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Dragonsbeard Soap and Skin Food Splash Pass Around

FIFY and great review so far Don (y)
I don't mind doing videos...but it's really time consuming for me. I know I could just record and post...but that's not how I want to represent. So there is a little editing and adding some music and then publishing and uploading. I probably need to look at my settings...but man does it take a while to upload to the Tube of You.
This is what I get for spending most of my forum time sequestered in the journal section lol. Is it too late to add my name to the list? I'd love to give both of these products a try.

Hi @ShawnF
I’m very sorry I missed your post and just saw and read it. If your skin gets dry in different climates I’m wondering if you have some toxins that have built up in your skin. When you get the shave soap and Skin Food splash try putting a double layer of the Skin Food splash on. Also if you have any toxins the Camels milk and the EOS Complex in the Shave soap should clear that up with a couple of uses.
Also if you want please send me your shipping address as I’m working on another post shave product for people with dry to very dry skin and I need some people willing to test the products.
Thank you sir and great shaves!
Oh wow it sounds like you are a perfect candidate for testing a couple of products I’m working on.
The reason a lot of commercial hand and skin creams/moisturizers don’t work and just lay on top of the skin is their using ingredients that are not active and only topical.. usually have huge molecules that would never do anything really beneficial for your skin other than to put a coating on it that the first time you wash your hands it just comes off. You might try this. Order a small molecule natural oil like Argan, Hemp, Abyssinian or Kukui Nut oil and get a pair of 100> cotton gloves. similar to a heavy weight T Shrit material and rub a good amount of the oil into your hands before going to bed and you’ll wake up with them feeling a lot better.
PM me your address and I’ll have some things ready for you to test in a couple of weeks or right after the holidays.
Thanks for the detailed explanation it helps me to better understand the issues your having and how better to address them.

Great shaves!

@Dragonsbeard, I have somewhat similar problems as Shawn F. I have very dry skin and it's hard to find a product that hits the balance between being greasy and being ineffective. That is one of the reasons that I value post shave feel in a soap. Most post shave products by themselves do very little, and I'm always layering and looking for something that will be work. If you happen to have any left over when you send some to Shawn I'd be grateful to be added to the list of guinea pigs.
It’s an real Oud forward scent but it is more complex than that with the addition of the other added ingredients. I’ve heard all kinds of descriptions bases on reviews and another pass around. So best to try it yourself and decide if it’s for you as it’s what I’d call a somewhat but not extremely complex scent. I liked what member who tried it in pass around said about it when he said it smells like Dragonsbeard scent and like nothing else I’ve tried. That actually made me feel good as it was a labor of love putting it together especially having to make my own pure Vanilla fragrance oil. Which will be on one of my neck releases. Pure Vanilla and nothing else for real Vanilla lovers like myself.
Great Shaves!
This is what I get for spending most of my forum time sequestered in the journal section lol. Is it too late to add my name to the list? I'd love to give both of these products a try.

@Dragonsbeard, I have somewhat similar problems as Shawn F. I have very dry skin and it's hard to find a product that hits the balance between being greasy and being ineffective. That is one of the reasons that I value post shave feel in a soap. Most post shave products by themselves do very little, and I'm always layering and looking for something that will be work. If you happen to have any left over when you send some to Shawn I'd be grateful to be added to the list of guinea pigs.

Absolutely just pm me your address after the holidays as looking at my schedule I won't get to it until then but I'd gladly add you to the list of testers for post shave products.

:) (y)
I received a strange box yesterday in the mail and permeating from it was a strange warm glow and an intoxicating aroma! I was magically drawn to what was inside! Okay, maybe it didn't go quite like that. I actually opened it up last night but didn't actually jump into it until this morning.

By the way...if you all are wondering what I am talking about...I received the package that Mr. @Dragonsbeard graciously sent us!

First things first. If you are unfamiliar with Frank (if that is really his name 🤪 ) he introduced himself in this post:

Okay, now that is out of the way. So I have not shaved with this...yet. That will be tomorrow. I have a little breakout (all the crappy food I am eating right now) and I want the skin to calm down a little. So tomorrow it is. It will be my pre-victory shave in celebration of Joe Burrow winning the Heisman Trophy tomorrow night!

