The Shaving Cadre

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Fluffy’s Curmudgeon Cinema

Hey, medical issues are a perfect topic for work viewing!
“Man loses left nut in emergency situation due to stopping at home for coffee and pie”
“Man loses left nut in emergency situation due to stopping at home for coffee and pie”
Yesterday I would have agreed to let them cut the bastard out. Hurt something terrible.
Thanks for all the shout out folks. On my next video. I'll tell you the guys the story about an incident that helped me keep my present situation in perspective.
Have a good Sunday guys.
Happy Monday Cadre. Correction for some commentary within this video.
Unfortunately in my explanation of my father in law Charlie’s service in WW2. I name the wrong bridge he wound up protecting. It was in fact at Arnhem.
The bridge at Remagen was on my mind I guess.
Mark this day in your diaries.😁
I agree with you that I am a fan of limited government interference. However, we do live in a world where people are stupid as a general population and need an authoritative figure to tell them what to do in times of crisis. One of my MIL's friends was out taking her kids to the movies and treating the quarantine as an extended vacation. Now she is sick and so are her kids. The definition of stupidity. I believe it is under the Commerce Clause that grant's states the executive power to call for quarantine in times of crisis, but I could be mistaken. It is for the good of the country and I will not argue it, but I do see the hesitance of granting the government more powers. People typically don't give that power back once it is no longer necessary. FDR is the reason we amended the constitution that limits the president to two terms.
Pst. Today was E.

Good to hear you’re stocked up on Oreos. Things will be fine at the Fluffy household. I’m not entirely sure a razor made from the same stuff as your plow blade is the best idea, but I’m more than will to watch a video of you using it!
It’s true...we have had more baked goods than normal lol, it’s been nice!

8 “snow events” is that like 8 full storms when’re you’re out clearing roads all day? Does your department fix up the shovel pieces when you swap them out? Or are they pretty much trashed and have to be recycled?
Hey Chris.
Yea the words event and storm are interchangeable. The plow on my dumptruck is 12 feet wide. And yes when it's worn down to the mounting point. Then we swap it out. We have a scrap metal dumpster for steel and one for aluminum.
Some of our storms are salting only ones 2-3 inches of snow. Or Ice/freezing rain. Once you get more than 3 inches. Then you need to plow it off. Air and road temp play a big role too.
Think of the road like a hone. And the plow like a razor. Then imagine those old nasty razors on ebay ground down. They started at 6/8th's and are now 3/8th's. That's what a used up plow blade is worth. It's like tires, brakes, or DE blades. They are consumables.
You'd have to get up in the mountains to deal with snow I guess. We have to worry about it for about 3 months out of the year. Not as big a deal as other states have to contend with.
Darkfall is on my list as well. Hopefully they re-stock it around the holidays. Glad you were able to go out on a hike and soak up the sun. It has been overcast nearly everyday here in Texas, and I'm holding out hope that the sun will come out someday. Crazy how vital that sunshine is just for mental health. Glad you and your family are doing well!
Nice video Ken! The razor you used is another good looking one! I also like that brush a lot. It looks like it is very easy to use with a scuttle. Also, I just like the metal look of it. I agree that breaking up a congregation that are all sitting in their cars is a little extreme. You would think that would be okay, but I guess if they let the church do it there would be other groups saying it is unfair or try to abuse it somehow. Challenging authority as a civilian is not a bad thing. That is the whole point of a democracy. We elect leaders and then challenge them and if they respond well they are re-elected if they don't respond well then they are replaced. That's just the way I see it. Hope you have a great Easter Sunday!
Good to see you Ken. Tit for tat is okay to a degree but don't get hung up on it...................I happen to have something I need to send that way that has been sitting and waiting for me to package it up. 🤪
I agree that breaking up a congregation that are all sitting in their cars is a little extreme. KY Governor actually said that's the kind of thinking outside the box that's needed as long as the cars are 6 feet apart if windows are open. We've been doing our services over a zoom app. Take care and enjoy the time off when you have it.
Yes the Razorock is a very nice brush to use with a scuttle. It's solid Aluminum and hefty. The synthetic knot is a nice one. Enough backbone to load. And soft enough to splay a bit.
The Korrat is my only modern razor and it too is a great representation of the 14's that inspired it. It was a present to myself a few years back and it's gets a lot of use. I could let go of most of my hardware before those two items.
@Dave in KY
No Dave I'm not super OCD on being exactly even. Just try and keep it balanced when possible. If I ever spontaneously do "something" for someone. I go into it not expecting anything in return.
But I will not deny that if/when it becomes reciprocal. I am pleased that I have found another person that goes about things the way I do. It also seems like you would not make a good spy. Secrets are not your strong point. :unsure: