support the lack of shaving on your part.
Are you having to deal with any “emergency” calls due to the virus?
It's like business as usual so far. I don't think there have been any cases in Galveston County yet, but the hospital that we frequent has some precautions, and we have some precautions.

Be safe Ben............................I think it's Ben, hard to tell with that scruff. Great looking razor there ;)
Oh that's just my twin cousin, Scruffy Ben. Pay no attention to him.

You said “duty” ... welcome back.
:ROFLMAO: you said it too!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Senator
  • Blade: That blade that I've been using that I can't remember how many times I've used
  • Brush: TDR Gael
  • Soap: B&M Adagio
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Pinaud Whiskey Woods
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Four Year Strong - Rise Or Die Trying
Another lazy day for me. I told myself that I would work on some school stuff, but I ended up taking a nap with Emma instead. I can't resist naps with my cats. I was also gonna channel my inner Texan and go buy some self-defense ammo because reasons, but again, I took a nap. I'll get around to it in the next few days.

Another one pass shave just to get the majority of growth off. Quick and easy. I remember hating Adagio when I first got it and has since really grown on me, but only during spring. I wish Will would do another run so I could stock up.

Bill Gates ate my picture.

Throwback FYS that never gets old for me. It might get old, but there's a clear departure from their initial sound and lyrical content, which is expected from almost 15 years of time.

Back to work tomorrow. I'm curious to see what the near future holds with this nonsense going on. There were a couple of protocol adjustments issued over the week to help prevent us from being exposed, but there are a few situations where they'll go right out the window. It'll all be alright, though. I hope your weekend kicked off well. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Doing my best. Our hospital is focused on keeping our patients safe; they're most at risk. We have two campuses: the one with long term care has been screening all entering its doors for a week+; the one where I work started it today. Much of the veteran inpatients are elderly.
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Vector
  • Blade: nobody knows
  • Brush: Wild West Bioluminescent
  • Soap: Ethos Dragonsbeard
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Ethos Dragonsbeard
  • Frag: none
  • Music: Pears - Pears
Hi. I'm back again. It's been wild. Work has been taking its toll on me. No more OT, but we're getting busier at night, so sleep is pretty much not existent. I actually woke up at 3p yesterday. The boss said we're resting up during the day today in anticipation for the metaphorical slaughter tonight. Allergies suck. Venessa has a sinus infection, but she's getting better. The cats are still adorable.

I pretty much gave up on my pseudo 3017 weeks ago, but I haven't been posting regularly so you didn't know until now. This is the third or fourth time I've used this set. Venessa very much approves of the scent. After my last experience with the Feather Super, I decided to take it back a notch and go with regular blade exposure, which has been so much more comfortable. Maybe the Super blade was bad??? Anyway. I had a very enjoyable shave this morning. Topped it off with TF Tobacco Oud.

My picture ate Bill Gates.

I'm a fan of this album, but I prefer the one before it. The lyrical content is much more straightforward on this one, which is alright, but I like the poetic nature of the last one.

I really need to get on the ball with my hazmat stuff. This crap has delayed everything a little bit, but I can't let it get out of hand. I'm also in the preliminary stages of researching how to buy a house. I have a lot to work on before it'll happen, but at least I have a starting point. Anyway. I hope everybody isn't having too bad a time. Thanks for reading, Cadre.