The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Fluffy’s Curmudgeon Cinema

Glad that I could help Pat. I usually get 5-6 comfortable shaves out of the Voskhods. I could use them longer. But when they are so inexpensive. Why would you? I did push one to 10 shaves. It was not terrible. But even I can afford to "splurge"$11.00 for 500 comfortable shaves. I have given away more Voskhods than I have used up myself. They should really be sending some sort of sales commission checks. ;) They were in a sample pack of 30 different brands. Out of the 30 I liked 6 a lot. And out of those the Voskhods were most cost effective. Really is a mute point for me because 99% of my shaves are with straights at present. And RAD has not been cost effective. :eek:
Hey Rich nice thought. But my arms are too short to reach my back. And yes you could burn through some soap. Most of my soaps are fortunately very good. So they are not in the just use em up category.
I’m all caught up on the leg shaving situation in your house. Wife does. You don’t but only because it itches.
In case you run out of things to talk about in the "Command Center". Now you can survey the room. And see how others you know approach their grooming regime.
Well there you are! Been a while. Might have to schedule it for tomorrow.
Yea Dave decided with things being fairly uneventful in my little slice of heaven. I didn't want to put out uninteresting content. Even when I have something to talk about. It's just marginally interesting. :rolleyes:
Here you go folks. Weather you want it or not. 20 minutes of me. Al Gore didn’t know the effects his invention the internet. Would have on humanity. Shout out to @Dave in KY and @Patelliott
Hey Fluffy !!! You need more videos before you can throw an OLD one at us and not expect us to know 😂 😂 These ski watchers may have missed it but I didn't, That was from April 28th............