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Corona Virus

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My back yard isn't safe. There are trees that might fall down, there are ticks (alot of them) with several diseases, we have a pool that I could drown in and this list goes on. I went to town, that wasn't safe. There are several drivers in heavy vehicles going at rapid speeds, there are cyclists and animals who are often close to the road. Even my house isn't safe as any insurance man will tell you. The issue isn't being safe the issue is about risk assessment. There are 4 positive cases in our county. Only 77 deaths in the whole state and a huge majority of these are from nursing homes.
I applaude our Governor for assessing the risks and slowly ope back up. If we wait until we are totally safe then we will never go out.
Of course none of this has a single thing to do with a killer virus. And while you chose to accept these risks, know that you're doing so for others too, and are putting us at risk. Good luck. Stay away, please.
Just because things are bad in some places doesn't mean it is bad everywhere. One size doesn't fit all.

I agree completely, which is why I would have liked to see a more centralized approach that included massive testing, tracking the test results and applying different approaches to different areas that reflected those test results. That's what would have made sense. Sadly that has not happened. It could have, but didn't.
This is how natural selection works. These types of get togethers are either a good idea, or they aren't. The virus will sort that for us.
This is how natural selection works. These types of get togethers are either a good idea, or they aren't. The virus will sort that for us.
Dude, I’ve explained this before. Natural selection doesn’t work with a communicable disease. Unless you’re selecting out a species. Which...
The people who are being arrested for participating in outdoor activities and are maintaining safe distances from everyone really kills me. I are telling me that a guy who kayaks in the ocean by himself is doing the world harm? But staying inside all day long breathing in recycled air is completely healthy. Or how about the couple (who lives in the same household) wants to take a hike a park...get outside...fresh air...exercise...all of which are things pretty much all health professionals are saying we should be doing...yeah...these are evil actions. At what point does it fall on the individual to assess his or her own risk?

Anything indoors I agree should be monitored or restricted in whatever way...occupancy...masks...etc (more on that in a minute). But as long as there are no congregations of people...who is it really hurting if you want to participate in an outdoor activity. It is proven that the virus will live longer in a controlled environment (inside), but there is significantly less risk in outdoor activities. Not to mention the ability produce Vitamin D in your skin from being outside in the sun...and the studies concerning Vitamin D deficiency and this CV19 are overwhelming! I know not everyone will agree with me...but at some point...common sense does need to take over. for my indoor rant goes. I really limit the trips to the store as much as possible...but with a pregnant wife...sometimes it's unavoidable. Anyway...certain stores are better than others. Costco REQUIRES you to where a mask. Trader Joe's doesn't require you to where a mask...but their sanitation efforts are noticeable if you go into one. Not to mention the sanitize their carts as they are turned in...they give you a squirt of hand sanitizer as you go in...and when you leave the store, they give you a sanitizing wipe. And probably about two-thirds of the patrons are wearing masks.

So other stores...and I won't mention exactly which ones...but you can probably guess. I see only about a quarter of the people wearing masks. We have a large segment of society here that believes that the government or businesses CAN'T make them where masks. In addition to the population in the age range of 18-35 year old people...almost none of them wear masks.

I think most forget (or never knew) that the masks are worn to protect others being infected from you. I am sure there is a little (and probably little) protection by wearing a mask for you...but it's mostly to protect others from you. But with so many people not wearing masks...what's really the point?

Okay..and some claim that it's not proven or they don't believe what they have been told or whatever their reason. But let me put this out there. If a mask does prevent the spread and may offer a little protection for you...wearing a mask saves lives. If for some reason it doesn't...then it is a minor inconvenience.

There are exceptions obviously...but what does it really hurt to wear a damn mask? my soap box for now.
But...there are vaccines for all sorts of Viral Infections such as:

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Japanese encephalitis

I am sure there are others too. Vaccines for things like Polio, measles, influenza were game changers at one time. There are some viruses that are resistant to us making vaccines...but that doesn't mean it can't be done.
Add the Polio vaccine. I got one as a kid way back
The people who are being arrested for participating in outdoor activities and are maintaining safe distances from everyone really kills me. I are telling me that a guy who kayaks in the ocean by himself is doing the world harm? But staying inside all day long breathing in recycled air is completely healthy. Or how about the couple (who lives in the same household) wants to take a hike a park...get outside...fresh air...exercise...all of which are things pretty much all health professionals are saying we should be doing...yeah...these are evil actions. At what point does it fall on the individual to assess his or her own risk?

