Shave #272 (600 Open Blade Shaves) of 2022:
Gear: Gillette Super Adjustable, Astra SP blade, Yaqi Moka synth brush, CBL Hombres soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe, 4711 AS, LNHC BS PSE, and Burberry Hero to finish!

Draining day yesterday, then a “Back To School” night for the youngest really drew things out till later than I’d hoped…tired…but I’m up!
Great shave this morning with the SA, per usual. This tub of Hombres or at least the scrapings that are left are ready to be relegated to the Clown Puke tub! Thankfully I think I have one more puck sitting in the soap shelf somewhere…great scent! Finished off with another new sample - Burberry Hero! Very different take on cedar from yesterday’s frag. Layered over what feels like a lighter Burberry DNA are 3 different cedars, juniper, and bergamot. Sounds really good right? I was hoping so…fairly lackluster so far. Hoping it develops more!
Doggies have their vet appointment this afternoon. Hoping to get something for the shepherd mix…she gets ear and skin issues off and on that just never seem to fully resolve, then they start showing up again later in force. Poor girl.
Have a great Thursday all!