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Dragonsbeard Soap and Skin Food Splash Pass Around

I'd ship it John until he gets the other set back, just keep the status quo

Just to be clear Dave who are you saying I should have the set sent to on the list who’s on the west coast because the gent that has it in the other pass around is out in Portland so it would work out for both parties.
Everything has been shipped out. Here are my overall thoughts:

The soap: it is a good soap overall. Loads well and whips up a good lather. I wouldn't put it in the elite category but it is good.

Splash: I want this! It disappears as soon as it hits the skin. Not greasy or tacky at all, just soft skin. Our house has forces air heat so my skin can get dry. This splash is just what the doctor ordered. I was tempted to "forget" to send it along but the little angel on my shoulder wouldn't let me.

The scent: I'm hooked. I really dont know why though. It isn't a scent that I sniff and think "Wow". But it grows on you. It sort of digs into your brain. It also lingers. About half way through the day I caught a whiff of it and enjoyed the sensation.

Frank, thanks for the chance to try something new.
Just to be clear Dave who are you saying I should have the set sent to on the list who’s on the west coast because the gent that has it in the other pass around is out in Portland so it would work out for both parties.
I didn't know how soon your other set was ready and it appears John has it sent to Doug @dkeester already. I reposted the list with area they are for your benefit to decide whatever you see as best. Your call how you want to proceed. Looks like your other set if ready should go to @ED3054 to get 1 back on the east coast and let Doug's be the West Coast. Here's the list as I see it at present:

3. dkeester - west (Shipped to and awaiting shipment now from @The Monkey )
4 ED3054 - east
5. Majorrich - east
6. Milkcrate - west
7. Techihci -west
8. Uacowboy -west
9.Bill in Oneida - east
10. Jaro106 - east
I didn't know how soon your other set was ready and it appears John has it sent to Doug @dkeester already. I reposted the list with area they are for your benefit to decide whatever you see as best. Your call how you want to proceed. Looks like your other set if ready should go to @ED3054 to get 1 back on the east coast and let Doug's be the West Coast. Here's the list as I see it at present:

3. dkeester - west (Shipped to and awaiting shipment now from @The Monkey )
4 ED3054 - east
5. Majorrich - east
6. Milkcrate - west
7. Techihci -west
8. Uacowboy -west
9.Bill in Oneida - east
10. Jaro106 - east

Wow! It's like me and @The Monkey never had a turn! Can I get on this list! 🤪

Some really good thoughts John! And I am with you...the aftershave is a must have for me! Love the scent!
After reading John's comments on the splash, I'd really like to try it. I'm in the middle of the US, so put me wherever makes sense.......

3. dkeester - west (Shipped to and awaiting shipment now from @The Monkey )
4 ED3054 - east
5. Majorrich - east
6. Milkcrate - west
7. Techihci -west
8. Uacowboy -west
9.Bill in Oneida - east
10. Jaro106 - east
11. Spider - central?
Everything has been shipped out. Here are my
The soap: it is a good soap overall. Loads well and whips up a good lather. I wouldn't put it in the elite category but it is good.

Splash: I want this! It disappears as soon as it hits the skin. Not greasy or tacky at all, just soft skin. Our house has forces air heat so my skin can get dry. This splash is just what the doctor ordered. I was tempted to "forget" to send it along but the little angel on my shoulder wouldn't let me.

The scent: I'm hooked. I really dont know why though. It isn't a scent that I sniff and think "Wow". But it grows on you. It sort of digs into your brain. It also lingers. About half way through the day I caught a whiff of it and enjoyed the sensation.

Frank, thanks for the chance to try something new.

