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Corona Virus

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It's not "there has never been a vaccine for a virus. It's" there has never been a vaccine for a RNA coronavirus ". Big difference.
I agree...but it's still not impossible. It might take longer than we want...but it can happen.
o we sell them all for pennies to the Chinese right?
Why not? With all the lead based toothpaste...euthanasia drugs found in dog food...and tainted drugs with metals that are found in jet fuels...I say it's about time!

There is a lab here in California that announce earlier this month they had developed a COVID antibody shield . They partnered with Mount Sinai to do some studies and On Thursday or Friday said their special antibody cocktail was 100% effective in preventing infections. They are slated to begin phase 1 trials next quarter and go into production by year end. It’s not a vaccine but if it works like they say it is essentially a prophylactic that can protect high risk or high exposure people for up to 2 months per dose. Cool tech.
I am very skeptical of anything that supposedly is a 100% effective.
No need to talk about this any more. Our leader said we’ll have a vaccine by the end of the year well, because he said so. So done deal.
I am very skeptical of anything that supposedly is a 100% effective.
Yeah, when you see anything reported as 100%... it’s usually time to turn away but when you think about it, if something is designed to work it should work every time. Magnets attract 100% of the time but have different behaviors at the peripheral edges (think 3D). So if you were using magnets to do something you might get variable results but the magnets are doing 100% of what they are expected to do. Sometimes the reason we don’t get 100% results when it comes to biological treatments is because Each one of us are different in some way and that sours the outcome. It sounds like these guys are creating antibodies to inject rather than creating something that uses our own bodies to create the antibodies, that might be the way they achieve the high success rate. But they may also be doing everything in test tubes or rats that have zero relation to how things will work in people. I was struck by how the story made it sound like they were able to verify effectiveness in What appears to have been a week or less, it was a promising story without a lot of background. But it was another sign of how innovative the world of scientists are being right now.
In the field of psychology, the DunningKruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability.

No need to talk about this any more. Our leader said we’ll have a vaccine by the end of the year well, because he said so. So done deal.
When you think about it that was a very wise move on his part. If/when there’s no vaccine nobody is going to honestly go calling him out like he or anyone else could have made or expected a vaccine to be produced out of thin air. But if there IS a vaccine (safe and effective) then HE will make sure we remember he said it would be so.

I presume all the world leaders have done what they can to remove obstacles and aid in the research and development of vaccines? With all the bluster and bellowing I think our president believes (believed) bureaucratic red tape and Layers of regulation were the reason we wouldn’t/couldn’t have a vaccine sooner than a year. And I think he (and many others) believed that by “cutting through the red tape” he could make it happen faster. His premise wasn’t wrong but it wasn’t right either. There are obstacles government regulations create (good or bad is debate for a different time and place) that can be removed if needed to make things go faster, but the science of vaccine making still requires time and funding (or access to resources).
When you think about it that was a very wise move on his part. If/when there’s no vaccine nobody is going to honestly go calling him out like he or anyone else could have made or expected a vaccine to be produced out of thin air. But if there IS a vaccine (safe and effective) then HE will make sure we remember he said it would be so.

That is Machiavellian at its best and gaslighting at its most insidious. I respectfully reject this hypothesis as legitimate leadership behavior. It is sinister and debased political posturing.
Yeah, when you see anything reported as 100%... it’s usually time to turn away but when you think about it, if something is designed to work it should work every time. Magnets attract 100% of the time but have different behaviors at the peripheral edges (think 3D). So if you were using magnets to do something you might get variable results but the magnets are doing 100% of what they are expected to do. Sometimes the reason we don’t get 100% results when it comes to biological treatments is because Each one of us are different in some way and that sours the outcome. It sounds like these guys are creating antibodies to inject rather than creating something that uses our own bodies to create the antibodies, that might be the way they achieve the high success rate. But they may also be doing everything in test tubes or rats that have zero relation to how things will work in people. I was struck by how the story made it sound like they were able to verify effectiveness in What appears to have been a week or less, it was a promising story without a lot of background. But it was another sign of how innovative the world of scientists are being right now.
I read about the company and their research. It seems solid...but everything was done in vitro. So while the research might be solid...they still have a long way to go. But advancements in this field happen in increments and anything is a step in the right direction. Even if the treatment doesn't work as believed's still more info we know now that we didn't know then.
As we get a better handle on how this virus causes problems, old drugs will come into use with some effect and new drugs will be developed. Given the urgency, it will be much faster than normal circumstances. I also think there will be some sort of vaccine sooner rather than later. Even if we don’t have one, I take heart that for all that we don’t have an HIV vaccine, we have developed a therapy that turned the disease for most people into a chronic one to be managed. I am hopeful!
I take heart that for all that we don’t have an HIV vaccine, we have developed a therapy that turned the disease for most people into a chronic one to be managed.
I think a lot of people forget this and don't realize how big a deal HIV used to be. HIV used to be a death sentence at one time. I remember people in the 80s and 90s just absolutely terrified! The AIDS epidemic really brought out the worst in mankind. People were just terrified because they didn't know much about the virus. Not unlike today. But the treatments became really good over time! They now have therapies that can treat and prevent HIV. Bob is right...medicine has turned a lethal disease into something that can be managed and people can live long lives with it. My friends and I used to joke about Magic Johnson finding a cure. I mean the man never looked like he had the disease. The same goes for most today with HIV.

So are absolutely right. We should be hopeful. Thanks for the reminder!
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