Not a copy and paste from my journal this time...
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Super Max Platinum Plus (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Ethos Grooming Essentials - Dragonsbeard
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ethos Grooming Essentials - Dragonsbeard second shave with Dragonsbeard Soap and Aftershave or Skin Food Splash. I should probably call it skin food splash because this acts differently than an aftershave. So the shave went much the same as last time. There isn't anything in this soap and skin food that I don't that is a really good thing. There are some things that are work a bit better than others, but overall...each individual component of theses products is definitely above average. Let me try to walk you through the shave...
Strength of Scent Out of Tub - Like I mentioned before...the scent out of the tub is light but is there.
Latherability - This soap is pretty easy to lather. Requires a little bit of water...but I would say this soap is somewhere just south of thirsty.
Slickness - I have had slicker soaps, but this one is definitely slick enough. With a couple more uses I might change my mind. But after two shaves...this is where I am.
Don I feel like the next version will be even slicker as there will be the addition of grass fed beef tallow along with the duck far in the formula along with some other slight modifications. As you said I've used some commonly referred to top soaps that slicker but the one thing I want to avoid is going overboard on some ingredients that would for sure add even more slickness but then I may be also adding some other negative issues like batch inconsistency as far as texture. I've personally gotten soaps that when arriving at my door were borderline liquid or so soft that I could stick my finger in it and it would go right to the bottom of the tub. Or I don't want to create a post shave that is either sticky or more so oily feeling. So I'd give up a bit of slickness to avoid those things happening but I'm sure I can bump it up a bit with some of the other bases I'm working on without having those issues or characteristics.
In Shave Protection - Dragonsbeard is among the best when it comes to in shave protection. I feel like this soap gives superior cushion in the shave.
In Shave Scent - The scent does get stronger in the shave. Not too strong...but pronounced and sustained through the shave.
Residual Slickness - If there is a week spot in this soap it is in residual slickness. Normally a soap of this caliber will have incredible residual slickness, but Dragonsbeard, while not bad, isn't what I was expecting. The residual slickness is still better than most soaps out there, just not as good as some of my favorites...HOWEVER...
This is a tough one as residual slickness is how I measure a soap by because I skin stretch and also do what I refer to as " Reverse Skin stretch Passes " which absolutely need residual or what I call " Ghost residel slickness " and I find some soaps give me a bit of a heavier dose of than mine but there again some of those soaps have had consistency problems which I absolutely want to avoid. On the DB soap I'm able to do a reverse skin stretch pass without a problem so it passes that test for me but my goal is to add more without losing the consistency I mentioned.
Post Shave Feel - when we talk about residual usually correlates to Post Shave Feel. This is the first soap where the residual slickness was much different than post shave feel. The post shave feel is so much different than other a really good way! My face feels smooth and even. I know...this sounds weird. The skin is plenty moisturized without seeming tacky. My face throughout the day kept feeling nice and smooth...ALL DAY! As I said last time, the post shave feel is different. It feels like the moisturizing properties actually get into the skin instead of sitting on top. I give this aspect maybe the best marks of any soap I have tried.
Post Shave Feel was my main focus and bringing in known skin food ingredients that are active and are absorbed quickly right into the skins subdermal layer as well as offering weightless moisturizing, conditioning and many other beneficial properties. This comes directly from working with high quality skin care products throughout the years. Also in the shave soap there are 3 things in it that add to the post shave along with benefits I won't go into but the high percentage of both Sheep's and Camels milk when combined with the EOS Complex is what you are feeling my friend. An your description saying it's weird in the way it works is in line with what most of the people that have used the soap have said in one way or another. So I'm very happy you picked up on that.
Strength of Scent - I definitely wouldn't put the SoS on this in the category of Fine Santal Absolut. It's definitely not that strong. It's definitely pronounced at first application...but dries tones down significantly afterwards. I think if you have a similar EdP or EdT you could wear this. My skin chemistry seems to keep the scents of aftershaves and frags longer throughout the day longer than most though. Which brings me to my next point...THERE NEEDS TO BE AN EDT or EDP of this scent! Frank...I am looking at you!

Bingo! Another one! OK I get the message! You are probably the 10th person that has asked I make an EDP or at least a EDT with the scent.. and I do plan on it. I'm not sure if I'm going to put it out there but maybe take special orders because has you probably know the aroma notes in the DB Skin Food splash and soap are very expensive. Oud resin is more expensive than platinum per oz, Agarwood oil, Rose Absolute and Mysore East Indian Sandalwood are all not far behind. The Madagascar Vanilla Beans are costly as well as Tonka beans but the good news I make that sweet blend of oil myself so I'm not paying the outrageous prices of the essential oils of the same beans. So if I make either a EDT or EDP I have to price them out before putting them out there for sale already packaged and on my website. I have very few filters so I'm not afraid to divulge some info. In the Skin Food splash the aroma is at 6% in a EDT it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 13% and in an EDP I'd say at least at 22 to 26% so it would definitely get price up there but I have made up my mind to definitely make them but I'm thinking by custom order...It's an area I have not asked for feedback on but your thoughts on it would always be welcomed Don.
Aftershave effect - This does the job of an aftershave. A little sting but then soothing.
Moisturizing Effect - Here is where the aftershave is different than others. Upon application this Skin Food Splash immediately starts to absorb in. By the time I have applied...the face is hardly even damp. It almost absorbs immediately! But it leaves your skin feeling very refreshed and again..."smooth and even" feeling.
A funny one.. A shaving friend of mine who used it said if feels naked on the skin and weightless yet my skin feels moisturized and just normal like it should feel.. that whole normal thing was what got me! LOL
Throughout the day - The aftershave is really a compliment to the soap in a big way. It just adds to overall experience.
So I am definitely a soap and aftershave guy. I like them...and often I like them to match. I would definitely buy this soap and aftershave together because I think they both compliment each other. That being said...I think the soap really stands on it's own and I can understand if one just purchases the soap alone. The Soap is that good! Seriously though need to make an EdT for this's amazing!
Thank You in a big way for letting me try this. I really appreciate it. I will get this packaged up today and then in the mail likely tomorrow and off to
@The Monkey !
@Dragonsbeard I'll send you the tracking number as soon as I get one! Thanks again!