The Shaving Cadre

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I are a new stewdent

Thanks guys. It's going to take a little bit of getting used to working in the elements again, I got spoiled working inside the last 6 years, but I'm sure I'll get back into it quick enough.
Now I just have to see if I can find my tools again.......
Shawn WOW !! I am so glad for you and hope it works out just as you hoped for !!! You've got all day Tuesday o find them tools ?
Sorry you get to miss out on a good opportunity...but it sounds like a better one has come around! You definitely can't pass up on a good paying job especially when there is opportunity for long term advancement. I know this will help you and the family out tremendously!
It seems doors are opening up for you my friend I am glad that the employment opportunity is there now. School would have been a good thing too though. I made a similar decision about 20 years ago to stop college and go into the workforce.
Great news Shawn!

Good luck with the new job! I'm sure you will do well on it!
So it looks like things may be changing again. Still no school though.

I got an email last night from a company that does industrial maintenance wanting to know if I was interested in working for them as a maintenance tech.
So I replied back with a "yes" of course. That got me a phone interview today. This part went really well, now I'm waiting to hear from the local head to schedule a face to face interview.

If this goes through, I will be going up $4 an hour in pay. Dropping my drive time from an hour and a half, to a half hour. Working inside a heated facility instead of outside in the sleet, snow, rain, and miserable cold. And I will be going from no benefits to having health and dental insurance, life and disability insurance, company matched 401K, and holiday and vacation pay.

This is where the schooling would have helped me, but it is sounding like my mechanical and welding background is going to sell it for me. At least with the HR lady anyway, hopefully the local guy will feel the same.

So I have all the fingers that I have left crossed!