Thanks John for the review and I'm glad you liked the Skin Food splash the real benefits happen the more you use it and as far as the scent it's like I mentioned in another post. Most folks haven''t put there nose on real Oud resin or Agarwood because of the cost of it. I've smelled a lot of synthetic variations of it and unfortunately in regards to my wallet I like the real thing. LOL

As far as the " Elite statement " I can't help but to ask out of my own curiosity what to you determines " Elite " since you are only one of maybe 3 people that have used the shave soap who didn't think it was top tier and I totally get that means different things to different people. I have in my own fairly extensive collection of pretty much every well known soap company and all the so called top tier soaps from both the US and European soap makers. In many cases I have more than one of soaps that are generally referred to as top tier or elite soaps and those words mean many different things to me. Some examples of what I mean are. I have a coupe jars/scents of very expensive Soaps by a well known manufacture that I really love as far as the scent goes, slickness, ease of building lather, and all the other qualifications of what I'd call a top tier soap BUT there is one thing about it and that is it dries my skin out if I use it for lets say 2 or 3 times in a week. Not a big problem as have some good moisturizers that take care of that issue and I like the soap and scents so much I'm Ok with that! So is it top tier? Another very well reviewed US soap does the exact opposite for me. It's plenty slick, has a nice dense lather which I like, scents are hit or miss for me but the thing that really takes it right out of my top tier soaps is it leaves my face feeling very oily post shave wise and especially if I do a night shave before bedtime because my face is an oily mess the next morning. So again is it top tier? Not for me it isn't and for that reason alone. Another one is consistency, This is very important to me. Sending out soaps and other products that the buyer can count on each and every time they purchase a product from ETHOS is very high on my priority list. I've gotten 3 soaps all from so called top tier brands and the soaps came to me almost as soft as dish soap. Again that would effect my opinion on whether or not a soap is top tier. I understand others may not feel that way. BTW one of those 3 soap brands is also the one that leaves the most oily coating on my face of any soap I've every used. So for me it's not top tier. I have soaps that maybe lack a little in slickness for example but man I love the scent so much and I have no problem getting a great shave out of them because I also value what I call " The entire Shave Experience " of course that would also include the razor, blade, brush and aftershave etc. I've done a lot of side by sides with the DB soap with other top well known soaps for testing purposes and the one thing I've noticed is it could use a little more slickness which I pretty much had little control of because of it being a collaboration with Oleo and we used her base then we added my EOS Complex, a high dose of Sheep and Camel milk and a little more Jojoba oil to her formula. The thing that doesn't do the soap justice in a pass around is that in order to really feel all the benefits of all skin food ingredients in the soap it needs to be used for at least 3 or 4 times in a row as the ingredients that are in the soap that were added do a whole lot in regards to balancing out the skin along with adding moisturizing agents, vitamins, antioxidants, etc etc etc in an active way not just in a topical way. I could go on and on about those many benefits but I'll leave that info for website once it's up for those that care to read about them. So was it slickness that kept it out of the " Elite category " for you or another reason. All the feedback I can get is very much appreciated as I intend to have different formulas for different skin types down line in both Shave soaps and post shave products etc as I don't believe any one product can cover all bases for all peoples skin & beard hair types.

Thanks again John for giving my first release a try. :)(y)

Thanks John for the review and I'm glad you liked the Skin Food splash the real benefits happen the more you use it and as far as the scent it's like I mentioned in another post. Most folks haven''t put there nose on real Oud resin or Agarwood because of the cost of it. I've smelled a lot of synthetic variations of it and unfortunately in regards to my wallet I like the real thing. LOL

