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Corona Virus

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Serious question... considering one of C19’s Notable characteristics is its relatively high contagious nature compared to things like the typical flu, you would THINK in a world being mindful not to spread the C19 virus the spread of annual flu would be curtailed as well. When you add the additional mitigating impacts of widespread prophylactic vaccines being developed and administered in places the flu might already be taking hold, you would think the spread of flu would be REALLY minimized this year. All of this in mind, why is it that they (the government health people) seem to be so insistent that we are going to have a bad FLU season this fall and MAY have a second wave of C19.
This is from my county. All I see are younger people that are more likely to think they are fine and roam around spreading COVID while feeling their freedoms can't be repressed.

Serious question... considering one of C19’s Notable characteristics is its relatively high contagious nature compared to things like the typical flu, you would THINK in a world being mindful not to spread the C19 virus the spread of annual flu would be curtailed as well. When you add the additional mitigating impacts of widespread prophylactic vaccines being developed and administered in places the flu might already be taking hold, you would think the spread of flu would be REALLY minimized this year. All of this in mind, why is it that they (the government health people) seem to be so insistent that we are going to have a bad FLU season this fall and MAY have a second wave of C19.

Purely conjecture, but what we don't know is how people who have had C19 infection are compromised by that infection (even the ones that were only mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic). This bug is doing some really, really weird things to people that we just can't explain yet. How, for example, is a supposedly-respiratory virus causing or being associated with stuff like strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, diarrhea, skin rashes, etc. Why are these symptoms showing up weeks later, with no sign of active infection?

Re: flu, under normal circumstances, I'd agree. The mitigation efforts to stop the spread of viral particles should work with flu as well, if not better since it's only 50% as infectious as C19. But C19 is wreaking a lot of havoc and in C19 survivors, what will layering a flu infection do? Nobody knows, and anyone who tells you they do is fibbing. It would not surprise me if the public health folks are trying to get out ahead of flu season this year and get us ready in case it does go badly.
Our numbers from yesterday...also they have been adding a lot of test results that were not in the totals before. Something about the tests being from private testing companies that were not in the reporting system before. This gave us a big jump in confirmed cases...but kept all the other numbers the same.

At this point I need to ask...other than actual diagnosis and to see who needs to be treated...what good is a regular test doing? Does it matter how many people test positive in a single moment any more? What I would think would be more useful is doing wide spread antibody tests to see how many people were actually infected and to gather evidence and information as to the severity and symptoms of the virus. The positive negative testing was important in the early stages of this...but as of now...yeah we already know it's bad.

Just curious as to thoughts on this from the Cadre.
Our positives from total tests dropped to 5.9% yesterday. Steadily been dropping as they have actually ramped up testing. I wonder how many have had and overcome and are now negative but didn't get the tests early enough to know they had it originally. At least the stay at home and distancing has worked.............for now. I'm all about the antibody testing but ACCURATE ones........
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