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Corona Virus

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This is fine, I guess, if the individual is accepting risk for himself. But that's not how this virus works. Moreover, this sort of thinking forces hospital workers to continue to be placed at risk, together with their families, because some dude wants to accept some risk. It's just selfish.
I don't think you quite understand what I was getting at. But even so...

Pretty much everyone I see IS NOT doing what they are supposed to be doing. Me choosing what is an acceptable risk IS making a choice for me. I'm putting myself at risk Everytime I go out because 20 something's and yokels choose not to distance and choose not to wear masks as well as other things.

So what is the end game? Everyone stays inside no matter what until the virus is eradicated? Guess what...the virus isn't going away.

Also, Louisiana, even as bad as what the media made it sound...isn't New York or New Jersey. Each area is unique.
Dude, I’ve explained this before. Natural selection doesn’t work with a communicable disease. Unless you’re selecting out a species. Which...

It's true. It would be the law of natural selection if the only people who would pay the price is the people who attend the gathering at the park. Unfortunately, all those people bring the disease back to their families and someone's going to die. It's not even a question of if, but when and who.
I don't think you quite understand what I was getting at. But even so...

Pretty much everyone I see IS NOT doing what they are supposed to be doing. Me choosing what is an acceptable risk IS making a choice for me. I'm putting myself at risk Everytime I go out because 20 something's and yokels choose not to distance and choose not to wear masks as well as other things.

So what is the end game? Everyone stays inside no matter what until the virus is eradicated? Guess what...the virus isn't going away.

Also, Louisiana, even as bad as what the media made it sound...isn't New York or New Jersey. Each area is unique.
i agree.. In the end all i'm saying is BE SAFE.......
Dude, I’ve explained this before. Natural selection doesn’t work with a communicable disease. Unless you’re selecting out a species. Which...
This is not correct. The stupid hosts' genes that are being selected out came from somewhere (parents) and were passed on to others in the family (siblings). When the stupid host goes home, the virus will have a chance to mop up.
I completely agree. I lost my sense of smell and taste three weeks ago but never had a fever or dry cough. Smell and taste returned after about 9 days and I've been symptom free since. I'm assuming I may have been infected - I've never completely lost my smell before - but I haven't been tested. (Nor could I have easily found a place to test, but that's another issue.) I'm waiting for the antibody test so that I can (hopefully) confirm my immunity.
Following up on this. I finally received an antibody test this week (serology using the test developed by Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota) and got my results back yesterday. Positive. While this is good info to have, I am not relying upon it to drop all precautions. Also, to me it reinforces the point that there is a population of people out there that are asymptomatic carriers.
Following up on this. I finally received an antibody test this week (serology using the test developed by Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota) and got my results back yesterday. Positive. While this is good info to have, I am not relying upon it to drop all precautions. Also, to me it reinforces the point that there is a population of people out there that are asymptomatic carriers.

The more I read about the minor symptoms. I am wondering if I should have my family tested for antibody test. I have a friend who was sick in January his test came back positive, and I spent time around him when he was fighting a "cold". I didn't get sick but within a week my son did and had a residual cough for a couple weeks same with my wife. So I wonder if my daughter and I were asymptomatic and my wife and son had it
Don’t know if more people are flying with things being open or they are repositioning planes. Having seen the airport this busy since the shutdown. Steady flow of planes leaving.
The more I read about the minor symptoms. I am wondering if I should have my family tested for antibody test. I have a friend who was sick in January his test came back positive, and I spent time around him when he was fighting a "cold". I didn't get sick but within a week my son did and had a residual cough for a couple weeks same with my wife. So I wonder if my daughter and I were asymptomatic and my wife and son had it

It might be a good idea. With new ‘disorders’ popping up in people who had the infection at one point, but not with anything active based on the tests to detect the actual virus, it could be helpful to be able to say that you are serum positive if you ever have to go in about a different illness. At the very least, it would help the doc keep it front of mind as a possibility.
How are you all dealing with streaming fatigue. I swear that I’m running out of stuff to watch.
Missus has watched Ozark. I've only seen a few movies, more often than not, MCU rewatches. I need to find time and watch stuff that's new to me. Time, motivation and energy seem lacking.
I’m coming to the conclusion that binge watching doesn’t make sense (for me) in this circumstance. I tried to binge Homeland and just got bored after 2 and a half seasons worth. I started The Blacklist and think I’m going to dial it back since I’m starting to get bored with it too. Only 11 episodes in at that.
The trouble is this is a time of pro level binge watching. I say binge watching because "I'm binging" looks like the active form of bing, not binge. I would love to have the time to binge some of the shows my wife isn't interested in. Blacklist is one of them. I might even be able to get her to watch a few since there wouldn't be the feeling that it's sacrificing the one time slot at night we get to watch something. Any who, that wasn't what I was going to say. What I was going to say was, I think if you're going to participate in pro level binge watching, you need more than one show at a time. So you can split your day in half between the two for a little plot variety.
Don’t know if more people are flying with things being open or they are repositioning planes. Having seen the airport this busy since the shutdown. Steady flow of planes leaving.

I heard on a podcast yesterday that air travel has significantly increased this weekend. There are a bunch of articles now that say the same thing. I wouldn't say that Air Travel is completely back...but more people are definitely traveling. I only fly when I absolutely have to anyway...not of fear of anything, I just don't like spending 14 to 20 hours in travel status waiting on tarmacs or in airports when I can drive for cheaper and get to most places in almost the same amount of time. But I likely will not be flying anywhere for a really long time unless I absolutely have to!

Antibody tests are coming back in Utah. They focused on areas that had high levels of "flu" back in December-February. I haven't seen numbers yet but the news yesterday said more and more people are having antibodies. I am anxious to get the tests and see the results.
The governor has just rolled out guidelines for churches to open with limited occupancy and safe guards.

Glad to see they are thinking through their soap choices carefully!
I’m coming to the conclusion that binge watching doesn’t make sense (for me) in this circumstance. I tried to binge Homeland and just got bored after 2 and a half seasons worth. I started The Blacklist and think I’m going to dial it back since I’m starting to get bored with it too. Only 11 episodes in at that.
Commit to the 3017 ethos ya slacker.
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