The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.


Mail call from LNHC day for most of us! Guys and gals thanks for supporting our vendors on this site. I can’t explain how I felt when she told me she was going to sell the scent she developed from my idea. My goal really was to buy a custom scented soap. Doc Holiday turned into a sold out item in just a few days or less. Wow I’m glad I got mine ordered. I also grabbed the smoked black tea.

Tonight I figured I would take myself for a walk and allow “Kate” (Asylum RX for the newbies) to go with. The TSC legacy Sorrentino fan tuxedo whipping the bubbles. This shave almost made its own 7-sins list!


Oh and MW and LNHC bath bars are spectacular! I have a bit of dry rashy patches on several areas of my skin and since using the MW bar it hasn’t been as itchy but the last 2-3 days it has not been itchy at all and seems to at least not be flaring up as much. Maybe it’s just getting rid of chemical laden soaps idk but I doubt I’m swapping back anytime soon.

Have a Fantastic day tomorrow my friends. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you, thanks for reading.
Yes, yes and MORE YES! Great stuff TJ! Looking forward to my order coming in to check out the new formula!
Good shave TJ and nice tip on the bath bars as I have a similar issue. Got LNHC shampoo bars to try with my order. May try her bath bars too next order.
As far as the shampoo and bath bars go and the are likely right! My wife and I (well me more than the wife) have been trying to move to more natural ways at least in some things. And I am a firm believer that a lot of the "synthetic" ingredients in everything is not helping any of us out.

Great shave! I have to wait toward the end of the week (maybe next week) to use my new LNHC soaps...I am in the middle of reviewing one of my soaps. But I am anxious to try!
Yeh, I found that out the hard way. Oh well, I did get to order the "Smoked Black Tea"; it should be in my mailbox this afternoon.

Man that stinks you didn't get a chance at a puck of this. Hopefully Lisa will make more and you can grab a puck of the next batch. As soon as i get an empty container i can send you a sample if you would like.

forgot to post the BBS goodness from last night!

This scent for me was very reminiscent of the CFG Easy St soap but way better performance and quite a bit less bright. Very well done soap it’s a keeper for sure. Now we just need some CBL Russian Tea TSC soap and I can be set for real!

Thanks for reading folks.
Got the Doc and Haute Leather cause I couldn't decide between leather and Tea. Got the Tea sample and prefer it. Nice pic and YES to CBL Russian Tea TSC soap !!!!!!!

Soon coming up on 1 yr since my Granddaddy died and am feeling quite nostalgic. L&L After the rain, Sorrentino Cashmere Padauk, and Friodur 472

DFS and some but not quite BBS. This razor is a fantastic shaver and if you find one for a reasonable $ amount I say jump on it. This one is at least 6/8 and it’s a big blade for me so I have to be super super careful not to cut myself.

Thanks for reading the last couple short posts folks I am struggling a bit with the soon September 1 anniversary of my granddaddy and my step-grandma both passed away Sept 1 2017. My birthday is 8/31 so it is a somber year as he won’t be sitting in the lay-z-boy at my house celebrating with us this year.

Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks, have a fantastic day tomorrow.
Peace to you and your house as you remember the lives of your grandparents this year.
I remember you going through all that last year. L&L for a reason. Sorry for the heavy heart brother. We are here for you and warm thoughs for your family.
Prayers going out to you and your family for some serenity's never an easy thing, so hang in there and we'll be here if you need to get some luggage off your chest.
Lost both my granddads when I was very young. Sorry about the heavy heart at this time, but hope you can reflect on some positive happy memories that will bring a smile to your face.
I am very sorry for the weight that you feel right now TJ. It's okay to feel a little down, but don't let it get the better of you. Celebrate your Grand-Dad's life! Remember the not just good times, but all the absolutely great times! We will be here with smiles and laughs to help you through. Saying a prayer for you and your family!
I feel for you, TJ. Grandparents are awesome, especially if one has been blessed to have them around into one's adulthood. I'm the oldest child of my family (two younger sisters), and the oldest grandchild of my paternal and maternal grandparents. I was 29 years old when my paternal grandfather passed. It was tough, but what GREAT memories and life lessons/experiences that I am grateful for. Don really said it best....

.....Celebrate your Grand-Dad's life! Remember the not just good times, but all the absolutely great times!....