Anything indoors I agree should be monitored or restricted in whatever way...occupancy...masks...etc (more on that in a minute). But as long as there are no congregations of people...who is it really hurting if you want to participate in an outdoor activity. It is proven that the virus will live longer in a controlled environment (inside), but there is significantly less risk in outdoor activities. Not to mention the ability produce Vitamin D in your skin from being outside in the sun...and the studies concerning Vitamin D deficiency and this CV19 are overwhelming! I know not everyone will agree with me...but at some point...common sense does need to take over. for my indoor rant goes. I really limit the trips to the store as much as possible...but with a pregnant wife...sometimes it's unavoidable. Anyway...certain stores are better than others. Costco REQUIRES you to where a mask. Trader Joe's doesn't require you to where a mask...but their sanitation efforts are noticeable if you go into one. Not to mention the sanitize their carts as they are turned in...they give you a squirt of hand sanitizer as you go in...and when you leave the store, they give you a sanitizing wipe. And probably about two-thirds of the patrons are wearing masks.

So other stores...and I won't mention exactly which ones...but you can probably guess. I see only about a quarter of the people wearing masks. We have a large segment of society here that believes that the government or businesses CAN'T make them where masks. In addition to the population in the age range of 18-35 year old people...almost none of them wear masks.

I think most forget (or never knew) that the masks are worn to protect others being infected from you. I am sure there is a little (and probably little) protection by wearing a mask for you...but it's mostly to protect others from you. But with so many people not wearing masks...what's really the point?

Okay..and some claim that it's not proven or they don't believe what they have been told or whatever their reason. But let me put this out there. If a mask does prevent the spread and may offer a little protection for you...wearing a mask saves lives. If for some reason it doesn't...then it is a minor inconvenience.

There are exceptions obviously...but what does it really hurt to wear a damn mask? my soap box for now.
My mom went to Wal-Mart yesterday and she said she was actually scared to be in that particular one because almost No One was wearing a mask Even the employees were not !! I try to do most of their shopping and even though it's a little farther away if I have to go to Wal-Mart there is only one that I will go to because its customers try to wear mask as do the employees and they sanatize often. I think the biggest problem with some people going to the park or beach or where ever is the mode of transportation by which they get there. An example is one of the people arrested in Hawaii that broke quarantine and went to the beach used public transportation where he was risking infecting others if he had it or becoming infected by others if he didn't and they did.
The people who are being arrested for participating in outdoor activities and are maintaining safe distances from everyone really kills me. I are telling me that a guy who kayaks in the ocean by himself is doing the world harm? But staying inside all day long breathing in recycled air is completely healthy. Or how about the couple (who lives in the same household) wants to take a hike a park...get outside...fresh air...exercise...all of which are things pretty much all health professionals are saying we should be doing...yeah...these are evil actions. At what point does it fall on the individual to assess his or her own risk?

Anything indoors I agree should be monitored or restricted in whatever way...occupancy...masks...etc (more on that in a minute). But as long as there are no congregations of people...who is it really hurting if you want to participate in an outdoor activity. It is proven that the virus will live longer in a controlled environment (inside), but there is significantly less risk in outdoor activities. Not to mention the ability produce Vitamin D in your skin from being outside in the sun...and the studies concerning Vitamin D deficiency and this CV19 are overwhelming! I know not everyone will agree with me...but at some point...common sense does need to take over. for my indoor rant goes. I really limit the trips to the store as much as possible...but with a pregnant wife...sometimes it's unavoidable. Anyway...certain stores are better than others. Costco REQUIRES you to where a mask. Trader Joe's doesn't require you to where a mask...but their sanitation efforts are noticeable if you go into one. Not to mention the sanitize their carts as they are turned in...they give you a squirt of hand sanitizer as you go in...and when you leave the store, they give you a sanitizing wipe. And probably about two-thirds of the patrons are wearing masks.

So other stores...and I won't mention exactly which ones...but you can probably guess. I see only about a quarter of the people wearing masks. We have a large segment of society here that believes that the government or businesses CAN'T make them where masks. In addition to the population in the age range of 18-35 year old people...almost none of them wear masks.

I think most forget (or never knew) that the masks are worn to protect others being infected from you. I am sure there is a little (and probably little) protection by wearing a mask for you...but it's mostly to protect others from you. But with so many people not wearing masks...what's really the point?

Okay..and some claim that it's not proven or they don't believe what they have been told or whatever their reason. But let me put this out there. If a mask does prevent the spread and may offer a little protection for you...wearing a mask saves lives. If for some reason it doesn't...then it is a minor inconvenience.

There are exceptions obviously...but what does it really hurt to wear a damn mask? my soap box for now.

