The Shaving Cadre

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Life On the Wee Woo Box

Great shave and the work front sounds promising. Relief in sight.
Thanks, Tim! I'm just waiting to hear word on when they're supposed to start so I can count down the days.

We didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day either. Saving up for our annual trip to spring training next month, so Erica said she was fine with sitting at home and catching up on TV shows lol.

Great news on the work front! We're still short handed, and 50% of the staff that we do have is made up of people brought on through a temp agency. So if you know anyone that can run a front end loader, send them my way 😂😂😂
We pretty much did the same since I was also resting after the fire. She's been a really good sport over the past few weeks.

I can drive a fire truck, does that count for anything???

:: adds getting to drive a front end loader to my list of Cadre adventures ::
:: same ::

Good news on the work front Ben; you’ll be surrounded by real compadres!
No doubt, I can't wait!

Hopefully work gets better!
It always slowly improves. Thanks, Pat.

You guys and your Vectors.
Watch your tone, mister!
  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Blackland Vector
  • Blade: Feather Pro Super (6)
  • Brush: Stirling boar
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial Balsamic Oud
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, Bootleggers F Arctic Lime
  • Frag: D.S. & Durga Burning Barbershop
  • Music: Big D & The Kids Table - Good Luck
We're nearing the end of my first day at work. It's been good, but my only call of the day so far was incredibly frustrating. The issue that I have work it is that it has happened to the same patient twice in two weeks, and it's super serious. I am seriously thinking about reporting it to the state, though I doubt they'd do anything. Moving on. EMS bestie came to visit and talk to the boss about the finer details about the job. She then promptly succeeded at passing our physical about an hour later. She's excited and I'm excited for her. Relief is quickly approaching, I say as I'm working 72 hours straight. :ROFLMAO:

I thought breaking through a little would lead to a cascade of progress, but that hasn't happened. I figured the boar would eat up soap and make an obvious ring, but no. Oh. Come. On. I even loaded longer than I have in the past...because it actually yields better lather. The blade must've had a bad day when I mentioned that it wasn't doing too well because it's climbed over that hill and is in stride currently. I've been going atg for a 4 pass shave the last two work days and sure it leads to BBS, but it hasn't really done it for me. Like I was preaching the other day on somebody's journal, sorry I forget things because reasons, comfort is king. My partner mentioned that he likes Burning Barbershop so I'll probably pass on my sample to him.

My ambulance wuz here.

Again with Big D & The Kids Table. Fun music.

I just took a shower to avoid the anxiety of needing to ask for coverage in the morning so I can shower before shift change and I don't have another paramedic covering me for a few minutes. I think that made sense. The majority of my shift is working tomorrow because it seems like we're the only ones willing to help the cause. It's getting frustrating. It feels like there's an entire shift, top to bottom, that is completely unwilling to pick up the slack. Whatever. I guess I get it, they want to enjoy their free time, but come on, I want to enjoy my free time too. Whatever again. I hope you're all having a reasonable week so far. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Those are crazy hours, Ben.

Some people never get the concept of teamwork. Nothing you can do about it, but at least the money's good.
Indeed, but they're hours that need to be worked. At least I knew about today more than one day before the shift started.

You're absolutely right about that. I'd love to yell it at them, but it would unfortunately be a waste of breath. Venessa will be getting a new pair of earrings from this, so I guess that's a plus??? :ROFLMAO:
I understand your frustration, Ben. Hopefully some other folks step up and take some of the load off of your shift.

Work kit


Work kit


  • Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
  • Razor: Gillette Super Speed Y3 I think
  • Blade: I don't even remember what year it is and you want me to remember what blade I used this morning???
  • Brush: See above comment
  • Soap: CBL Tonsorial Balsamic Oud
  • Aftershave: Thayer's Original, I seriously don't remember if I even used any
  • Frag: none, I remember that.
  • Music: Big D & The Kids Table
Just got home from eating with Mel. She's probably going to start in 2 weeks, but maybe sooner if her current employer decides to get hurt about her leaving. The cool thing is I'm be the one training her, but it's more like she'll be training me. She's seen and done a lot in her career and I'll get second hand experience. The 72 was relatively uneventful. There were a couple of interesting calls, mossy notably arriving to find a mom holding her freshly born baby while sitting in a bathtub. That was a weird experience, but they are both healthy...just...a weird experience.

I decided to bloom the soap today to help loosen it up and use it up faster. That did the trick. I got a gnarly doughnut from doing that. Great lather, but that's not a new thing at all. This razor and blade combination was killer, but I wish the razor was a little more aggressive. Seriously, it was super smooth. I remember now, it's a Permasharp Stainless on x number of uses. I also remember the splash I used. Skin Bracer. Good stuff. DFS with plenty of comfort. I put the remainder of the soap in a bowl which I can see going for another couple of shaves.

Too tired too take a picture.

More Big D.

Yup, they paged out for OT for paramedics. That's a tall glass of no. The engineer is a paramedic but the boss doesn't want him on the box. Not my problem. It's also not my problem that everybody keeps asking the day before the shift. Asking 18 hours prior when the schedule has been out for months is pretty crappy and I'm super close to making it a very big deal. Tomorrow Venessa and I are going to a birthday party for a 2 year old, and I'm not sure what to make of that. Anyway. I hope everybody had a reasonably good week, let's kick back and relax. Thanks for reading, Cadre.
Good stuff Ben! Those 4 minute load times will knock that soap out quick.
Without a doubt. I'll be using a knot with tons of backbone for the rest. I'm so looking forward to being done. I feel like it coincides with all the work stuff, so maybe if I finish the soap the drama will stop. :ROFLMAO:

Enjoy the party, hopefully with cake!

1 finger phone typing.
I'll throw a tantrum if there isn't cake and ice cream. Or I guess a better solution would be to go out and get some for myself. I'll defer to Venessa, she's halfway decent and getting me to act like an adult. :ROFLMAO: