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Dragonsbeard Soap and Skin Food Splash Pass Around

Today was my first experience with the Dragonsbeard soap and splash.

I’m awful at describing scents. The best I can do there is say that this would probably fall in the “cologne-type” category. It definitely falls on stronger side as far as scent strength, which I prefer. Once lathered it did change a little bit, but not drastically. I guess one of the main scent profiles took center stage at that point. Overall I did like it though.

The performance of this soap is phenomenal! I thought I had read earlier that we were asked to scoop out a sample and not load directly from the tub. I scooped out a small sample and used my scuttle today lather, and I was able to whip up an excellent lather in under 30 seconds. This never happens! I hate bowl lathering/loading with samples because I can never seem to get a decent load to create the lather. Not a problem here so I was immediately impressed with that. Once applied to my face, I did not experience any tingling or anything that would cause concern regarding a reaction. had enough lather for 3 passes (WTG/XTG/ATG) with plenty to spare. The slickness of the soap was something that I noticed right away. And the residual slickness for me was great as well. I’d put the performance and ease of lathering up there with the best of them!

As far as post shave, I’m probably not the best judge because I usually don’t pay that close attention to it haha. I also applied the AS very sparingly as there isn’t much left in the bottle. But again I was impressed! The scent on the aftershave is more vanilla forward, as I believe was mentioned by some already, but still to me very pleasant. Again, in the cologne-type category. After about 10 minutes while I continued to get ready for work, I noticed that my face felt softer and didn’t have the usual tightness that I usually get in the first 20-30 minutes after shaving. Not sure if was the splash, the soap, or the small amount of splash used as opposed to my normal glug...and sometimes double glug!

Overall I’d say Dragonsbeard is a top tier soap and splash just based on one use! But...I’ll put to the test again in the morning and see if I can duplicate the results. For now my opinion of this soap and splash is very high!
Totally forgot...I took a pic! I ended up swapping out razors though 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Thank you sir for the detailed review and I think you did a excellent job of describing your experience with the two products. As the last person on this list just keep both soap and splash. Yes next time as Dave said give it a good healthy splash of the skin food.
Thank you sir for the detailed review and I think you did a excellent job of describing your experience with the two products. As the last person on this list just keep both soap and splash. Yes next time as Dave said give it a good healthy splash of the skin food.
Thank you sir! I guess I just didnt think my description was as elegant as some others lol. You definitely have a customer here!
I hate bowl lathering/loading with samples because I can never seem to get a decent load to create the lather.
The problem, most of the time, is that people just don't scoop out enough product, when working off samples. Going into this test, I knew I was going to have a few shaves, so I just pulled out a very generous sample and smooshed into my bowl, so it was enough to last a full week of shaves. There were no issues with not loading enough.
The problem, most of the time, is that people just don't scoop out enough product, when working off samples. Going into this test, I knew I was going to have a few shaves, so I just pulled out a very generous sample and smooshed into my bowl, so it was enough to last a full week of shaves. There were no issues with not loading enough.
The problem, most of the time, is that people just don't scoop out enough product, when working off samples. Going into this test, I knew I was going to have a few shaves, so I just pulled out a very generous sample and smooshed into my bowl, so it was enough to last a full week of shaves. There were no issues with not loading enough.

That’s the key my friend.. I’ve been guilty of taking a tiny bit out and it’s not a good thing to do as it sometimes doesn’t give a good representation of the products ultimate performance.
Frank @Dragonsbeard also very generously allowed me to hang onto the remaining soap and AS, so once I'm done with another soap pass around and a couple of samples that were sent to me recently I'm going to be 3017ing the Dragonsbeard. I've been very impressed so far, and am looking forward to seeing the longer term affects of both on my skin. Thanks Frank!
Frank @Dragonsbeard also very generously allowed me to hang onto the remaining soap and AS, so once I'm done with another soap pass around and a couple of samples that were sent to me recently I'm going to be 3017ing the Dragonsbeard. I've been very impressed so far, and am looking forward to seeing the longer term affects of both on my skin. Thanks Frank!

My pleasure and I hope you enjoy them.
Frank @Dragonsbeard also very generously allowed me to hang onto the remaining soap and AS, so once I'm done with another soap pass around and a couple of samples that were sent to me recently I'm going to be 3017ing the Dragonsbeard. I've been very impressed so far, and am looking forward to seeing the longer term affects of both on my skin. Thanks Frank!