The Shaving Cadre

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I was just in one last week. I got the last package of TP in the whole store. Acamee is great for picking up Habersett Scrapple, Taylor Pork Roll and Dietz & Watson cold cuts. They will still sell you fresh sliced souze. Also black cherry wishniak soda (not pop, soda).

I wish we still had the A&P.
Pan fried scrapple is to die for. On Sundays, my mom would make pancakes and fry scrapple. Everything but the oink. In middle school, every two week the lunch entree would be a pork roll and American cheese sandwich on a burger bun. My knees get weak thinking about it.
Pan fried scrapple is to die for. On Sundays, my mom would make pancakes and fry scrapple. Everything but the oink. In middle school, every two week the lunch entree would be a pork roll and American cheese sandwich on a burger bun. My knees get weak thinking about it.
Irish Catholic soul food.
Why eat offal when so many wonderful prime cuts are readily available. I mean, even canned whole chicken is better than eating feet, gizzards and liver no matter how you cook it. Nothing wrong with calamari (it’s not remnants of an otherwise edible beast, it IS the beast) but WHY tripe? Why? In fact, if you have to have a masters degree in preparing the remnant, cook it with an abundance of spice to obscure the foul under tones, mince chop or obliterate stuff to hide the texture or use cute little names to keep people from knowing what they are REALLY eating...just DON’T eat it. There are people starving in so e far corner of the world, let them have it you fat greedy sicko. Seriously, let’s fry up some thin sliced pig everything. While we’re at it let’s poach, boil, smoke then grill up a cow stomach sausage (After all that it might be edible). No thanks guys, I’ll stick with the fried pork skins and ribeye
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