I think the biggest problem with some people going to the park or beach or where ever is the mode of transportation by which they get there. An example is one of the people arrested in Hawaii that broke quarantine and went to the beach used public transportation where he was risking infecting others if he had it or becoming infected by others if he didn't and they did.

Again...if I am traveling to a park or whatnot with a person I live with...I fail to see the issue here. As far as public transportation goes...if Pub Trans is such a health shouldn't be operating. Okay, some people need Pub Trans to go to the store...see where I am going here? Or if people are not allowed to use Pub Trans to go to places like parks and beaches, then why are they stopping at those places? It's all a little silly. I understand if you are going to the beach to lay out in the sun...that can be problematic...but seriously...what's the problem with surfing or kayaking? And some point and time you have to let individuals decide what is an acceptable risk. My wife could go to the grocery store if she wanted to...but because she is pregnant she has decided that going to the grocery store is not an acceptable risk. However, we have a small baby boutique in the antique district about five minutes from our house. The store requires you to wear a mask and only five customers are allowed in the boutique at a time. She has been cooped up in the house for a while and there was something she wanted to buy. She decided that this was an acceptable risk. More and more stores and places of business are opening up...but I won't go there because I think the risk is too high. I would love to go back to my church as they are now opening. But even at limited capacity and them taking proper measures to limit exposure...the wife and I decided that it is still too early to attend. Others might think this risk is acceptable. But the choice needs to be ours at some point.
at some point and time you have to let individuals decide what is an acceptable risk.
This is fine, I guess, if the individual is accepting risk for himself. But that's not how this virus works. Moreover, this sort of thinking forces hospital workers to continue to be placed at risk, together with their families, because some dude wants to accept some risk. It's just selfish.
All I will say on this not knowing the situation is if rules are in place it isn’t up to individuals to decide if they want to follow them. Pressure your law makers for change sure. But just like any other day where we bend or break the rules all the time, we also have to accept those personal decisions if someone in authority chooses to enforce said rule. It doesn’t make any sense for me to get a speeding ticket going with all the other traffic around me, but if it happens I can’t really use the same excuse as a 10 year old.
All I will say on this not knowing the situation is if rules are in place it isn’t up to individuals to decide if they want to follow them. Pressure your law makers for change sure. But just like any other day where we bend or break the rules all the time, we also have to accept those personal decisions if someone in authority chooses to enforce said rule. It doesn’t make any sense for me to get a speeding ticket going with all the other traffic around me, but if it happens I can’t really use the same excuse as a 10 year old.
I mentioned how Hawaii arrested someone breaking quarantine and using public transportation to go to the beach. When you arrive in Hawaii you sign a document stating you understand you Must quarantine for 14 days and if you don't you face a 5000 dollar fine and or a year in prison.
This is fine, I guess, if the individual is accepting risk for himself. But that's not how this virus works. Moreover, this sort of thinking forces hospital workers to continue to be placed at risk, together with their families, because some dude wants to accept some risk. It's just selfish.
I agree. Just because you want doesn't mean you should knowingly put others at risk... To survive this we have to think of others and not just ourselves... Like the signs in China say about mask.. " I wear my mask for you and you wear your mask for me"
Again...if I am traveling to a park or whatnot with a person I live with...I fail to see the issue here. As far as public transportation goes...if Pub Trans is such a health shouldn't be operating. Okay, some people need Pub Trans to go to the store...see where I am going here? Or if people are not allowed to use Pub Trans to go to places like parks and beaches, then why are they stopping at those places? It's all a little silly. I understand if you are going to the beach to lay out in the sun...that can be problematic...but seriously...what's the problem with surfing or kayaking? And some point and time you have to let individuals decide what is an acceptable risk. My wife could go to the grocery store if she wanted to...but because she is pregnant she has decided that going to the grocery store is not an acceptable risk. However, we have a small baby boutique in the antique district about five minutes from our house. The store requires you to wear a mask and only five customers are allowed in the boutique at a time. She has been cooped up in the house for a while and there was something she wanted to buy. She decided that this was an acceptable risk. More and more stores and places of business are opening up...but I won't go there because I think the risk is too high. I would love to go back to my church as they are now opening. But even at limited capacity and them taking proper measures to limit exposure...the wife and I decided that it is still too early to attend. Others might think this risk is acceptable. But the choice needs to be ours at some point.
I understand that personal choice is up to the individual.. But that's as long as you are not infringing on others.. Oh also thanks the package got here yesterday. My wife immediately picked out some blades and thanks for the surprise soap samples too.. I'll comment in the other thread in a little while about it...
Oh as an edit.. I also don't understand why public transportation is still running.. It seems like to great of a risk at present.
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