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Corona Virus

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Well...since everyone else is posted serious stuff.

Our governor declared a SoE on Friday. He also made it illegal for there to be gatherings of more than 250 people in one place (essentially cancelling all planned events). There was a bunch of other stuff going on with the proclamations...but I won't get into that here.

State proclaiming a State of Emergency is a huge thing. This means that they can receive federal funds that are allocated for specifically this event. It means a lot of other things too, but the main takeaway is federal assistance.

Our state just started our Legislative Session, and the scuttlebutt is that all appropriation bills will be pushed through early next week. This is a big deal, because the budget HAS to be approved by a certain time or else there is no way to pay for state activities. But it looks like all other bills will be suspended until later in the summer when a special session can be implemented.

No plans to work from home yet...

Yeah...classes for all schools are cancelled for the time being and Universities went to an online model.

It appears that Louisiana had it's first death. It was reported that the victim had some underlying medical issues but they didn't say what it was. They did say the gentleman was only 58 years old.

My thing is, the underlying condition is really important. Did he have cancer? An autoimmune disease? Did he have heart issues? COPD, emphysema, asthma? You get the idea.

But ABOVE ALL...I want to know if the victim died OF COVID 19 or if we died WITH COVID 19. The two are completely different.
I believe you don’t die of a virus. You die of respiratory failure caused by it. Or pneumonia caused by it. Or you have congestive heart failure as an underlying medical condition and COVID could be listed as a contributing factor. I’ve only read one autopsy report though.
I believe you don’t die of a virus. You die of respiratory failure caused by it. Or pneumonia caused by it. Or you have congestive heart failure as an underlying medical condition and COVID could be listed as a contributing factor. I’ve only read one autopsy report though.
Good point Dave.

I guess what I am trying to I would like to know all the confounders or conditions that complicate things. There is just so little we know (or at least so little that is given to us). And sorry to be the conspiracy theorist in the room...but I don't believe the news outlets are a viable source if information any more. It's all about what group of people is doing what and what the other group of people isn't doing.
@dangerousdon being on several calls a day related to this I would have to agree with what you say about the news. But there are many reasons. The two biggest are things are changing every day and that a majority of the public wouldn’t digest enough of the details to totally understand. Sensational news has always been the go to vs pure facts.
Right now they are saying it's only transmitted via droplets from a cough or sneeze. I honestly feel like it's airborne.

Also has there been a true statement anywhere how long it stays on surfaces? I've read some say hours other minutes. It would be nice to know.

Can you catch it a second time? Mixed reports on this also.

So many states have shut down through end of the month... This won't be over by then. So what's in two weeks? Mass panic again with hundreds of people in grocery stores? And then a mass spike in cases again? Doesn't seem real promising!
Right now they are saying it's only transmitted via droplets from a cough or sneeze. I honestly feel like it's airborne.

Also has there been a true statement anywhere how long it stays on surfaces? I've read some say hours other minutes. It would be nice to know.

Can you catch it a second time? Mixed reports on this also.

So many states have shut down through end of the month... This won't be over by then. So what's in two weeks? Mass panic again with hundreds of people in grocery stores? And then a mass spike in cases again? Doesn't seem real promising!

I think for the time being we just have to accept there are some unknowns, and a lot of misinformation flying around. Best we can do is find sources that are deemed trustworthy and expect information to be changing as new research comes out.
It is droplet, they been using airborne precautions out of an “abundance of caution” but we can’t sustain the materials and hospital rooms that requires.

I have asked about being immune after getting it. You are correct there is not an official answer.

The 2 week lockdown is to try to “flatten the curve” (I assume you’ve heard the term on the news) because if we don’t our healthcare system will be pushed past being able to cope. It won’t be gone by then but the hope is stopping the exponential growth everyone will be able to get the care they need.
I think for the time being we just have to accept there are some unknowns, and a lot of misinformation flying around. Best we can do is find sources that are deemed trustworthy and expect information to be changing as new research comes out.