As far as the " Elite statement " I can't help but to ask out of my own curiosity what to you determines " Elite " since you are only one of maybe 3 people that have used the shave soap who didn't think it was top tier and I totally get that means different things to different people. I have in my own fairly extensive collection of pretty much every well known soap company and all the so called top tier soaps from both the US and European soap makers. In many cases I have more than one of soaps that are generally referred to as top tier or elite soaps and those words mean many different things to me. Some examples of what I mean are. I have a coupe jars/scents of very expensive Soaps by a well known manufacture that I really love as far as the scent goes, slickness, ease of building lather, and all the other qualifications of what I'd call a top tier soap BUT there is one thing about it and that is it dries my skin out if I use it for lets say 2 or 3 times in a week. Not a big problem as have some good moisturizers that take care of that issue and I like the soap and scents so much I'm Ok with that! So is it top tier? Another very well reviewed US soap does the exact opposite for me. It's plenty slick, has a nice dense lather which I like, scents are hit or miss for me but the thing that really takes it right out of my top tier soaps is it leaves my face feeling very oily post shave wise and especially if I do a night shave before bedtime because my face is an oily mess the next morning. So again is it top tier? Not for me it isn't and for that reason alone. Another one is consistency, This is very important to me. Sending out soaps and other products that the buyer can count on each and every time they purchase a product from ETHOS is very high on my priority list. I've gotten 3 soaps all from so called top tier brands and the soaps came to me almost as soft as dish soap. Again that would effect my opinion on whether or not a soap is top tier. I understand others may not feel that way. BTW one of those 3 soap brands is also the one that leaves the most oily coating on my face of any soap I've every used. So for me it's not top tier. I have soaps that maybe lack a little in slickness for example but man I love the scent so much and I have no problem getting a great shave out of them because I also value what I call " The entire Shave Experience " of course that would also include the razor, blade, brush and aftershave etc. I've done a lot of side by sides with the DB soap with other top well known soaps for testing purposes and the one thing I've noticed is it could use a little more slickness which I pretty much had little control of because of it being a collaboration with Oleo and we used her base then we added my EOS Complex, a high dose of Sheep and Camel milk and a little more Jojoba oil to her formula. The thing that doesn't do the soap justice in a pass around is that in order to really feel all the benefits of all skin food ingredients in the soap it needs to be used for at least 3 or 4 times in a row as the ingredients that are in the soap that were added do a whole lot in regards to balancing out the skin along with adding moisturizing agents, vitamins, antioxidants, etc etc etc in an active way not just in a topical way. I could go on and on about those many benefits but I'll leave that info for website once it's up for those that care to read about them. So was it slickness that kept it out of the " Elite category " for you or another reason. All the feedback I can get is very much appreciated as I intend to have different formulas for different skin types down line in both Shave soaps and post shave products etc as I don't believe any one product can cover all bases for all peoples skin & beard hair types.

Thanks again John for giving my first release a try. :)(y)
Frank, I by no means meant anything negative about the soap. It loaded and lathered well, as you said , consistent.

As far as not elite, the first thing that threw me off was the consistency. For me the idea fact that your soap was what I called chunky, threw me off. Secondly the scent was very faint and lastly I didn't get much in the way of post feel. I only used the soap for 3 shaves so it may not be a fair review, I was just sharing my impressions.
Frank, I by no means meant anything negative about the soap. It loaded and lathered well, as you said , consistent.

As far as not elite, the first thing that threw me off was the consistency. For me the idea fact that your soap was what I called chunky, threw me off. Secondly the scent was very faint and lastly I didn't get much in the way of post feel. I only used the soap for 3 shaves so it may not be a fair review, I was just sharing my impressions.

Hi John

I’m no way did I take it as a negative but more of a why was it not elite for you.. like I mentioned there are many soaps that would be considered elite except for one thing or the other for myself even though they might be the very best for someone else.

I do know what you mean about the kind of rustic look of the soap. The soap was poured at a hot temp from what I gathered so it’s not smooth on the top. The next version when I make it myself will be smooth. Also will be adding grass fed tallow along with the Duck fat and a few other goodies.
Post feel is such a different thing to different people and like I mentioned where I have a problem with one particular brand leaving an oily coating on my face that gets worse with time other I know like that feeling. I guess my objective as far as post shave goes was to not use oils as what you feel on your skin but actually improve the skin with very active ingredients that don’t jump out at you when first using it just a couple of times but more so over time. I’ve had more than a few people that own the soap say I used it for 2 weeks and my face just feels not only very clean but smooth without being oily and almost like there’s nothing on it. Just smooth. I have plans for a soap that will cater to those with very dry skin that can benefit from a combo of butters and oils as well as the active ingredients in the EOS Complex.
Sorry for the long rants I’m just very passionate about this hobby and I want to put the very best product out there that I can so all the feedback is good feedback!! in fact when the beta version of the soap and Skin Food splash is released I’d like to to try it and compare it to this version.
Once again thank you John and have a Happy New Years!!
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Hi John

I’m no way did I take it as a negative but more of a why was it not elite for you.. like I mentioned there are many soaps that would be considered elite except for one thing or the other for myself even though they might be the very best for someone else.

