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Corona Virus

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I think one thing a lot of people don’t take seriously enough are the family gatherings. The virus doesn’t know you’re related. If you don’t live in the same house it’s just like hanging out with strangers from an epidemiological stand point.
I think one thing a lot of people don’t take seriously enough are the family gatherings. The virus doesn’t know you’re related. If you don’t live in the same house it’s just like hanging out with strangers from an epidemiological stand point.
Agreed! I wish my parents and in-laws would understand this. The argument of I don't feel sick doesn't work with this virus
We recently cancelled all of our summer camping trips due to the virus. Total bummer. 2nd year with the travel trailer and it will sit dormant. We like to sightsee and do stuff with the kids, so since a lot of stuff will likely be closed or restricted (playgrounds, pools, etc.) we opted to “call it” on camping (glamping 🤷‍♂️). We do have a house rented (with no refund 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️) in September in Kentucky to stay at while “hopefully” visiting the Cincinnati Zoo and the Ark Encounter.
Many of my relatives have downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 since it started and I have commented to my wife a few times that it won't hit home for them until someone they know contracts it. Well, poop just got real as we received word that my niece in NYC passed away this morning from it. It's sad and heartbreaking, as is any death, but hopefully the rest of my family (both sides) now smartens up and takes action to manage their risk/exposure much better than they have been.

Life goes on, but it can go on longer if we take precautions.
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Many of my relatives have downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 since it started and I have commented to my wife a few times that it won't him home for them until someone they know contracts it. Well, poop just got real as we received word that my niece in NYC passed away this morning from it. It's sad and heartbreaking, as is any death, but hopefully the rest of my family (both sides) now smartens up and takes action to manage their risk/exposure much better than they have been.

Life goes on, but it can go on longer if we take precautions.
Sorry to hear Sam.
That sucks. And I as well hope it makes everyone a little more cautious
Many of my relatives have downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 since it started and I have commented to my wife a few times that it won't hit home for them until someone they know contracts it. Well, poop just got real as we received word that my niece in NYC passed away this morning from it. It's sad and heartbreaking, as is any death, but hopefully the rest of my family (both sides) now smartens up and takes action to manage their risk/exposure much better than they have been.

Life goes on, but it can go on longer if we take precautions.
I had a similar conversation with my Doctor whose sister (and family) were all recovering and whose extended in-law family had recently had a sudden unexpected death related to Covid. Statistics are numbers and no matter how low the number it always becomes 100% when it comes home.
Every year we have a huge family reunion where my great grandma was one of 12. So it's 12 extended families getting together. We rent a state park and camp for 5 days. It's wonderful... Talking about 300+ people there depending on the year. Of the 12 original kids there are 3 left. The whole family wants to have this reunion. To me it seems too risky. Even if you only use my states numbers that means if Corona was there, we would have maybe 25 get sick, 8 hospitalized, 3 on vents, and possibly 2 dead. That's obviously the low end. I really hope cooler heads prevail. I won't take my family.
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