The Shaving Cadre

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I are a new stewdent

Glad it was something a bit more inexpensive Shawn! I haven't checked my fluids in my truck in a while...I guess I need to actually open the hood once in a while. This will serve as a reminder.

All of this talk of blinker, spark plug, and headlight fluids got me thinking. Not automotive related...

While in the Marine Corps, when the newly assigned Marines out of boot camp (affectionately called a "Boot") joined a Company, there was always a bit of hazing...err...encouragement to be had. One of the things a new marine in a unit might expect is to go and retrieve 50 yards of "flight line." Of course you would need demolition equipment to pull up 50 yards of flight line, so this was never achieved. Let the hazing...err...physical exercises begin! Another item to have the Boot search for was to acquire three ammo cans/gallons/buckets (pick your increment) of back splash. Okay...when one fires a rocket propelled grenade, there is an area behind the person firing the RPG called the back splash area. The back splash is really just the exhaust from the launcher. During my time in the military the grunts would use an AT4 which is a single use RPG. The back splash on these guys could actually kill someone if close enough. Anyway...I can imagine trying to find a couple ammo cans of back splash might be difficult.

But did you make sure they filled out their ID-10T forms? One of my buddies that was Air Force always tried to endure that was never forgotten.
I haven't done the backsplash, but have done things like a board stretcher, or telling someone to squeeze my welding lead like a garden hose to slow down the flow of amps so I can make a better weld. And I do like using Kyle's ID-10T also.