I'm afraid that as long as there is no large scale testing taking place, we will never be able to get our hands around this thing and fear the worst. I'm not trying to be doomsday but am reacting to what we already see taking place elsewhere on the planet. Italy is an example of what we could see here. South Korea is the example that we should be following. The biggest question I have is why aren't we following the South Korea model given the incredible success they've had? I'm baffled and frustrated. The only way to track it is by testing. We don't have to track everyone. South Korea tested about 200,000 out of a population of 52 million. We have 327 million so we should be capable of testing about 1,250,000 people. I think we've tested somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000. I'm getting this data right off the CDC website. I'm hearing that South Korea was testing somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 per day. We haven't even been able to test more than 2,000 people in a single day. Again, right off the CDC website.
Flattening the curve is very important. That is one thing that makes a lot of sense to this mathematical mind. I just hope people that are asked to self quarantine actually do it. A local high school down the street had a student get diagnosed. They asked everyone to quarantine. I have a hard time seeing all students staying inside that long. Schools closed Thursday and on Friday there was a news story about the skate park with what they estimated 500 kids at. How does that help?

I am starting to get to the angry stage in all of this. And just venting here a little. I just look forward to the worst part of the week being waiting for Friday to come again.
I'm afraid that as long as there is no large scale testing taking place, we will never be able to get our hands around this thing and fear the worst. I'm not trying to be doomsday but am reacting to what we already see taking place elsewhere on the planet. Italy is an example of what we could see here. South Korea is the example that we should be following. The biggest question I have is why aren't we following the South Korea model given the incredible success they've had? I'm baffled and frustrated. The only way to track it is by testing. We don't have to track everyone. South Korea tested about 200,000 out of a population of 52 million. We have 327 million so we should be capable of testing about 1,250,000 people. I think we've tested somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000. I'm getting this data right off the CDC website. I'm hearing that South Korea was testing somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 per day. We haven't even been able to test more than 2,000 people in a single day. Again, right off the CDC website.

The lack of testing is BEYOND frustrating! Not that I feel anyone in my house needs a test. But the restrictions is dumb. We know quickly this spreads. So just test.
Flattening the curve is very important. That is one thing that makes a lot of sense to this mathematical mind. I just hope people that are asked to self quarantine actually do it. A local high school down the street had a student get diagnosed. They asked everyone to quarantine. I have a hard time seeing all students staying inside that long. Schools closed Thursday and on Friday there was a news story about the skate park with what they estimated 500 kids at. How does that help?

I am starting to get to the angry stage in all of this. And just venting here a little. I just look forward to the worst part of the week being waiting for Friday to come again.

I hear you Chad. I'm also getting angry as well, if it wasn't evident in my post. I'm on a bunch of forums, shaving, coffee and drumming. On some of them they shut the coronavirus threads down because things started to get out of hand. Fortunately there are sites such as this one where people actually know how to be civil to one another even when they may not agree. As we all sequester ourselves inside for the coming weeks, these kinds of outlets for venting are essential to keeping one's sanity. And as with most things, misery loves company.
I hear you Chad. I'm also getting angry as well, if it wasn't evident in my post. I'm on a bunch of forums, shaving, coffee and drumming. On some of them they shut the coronavirus threads down because things started to get out of hand. Fortunately there are sites such as this one where people actually know how to be civil to one another even when they may not agree. As we all sequester ourselves inside for the coming weeks, these kinds of outlets for venting are essential to keeping one's sanity. And as with most things, misery loves company.

We as owners agree. Which is why we asked that we all do our best to not make it political and this thread will stay. We have all done a very good job this far. At the end of the day we are all scared. That's the truth!

But we as a community here can rise up and get through this together!
We as owners agree. Which is why we asked that we all do our best to not make it political and this thread will stay. We have all done a very good job this far. At the end of the day we are all scared. That's the truth!

