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Corona Virus

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Every year we have a huge family reunion where my great grandma was one of 12. So it's 12 extended families getting together. We rent a state park and camp for 5 days. It's wonderful... Talking about 300+ people there depending on the year. Of the 12 original kids there are 3 left. The whole family wants to have this reunion. To me it seems too risky. Even if you only use my states numbers that means if Corona was there, we would have maybe 25 get sick, 8 hospitalized, 3 on vents, and possibly 2 dead. That's obviously the low end. I really hope cooler heads prevail. I won't take my family.
Thats a hard one, family reunions are important but it would be horrible to have one like you did last year and end up spreading more than fun. In theory you could get away with having a huge gathering like that if EVERYONE were to isolate themselves for a 10-14 day period (or whatever the CDC is saying today...the rules change friday at 2pm EST) ...but then they would all fly in or drive in and pick up the virus at the corner store, so that wouldn't work. That's the hard part, everyone will stay home and not get sick then say "see? i'm not sick, we could have had our reunion and i wouldn't have gotten anyone sick" but had they traveled they might have picked it up while traveling. Man I wish i paid for the Corona Virus upgrade for my magic 8 ball, stupid 8 ball

Maybe you just show them your calculations and suggest to the family they wait a few weeks until the curve shows the person to person transmission rate drops another 0.1 or 0.2 so only 20 family members get sick so you can get the number of dead closer to 1. Tell them you think that sounds like a better number and you would like to suggest uncle Fred sits closest to the sick people didn't like him much anyway.
Went to Walmart yesterday, the first time since late February or maybe March. Had to sit in the car for a few minutes while my wife finished a call and while sitting there i heard a sound that sounded to me like an overhead announcement, but I disregarded it because I was in the parking lot and there shouldn't be announcements in the parking lot. When I finally got out I heard it again, it WAS an announcement from a speaker mounted to a poll that also had cameras attached to it (???). The voice was happy and SUPER positive sounding, the announcement was about how they care about my safety and want to remind me to wear a mask, maintain social distancing (i'm not loving those words any more) and to wash my hands frequently (where?). it went on to tell me about how walmart has modified its hours to allow for better cleaning and my safety...all in a very sweet and positive masculine voice. This creeped me out to no end, it was like I was in one of those futuristic "the ephemeral government is watching you...don't step out of line or you will DIE!) movies. As we made our way to the doors i noticed a LINE to get in. A line?
I went to Walmarts parking lot yesterday! Maybe I'll go inside some other time. for the life of me i don't know what they have that i want bad enough to stand in line outside just to get in, its bad enough I have to BE inside let alone stand inline inside.
Many of my relatives have downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 since it started and I have commented to my wife a few times that it won't hit home for them until someone they know contracts it. Well, poop just got real as we received word that my niece in NYC passed away this morning from it. It's sad and heartbreaking, as is any death, but hopefully the rest of my family (both sides) now smartens up and takes action to manage their risk/exposure much better than they have been.

Life goes on, but it can go on longer if we take precautions.
Sorry for your loss.
@CBLindsay Chris. Your name came up in our Wednesday zoom meeting. Most especially of your unique ability to spin a yarn. I remember reading your rendition of the spilled laundry soap affair, but would love to hear it from the authors lips sometime!
Many of my relatives have downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 since it started and I have commented to my wife a few times that it won't hit home for them until someone they know contracts it. Well, poop just got real as we received word that my niece in NYC passed away this morning from it. It's sad and heartbreaking, as is any death, but hopefully the rest of my family (both sides) now smartens up and takes action to manage their risk/exposure much better than they have been.

Life goes on, but it can go on longer if we take precautions.

Condolences to your family
@CBLindsay Chris. Your name came up in our Wednesday zoom meeting. Most especially of your unique ability to spin a yarn. I remember reading your rendition of the spilled laundry soap affair, but would love to hear it from the authors lips sometime!
That one is about as bad a memory as the superglue event. Had @Cvargo not already reminded me of that one a week or two ago when he had a similar laundry soap event I might be requiring an extra shot of Canadian whisky right now (just kidding, we all know Canadian whisky would only make it worse). That was quite a traumatic event, who knew laundry soap was SO slick ...or my legs could spread SOOO far apart. Ouch.
The governor has just rolled out guidelines for churches to open with limited occupancy and safe guards.
That’s excellent news, I understand the CDC released official recommendations today too. With maintaining distance between people being at the top of every list I imagine the smaller churches will be forced to balance smaller crowds with more opportunities for exposure. It seems to me the churches are quite important, there is a lot that happens at or because of the church other than Sunday services and after 2 months of isolation (and whatever is on the horizon) I think we are going to need figure a way to get our churches back in the game. ...besides, my son was supposed to be married in 2 weeks and now, after printing everything with that date he’s had to move the date to July.
Churches have slowly been opening up here slowly. Social distanced and about only at 20% capacity. We aren't going to mass yet because our kids would want to run up and hug all the grandma's that pull candy out for them.

I am happy that we can watch on TV and now go to the church after and receive communion.
If a church, mosque, temple or any other place where people gather is defined as "safe," the word is meaningless. The virus doesn't care what you're doing in there.
My back yard isn't safe. There are trees that might fall down, there are ticks (alot of them) with several diseases, we have a pool that I could drown in and this list goes on. I went to town, that wasn't safe. There are several drivers in heavy vehicles going at rapid speeds, there are cyclists and animals who are often close to the road. Even my house isn't safe as any insurance man will tell you. The issue isn't being safe the issue is about risk assessment. There are 4 positive cases in our county. Only 77 deaths in the whole state and a huge majority of these are from nursing homes.
I applaude our Governor for assessing the risks and slowly ope back up. If we wait until we are totally safe then we will never go out.
our numbers are..
Positive: 9895
Deaths: 425
Recovered: 0
Positive : 450
Deaths : 16
Recovered : 0
rate per 100k is 140.72
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