So upon opening and inspection I have to say that this soap and aftershave are presented very nicely. Is this all that important? Not as much as I make of it. But I have to say I love it when a vendor or artisan takes just that extra step to package things in a very appealing way! Check out some of the pics:

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So what is the first thing we all do when we get a new aftershave or soap? We smell it. I took a whiff of the soap first, and I have to say that most of what I smelled was the soap base itself. But there was something sweet and masculine in there. I took another whiff and it started to become a little clearer. But I decided to sniff the aftershave and the scent became a bit more pronounced. is my feeble attempt to explain what I am sniffing.

This is a darker scent that is warm and sensual. Not overly masculine...but definitely manly. Normally I would spit out sandalwood here...but I am not really sure that is the case. I am guessing Oud. It also has maybe a touch...but just a touch...of woodiness. And like I said...something sweet...but not too sweet. I would put this in the realm of a warmer scent. I would love to compare this with something...but I am drawing a blank. If I have to guess straight up notes is my attempt: Oud and Vanilla forward with Oak Moss and MAYBE green tobacco somewhere in the middle and a touch of amber to bring them all together. I have no idea if this is right or not...but that's what I am going with. Interested to see what the others come up with and interested to see what exactly the notes here are.

Okay so to finish this portion of the review...the container is not as wide as some other soaps like CBL, Stirling and others, but it is deeper. I believe these are similar size to what Sudsy Soapery uses. Approximate weight of the soap within is a Whopping 6.5 Oz! That's a lot! Aftershave is a similar bottle to what Chatillon Lux usesand is a nice heavy duty glass. It contains 2 Oz of the good juice.

The aftershave does not seem to contain any alcohol so that might be good for many. According to the ingredients there is no tallow in the soap...but there is duck fat as well as a lot of good oils and fats. The soap doesn't seem to be overly soft but is really firm to the touch.

Okay...that's about what I have for the day. I'll get a shave in tomorrow and yes @Dave in KY and @NurseDave I will try my best to get a video of this. More pics below and a shave and review of it tomorrow!

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Hello my friend! I'm glad everything got to you safe and sound. Without going into to much detail. The Aftershave Skin food splash does contain Alcohol SD 40 on label ( SD stands for Special Denatured ) Also on the scent I think I posted it in another post but here's exactly what's in it. Oud Resin, Agarwood oil, Amber, Rose Absolute, East Indian Sandalwood oil and Madagascar Vanilla bean oil I made myself. Agarwood oil makes up the bulk of the scent with a drop of the Oud resin in it as it's extremely powerful and terribly expensive as well LOL then there is a decent dose of Amber, then Sandalwood, Rose Absolue and then the Vanilla. Some have said they smell a chocolute note in it but I swear I didn't put any Hershey's kisses in it! :LOL:

Hope you enjoy the duo!

Absolutely just pm me your address after the holidays as looking at my schedule I won't get to it until then but I'd gladly add you to the list of testers for post shave products.

:) (y)
I will, thanks!

Madagascar Vanilla bean oil I made myself

Hello my friend! I'm glad everything got to you safe and sound. Without going into to much detail. The Aftershave Skin food splash does contain Alcohol SD 40 on label ( SD stands for Special Denatured ) Also on the scent I think I posted it in another post but here's exactly what's in it. Oud Resin, Agarwood oil, Amber, Rose Absolute, East Indian Sandalwood oil and Madagascar Vanilla bean oil I made myself. Agarwood oil makes up the bulk of the scent with a drop of the Oud resin in it as it's extremely powerful and terribly expensive as well LOL then there is a decent dose of Amber, then Sandalwood, Rose Absolue and then the Vanilla. Some have said they smell a chocolute note in it but I swear I didn't put any Hershey's kisses in it! :LOL:

Hope you enjoy the duo!

Thanks for the clarification! Yeah..I guess I missed the SD 40. And it looks like I was pretty on the spot with the scents I detected...your description is better though! 🤪 🤪 I'll get a good review of the stuff likely tomorrow!
Copy and paste from here down
1. dangerousdon
2. ShawnF
3. NurseDave (maybe?)
4. Smattayu
5. Jaro1069
Maybe I’m wrong but wasn’t this the list?

2. The Monkey
3. dkeester
4 ED3054
5. ShawnF
6. Majorrich
7. Milkcrate
8. Techihci
9. Uacowboy
10.Bill in Oneida