I do know what you mean about the kind of rustic look of the soap. The soap was poured at a hot temp from what I gathered so it’s not smooth on the top. The next version when I make it myself will be smooth. Also will be adding grass fed tallow along with the Duck fat and a few other goodies.
Post feel is such a different thing to different people and like I mentioned where I have a problem with one particular brand leaving an oily coating on my face that gets worse with time other I know like that feeling. I guess my objective as far as post shave goes was to not use oils as what you feel on your skin but actually improve the skin with very active ingredients that don’t jump out at you when first using it just a couple of times but more so over time. I’ve had more than a few people that own the soap say I used it for 2 weeks and my face just feels not only very clean but smooth without being oily and almost like there’s nothing on it. Just smooth. I have plans for a soap that will cater to those with very dry skin that can benefit from a combo of butters and oils as well as the active ingredients in the EOS Complex.
Sorry for the long rants I’m just very passionate about this hobby and I want to put the very best product out there that I can so all the feedback is good feedback!! in fact when the beta version of the soap and Skin Food splash is released I’d like to to try it and compare it to this version.
Once again thank you John and have a Happy New Years!!
Frank, take my comments with a grain of salt. I'm just a street rat and wouldn't know elite if it bit me in the .....rump.
Here is my review, reposted from my journal entry for today:

The Dragonsbeard soap and AS splash are both definitely high quality products. First off, the packaging is really good down to the packing materials in the shipping box. The labels on the tub and bottle are both professional and attractive. The product definitely has a high quality look to it. The first thing that any of us does when getting a new piece of software is to open the tub and stick our noses into it. I did just that after it had come back to room temperature. The scent is really good. It is woody and masculine. It is also quite strong. It doesn't necessarily slap you in the face, but it is a potent scent. Due to altitude differences, the bottle of AS was under a bit of pressure when it got to me. I opened it in my bathroom to give it a smell right before bed last night. The pressure release caused a couple of drops to escape the bottle, landing on my countertop. I wiped them off and went to bed. This morning when I entered the bathroom the first thing that I noticed was the scent of Dragonsbeard in the air. Like I said, the scent is strong. It also, apparently lasts quite a long time. After my shower I got to the shave. As I said above, I went for the third pass to give the soap a proper test. I scooped a bit into my Fine Lather Bowl, spread it out on the bottom of the bowl, and proceeded to whip up a lather. I see why @The Monkey called it "chunky" since the unlathered soap does have a bit of a guacamole-like texture. The soap did take a bit more water than I am used to, but it was not excessive. The lather was creamy and thick enough to cover my face well. During the shave it provided really good cushion and slickness. I did not have a problem running a razor through the lather. The residual slickness, however, reminded me of Williams or CBL Tonsorial in that there really wasn't any. After removing the lather with the razor, rather than feeling residual slickness I was left with a clean and slightly dry but conditioned feeling on my face, so repeat strokes with the blade were kept to a minimum. I am left wondering how much superfatting was done with the soap since there was very little residual slickness. After the shave my skin was left feeling conditioned and clean. The AS splash definitely contributed to that feeling. The skin food does absorb into the skin and did contribute to my skin feeling soft and smooth. Overall, this was a really good shave, but it was not all good. During the second pass I started to feel that slowly developing tingle and burn that indicates a reaction to a scent component. I am not certain which component it is, but after reacting to certain other products I believe it to be the vanilla oil. Due to this I will not be using this product a second time. If other scents become available in the future, I will definitely consider a purchase.
Here is my review, reposted from my journal entry for today:

