The Shaving Cadre

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I are a new stewdent

No, no bridges burnt. I have learned over the years to not quit until I have papers saying I'm starting the next one. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm not a complete idiot either. I'm still an incomplete idiot.
No, no bridges burnt. I have learned over the years to not quit until I have papers saying I'm starting the next one. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm not a complete idiot either. I'm still an incomplete idiot.
Good deal buddy. Brain must have mixed my memory up with Tim turning in notice at his work. I panicked for you man. You'd be surprised at how some people don't think things thru there so quick to get away.
Yeah, I was really hoping to get out of where I am, but it's paying the bills at least. And may net me the steel I need to build a new shop. So there is that plus. But it's still miserable in this weather....
Yeah, I was really hoping to get out of where I am, but it's paying the bills at least. And may net me the steel I need to build a new shop. So there is that plus. But it's still miserable in this weather....
Your talking to a commercial window washer dude, I know about work in the cold. Dunk your hands in water 1st and then work ???
No thanks.....

When I was doing seismic drilling it was a warm and balmy 18 degrees out. First field I went to, the whole bottom half was under water because we had had a warm spell the few days before. I said "there's no way". So I started up the hill. Got 5 feet into drilling the first 30 foot hole and hit a water pocket. The amount of mud and water that you wear when it shoots out of a 3 inch hole that you are standing right next to at 220 psi can be quite impressive. Not pleasant, but impressive.
I've officiated a football game in a blizzard before. That was fun, cold, and frustrating all at the same time.

But aside from that I'll take the office where I complain when my office is a brisk 65 when I get there in the morning.

I'm sure if you are still on top of that roof though working in the cold the wind chill has to make it even more unbearable.
I've officiated a football game in a blizzard before. That was fun, cold, and frustrating all at the same time.

But aside from that I'll take the office where I complain when my office is a brisk 65 when I get there in the morning.

I'm sure if you are still on top of that roof though working in the cold the wind chill has to make it even more unbearable.
I often think I should have stayed in school so I could be in an office........................
Something to think about in a positive vein is be glad you found out now and didn't get hired just to have them do away with the position and get rid of you a short time later. Either way I know it's frustrating
dangerousdon said:
Sorry to hear that an opportunity was possibly taken from you Shawn. I know it doesn't seem like it right now...but I am sure there is a reason that the cosmic universe wants you where you are at. Stick with it it and something great will avail!

No.... It REALLY doesn't seem like it right now. I went all the way to work today to have the foreman come up an hour and a half into the day to tell me they are cutting guys and I needed to go home. No word yet on the next job either.
I'm not sure what I did to the cosmic universe, but it's really giving me the shaft right now.
Oh Shawn... so sorry. I am sure something will come up.
Thanks guys. It's really a depressing kick in the teeth to have both in the same week... and just before Christmas too.
I'm sure I'll get through it as usual. Unfortunately, I'm getting used to looking out of the hole instead of into it.
Pretty crappy week for sure. From what I’ve learned about you I’m fairly sure things will work out for you. you are very skilled and a wicked hard worker, not many guys put the effort in that you do. Don’t give up just yet.
At the risk of jinxing myself again.... I have an interview in the morning. It's at a temp agency, but she has 3 job openings that are all looking to hire permanently after a probationary period that she thinks I would be perfect for. I just have to decide which one I want. One is QC, one is welding, and the other is plant maintenance.
The maintenance pays a little less, but is closer to home. So keep your fingers crossed for me.