The Shaving Cadre

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I are a new stewdent

Thanks guys!

Dave, he did say that he wouldn't be back in town until Sunday night. So I'm guessing that's why. It sounds like I have the job and he's just going to work out details, but I just don't want to get too excited until I have an actual start date.
In case it’s Opposite Day somewhere - I hope you don’t get it.

For all other days - I hope this one comes through!

For all various practices and superstitions - prayers made, fingers and toes crossed, good vibes sent, positive juju telekinesed over, etc.

Its about time you got a good break.
Wow, that job sounds awesome. Good Luck brother! This one’s in the bag.
Thanks guys.

It's really hard to read him through his emails. Sitting down and talking to him, he's harder to get away from than my dad. But no joke, his very first email that he sent me consisted of:
"When are you available for a maintenance interview?"

That was it. no "hi this is".... "I represent"... "I saw your resume at".... Nothing. Not even a signature. Just that one sentence. So he really doesn't put a lot of detail in his messages. Only way I knew his name or even where I needed to go was from his email address being his name @ his company and googling it. Maybe that was my first pre-employment problem solving test.

But like Dave says, it does kind of suck not knowing for sure through the weekend.
We’ll have the celebratory cigars in waiting! (Though mine may actually be a rolled up bit of ham)
That sounds very good. I hope it comes through for you. It sounds like it would be rite up your alley. God is always in control.
I just wanted to let everyone following along that I got the maintenance job!!! He emailed me tonight and said that they decided to hire me and he would be forwarding my contact info to the girls in the office to schedule the physical and paperwork.

So a very sincere thank you to all of you for the prayers and support!!