The Dragonsbeard soap and AS splash are both definitely high quality products. First off, the packaging is really good down to the packing materials in the shipping box. The labels on the tub and bottle are both professional and attractive. The product definitely has a high quality look to it. The first thing that any of us does when getting a new piece of software is to open the tub and stick our noses into it. I did just that after it had come back to room temperature. The scent is really good. It is woody and masculine. It is also quite strong. It doesn't necessarily slap you in the face, but it is a potent scent. Due to altitude differences, the bottle of AS was under a bit of pressure when it got to me. I opened it in my bathroom to give it a smell right before bed last night. The pressure release caused a couple of drops to escape the bottle, landing on my countertop. I wiped them off and went to bed. This morning when I entered the bathroom the first thing that I noticed was the scent of Dragonsbeard in the air. Like I said, the scent is strong. It also, apparently lasts quite a long time. After my shower I got to the shave. As I said above, I went for the third pass to give the soap a proper test. I scooped a bit into my Fine Lather Bowl, spread it out on the bottom of the bowl, and proceeded to whip up a lather. I see why @The Monkey called it "chunky" since the unlathered soap does have a bit of a guacamole-like texture. The soap did take a bit more water than I am used to, but it was not excessive. The lather was creamy and thick enough to cover my face well. During the shave it provided really good cushion and slickness. I did not have a problem running a razor through the lather. The residual slickness, however, reminded me of Williams or CBL Tonsorial in that there really wasn't any. After removing the lather with the razor, rather than feeling residual slickness I was left with a clean and slightly dry but conditioned feeling on my face, so repeat strokes with the blade were kept to a minimum. I am left wondering how much superfatting was done with the soap since there was very little residual slickness. After the shave my skin was left feeling conditioned and clean. The AS splash definitely contributed to that feeling. The skin food does absorb into the skin and did contribute to my skin feeling soft and smooth. Overall, this was a really good shave, but it was not all good. During the second pass I started to feel that slowly developing tingle and burn that indicates a reaction to a scent component. I am not certain which component it is, but after reacting to certain other products I believe it to be the vanilla oil. Due to this I will not be using this product a second time. If other scents become available in the future, I will definitely consider a purchase.

Hello Doug

Thank you for the detailed review and I'd like to just address one thing. You said you had a slight tingle and burn. I'm sure you haven't read any of the reviews of the soap on another forum where I addressed that subject and just to be clear I'm not saying that you may have not had a reaction to the scent or an ingredient in the scent BUT having a tingling feeling or slight burn is very normal using this soap for the first couple of times and I'll give you a brief explanation of why. The Camels milk in the formula along with some other ingredients in the EOS Complex which is also found in the Skin Food splash have both exfoliating and freeing clogged pore properties to them along with some detoxifying ingredients as well. Also the PH of the skin when first using the products might be off and both soap and skin food splash will balance out the skin fairly quickly with a couple of uses. I stated when the product was launched that if a person has any of these issues that they would feel such as a tingle, a slight sting or burning sensation which means aside from actually having an allergic reaction to the scent or other ingredients in a formula that these ingredients are doing their job and clearing up clogged pores and also balancing the skin. Anyone who has had these sensations so far out of any of reviewers has found the sensation goes away after the ingredients have done their job. I for one also had that happen because of some other products I was using that had a good dose of natural oils and butters that are high on the Comedogenic scale which is a scale that goes from 0 to 5. With 0 being the oils & butters that do not clog pores at all while oils and butters that a number 5 on the scale are highly likely to clog pores. Obviously there are those that are marked 1,2, 3 and 4 on the scale. Many of us don't know about this which is completely understandable and so when using a product that helps to eliminate clog pores and other skin issues you may get the sensations I just noted and it may have been why you did feel them. Doug It's totally up to you if you'd like to see if the sensations you experienced goes away with a couple more uses or not. I just wanted to make you aware of this as it has come up before all with good results.

Thank you sir
