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Corona Virus

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I can't binge watch at the pro level. We binge watched The Sopranos, Homeland, Billions, The Tunnel and others. But our binge watching entails our sitting down during and after dinner and watching 3 or 4 episodes. More than that and I start to climb the walls. So, I'm in no shape to watch a series in one sitting.
A lot of decisions in Utah are being made off of this graph. We slowly began opening up about 2.5 weeks ago. So far things seem to be okay... not great but okay.
A lot of decisions in Utah are being made off of this graph. We slowly began opening up about 2.5 weeks ago. So far things seem to be okay... not great but okay.
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Um...I think you are doing pretty well there. Your numbers over the past week are about the same as the end of March. Plus graphs are representative. Utah's ups, downs, plateaus are representative of a relatively small population. Or at least a population with one main population center and the rest spread out over a very large state. I think Utah is probably doing things the right way currently. Even though the numbers are way lower than most other states. Actually, Utah ranks in the bottom third of states.

Good job Chad...we know this was made possible by you! 🤪
Um...I think you are doing pretty well there. Your numbers over the past week are about the same as the end of March. Plus graphs are representative. Utah's ups, downs, plateaus are representative of a relatively small population. Or at least a population with one main population center and the rest spread out over a very large state. I think Utah is probably doing things the right way currently. Even though the numbers are way lower than most other states. Actually, Utah ranks in the bottom third of states.

Good job Chad...we know this was made possible by you! 🤪

I am just trying to do my part man! And I think we have been doing well as a state. Sadly some of our more rural areas are where a lot of tourism happens and sadly since more states have been opening up we have seen an increase of cases there and a decrease in the cities. There really isn't a right answer to this mess I believe. But we do need to try and continue our lives. So going forward I have implemented a NEW way that I enter the world. I wear my mask, grab jar of PB, a spoon, and shaken cans of white claw. I figure no one will come near me as I consume peanut butter by the spoonful with tears running down my face. AND if they do BOOM I hit them with the CLAW! Wildly successful this morning at the grocery store... but for some reason the clerk was NOT happy at ALL that she had to wipe down the conveyor belt to prevent it from getting sticky. PFFT WHATEVER!
I am just trying to do my part man! And I think we have been doing well as a state. Sadly some of our more rural areas are where a lot of tourism happens and sadly since more states have been opening up we have seen an increase of cases there and a decrease in the cities. There really isn't a right answer to this mess I believe. But we do need to try and continue our lives. So going forward I have implemented a NEW way that I enter the world. I wear my mask, grab jar of PB, a spoon, and shaken cans of white claw. I figure no one will come near me as I consume peanut butter by the spoonful with tears running down my face. AND if they do BOOM I hit them with the CLAW! Wildly successful this morning at the grocery store... but for some reason the clerk was NOT happy at ALL that she had to wipe down the conveyor belt to prevent it from getting sticky. PFFT WHATEVER!

Wait. You mean to tell me you eat peanut butter while waiting on the check out line at the supermarket? I think I wouldn't like you. And if you say this in jest, then all is good. 😁
I am just trying to do my part man! And I think we have been doing well as a state. Sadly some of our more rural areas are where a lot of tourism happens and sadly since more states have been opening up we have seen an increase of cases there and a decrease in the cities. There really isn't a right answer to this mess I believe. But we do need to try and continue our lives. So going forward I have implemented a NEW way that I enter the world. I wear my mask, grab jar of PB, a spoon, and shaken cans of white claw. I figure no one will come near me as I consume peanut butter by the spoonful with tears running down my face. AND if they do BOOM I hit them with the CLAW! Wildly successful this morning at the grocery store... but for some reason the clerk was NOT happy at ALL that she had to wipe down the conveyor belt to prevent it from getting sticky. PFFT WHATEVER!
No that sir is a plan!
Well with 2020 and all the wild crap. Lets pray that there is a good launch and sucessfull. On NASA tv now. Weather issues again possibly. But we can hope today is the day!
So grandma turned 90 on thursday. She called me and said that I need to bring the grandkids to her.

I said what about Corona.

Her response I'm 90 if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die, bring me grandbabies.

So uh we are going to go see my grandma today. It's going to just be us 4 and her. And the pizza she asked me to pick up.

One does not argue with the matriarch of the family.
I think I’d say the same thing at that age.