But we as a community here can rise up and get through this together!
Can I ask a question ? Do you guys think it might be a good idea to suspend some things for the time being just to be safe like the passarounds? Do you think it may be warranted ? I mean I trust you guys but it would be so simple for US to add to the problem if someone were to be exposed and then here we are passing around razors or brushes and contaminating each others houses by accident.... Just a thought? I mean I'm on the soap sample pass around right now but am afraid of the idea of a package arriving right now. Several places have said postal workers were infected so could you imagine the damage something as simple as a pass around could possibly cause ?
On another note I have noticed a lot of the forums shutting down the covid-19 threads because they get out of hand and I praise this site for keeping it civil... I'm an admin on another site / forum and we have a covid- 19 thread also and I took a tip from this site and put to not get political in it hoping to keep it to facts only too and to voice concerns and observations from other areas of the country.
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Better to be safe than sorry IMO @Jaro1069 . Beyond us, there is also a multitude of middlemen going to come into contact with the package as well as oodles of other packages from all over the world. Not trying to be paranoid, but this would be fall into the "unessential" category for me.
I didn’t want to go down the road of what we’re doing wrong here, but I’m 100% with you guys. We need to be testing, and enforcing quarantines, and social distancing in general. Europe isn’t doing that much better of a job. I was so pissed off already a few weeks back when hearing there were cases in Italy and no one issued travel warnings here or restrictions. Now we have doctors who’ve brought it back into the hospital from these places, and they are still being told it’s ok to come to work if you’ve been to an infected region. For f*!& sake!

They have also cut testing back and basically won’t test you here if you’re not already in the hospital. Of course this is a huge mistake, I can only guess it’s due to a severe shortage of test kits. But man we shoulda seen this coming.

I’ve got a good friend who’s an English teacher in China. The second he got back there, he was quarantined. If you want to go to the shop, they check your temperature, and everyone needs an to have an app on their phone that shows your health status. You need to show that to do anything.

Sometimes you just have to take strong steps and make harder sacrifices in the short term. We’ve had plenty of warning this was coming and our leaders are burying their heads in the sand. Now the UK is talking about Herd Immunity, come on call it was it is, Let’s let the weak die.

Here, my wife has to use public transport for work, and I’m practically having her sterilize when she comes home, and we’re checking temperatures as well. I’m asthmatic not severe, but the cold weather makes it worse for me. I’d rather not take the chance with this thing.
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Can I ask a question ? Do you guys think it might be a good idea to suspend some things for the time being just to be safe like the passarounds? Do you think it may be warranted ? I mean I trust you guys but it would be so simple for US to add to the problem if someone were to be exposed and then here we are passing around razors or brushes and contaminating each others houses by accident.... Just a thought? I mean I'm on the soap sample pass around right now but am afraid of the idea of a package arriving right now. Several places have said postal workers were infected so could you imagine the damage something as simple as a pass around could possibly cause ?
On another note I have noticed a lot of the forums shutting down the covid-19 threads because they get out of hand and I praise this site for keeping it civil... I'm an admin on another site / forum and we have a covid- 19 thread also and I took a tip from this site and put to not get political in it hoping to keep it to facts only too and to voice concerns and observations from other areas of the country.
Better to be safe than sorry IMO @Jaro1069 . Beyond us, there is also a multitude of middlemen going to come into contact with the package as well as oodles of other packages from all over the world. Not trying to be paranoid, but this would be fall into the "unessential" category for me.

Great Idea and it's perfect timing because I just got two razors in a pass around and I thought that to myself when I was opening up the box this may not be a good idea doing these pass arounds right now.
Great Idea and it's perfect timing because I just got two razors in a pass around and I thought that to myself when I was opening up the box this may not be a good idea doing these pass arounds right now.
Yeah I dont currently have in my possession any passarounds but was thinking we might need to not do them so we can look out for and protect each other.... Just a thought.
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