Haven't seen her since February. She still lives on her own, and my aunt who lives closer has gotten her groceries and prescriptions since this all started. I'd say our visit later today will be pretty low risk. For all involved. But grandma is adamant that the family will come visit her. But she did say not all at once. So she is still being cautious. But she's had enough of not seeing her family. Honestly I can't blame her.
I was out today and saw parents with kids out without mask !!! I think that's Crazy !!! Protect your kids people.. I mean no mask equals child endangerment !!!!
Haven't seen her since February. She still lives on her own, and my aunt who lives closer has gotten her groceries and prescriptions since this all started. I'd say our visit later today will be pretty low risk. For all involved. But grandma is adamant that the family will come visit her. But she did say not all at once. So she is still being cautious. But she's had enough of not seeing her family. Honestly I can't blame her.
I think you and your family is a pretty low risk event also. The thing some point we all have to get on with our lives. We all can't be quarantined for the rest of our lives. If we wait for this virus to go away...we will be waiting a long time. Treasure the time you have with your Grandma...these are precious times with her.
Haven't seen her since February. She still lives on her own, and my aunt who lives closer has gotten her groceries and prescriptions since this all started. I'd say our visit later today will be pretty low risk. For all involved. But grandma is adamant that the family will come visit her. But she did say not all at once. So she is still being cautious. But she's had enough of not seeing her family. Honestly I can't blame her.
I hope your visit went well, and it definitely sounds like a super low risk endeavor. One of my biggest regrets is my grandmother not getting to meet my daughter. She passed suddenly, but not unexpectedly in February and we had plans to visit this spring. I’ll be kicking myself in the ass for a long time to come over that. Nothing beats quality time with the elders of the family.
Unfortunately I heard the other day on tv that they think we will be living with this virus for quite some time. They compared it to how society has been living with the HIV virus still being around and the resurgence of measles and other things like that. It was said it could be decades before we see it completely eradicated if ever......
Unfortunately I heard the other day on tv that they think we will be living with this virus for quite some time. They compared it to how society has been living with the HIV virus still being around and the resurgence of measles and other things like that. It was said it could be decades before we see it completely eradicated if ever......

That is extremely disconcerting given the state of this country at the moment. HIV was far less contagious since the only way to tramist the disease was the direct exchange of bodily fluids. The common Flu is deadly as we've seen but that has been tempered greatly by a vaccine and the fact that you need to be symptomatic to infect someone, and anyone who is symptomatic is likely to be laying in bed trying to get better, both of which serve to limit it's transmission. The problem with covid-19 is how easily it is transmitted, it can be transmitted even if the person is asymptomatic, it survives long periods of time on surfaces and on droplets in the air and it's symptoms are far more dangerous in that not only does the victim come down with flu like symptoms but the virus has been shown to damage major organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and others. In addition, many people are not recovering completely and end up with debilitating long term and permanent damage from the virus. These are basic facts, not opinion at this point, based upon everyting I have read. Which makes coming up with a vaccine so much more important. But knowing that won't be coming anytime soon, it is incumbent upon everyone to respect what this virus is and what it can do, and take the necessary precautions to prevent yourself from getting it and to prevent you from giving it to someone esle, even unwittingly. I am appalled at the number of people who show so little regard for their fellow humans and insist on behavior that puts everyone at risk. Look at the cities and states that have recently opened up. And look at the statistics already coming from those places with upticks in the number of new cases. Since our federal government is not willing to do anything about the virus, it is up to us to do what is right.
Since the State of Louisiana has gone into Phase I on March 15th...

Number of positive cases per day has held steady or gone down. (Averaging about 350 new positive cases a day)
Deaths per day have gone down. (Today was the lowest number of deaths per day since March 23 - Today's Total was 6)
Number of patients hospitalized has gone WAY down (May 15 - 1,091; May 31 - 678; peak was April 13 - 2,134).
Number of patients on ventilators has gone down (May 15 - 132; May 31 - 84; peak was April 4, 571).
Percentage of those who are presumed recovered sits above 75%

I believe the Governor will announce Louisiana to enter Phase II tomorrow. Not sure what that means exactly. But things are looking very positive right now. And we were one of the harder hit states likely because of Mardi Gras.

I do wish more people would wear masks when in public places where social distancing makes it difficult.
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