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Corona Virus

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Well our state opened up yesterday. We've agreed that we will hunker down and see what happens in the first wave. Also honestly don't see us sitting down in a restaurant, movie theater, arena, etc until there's a vaccine. We are ordering on a little more though but I go pick it up.

I agree that social distancing is not sustainable and we need to figure out what to do, but I will say yesterday I ordered food from one of ours favorite restaurants. I pulled into the parking lot, someone walked out asked my name, and then came right back with my food. There were plenty of cars there. Honestly I don't think they are hurting that bad. The true business that want to survive must adapt.
Well our state opened up yesterday. We've agreed that we will hunker down and see what happens in the first wave. Also honestly don't see us sitting down in a restaurant, movie theater, arena, etc until there's a vaccine. We are ordering on a little more though but I go pick it up.

I agree that social distancing is not sustainable and we need to figure out what to do, but I will say yesterday I ordered food from one of ours favorite restaurants. I pulled into the parking lot, someone walked out asked my name, and then came right back with my food. There were plenty of cars there. Honestly I don't think they are hurting that bad. The true business that want to survive must adapt.
I think Darwin would agree.
Honestly I don't think they are hurting that bad. The true business that want to survive must adapt.
One size doesn't fit all. Most of the restaurants here are mom and pop places and they won't make it through this. It isn't just that one has to invent new ways but here the potential customers are out of work.
I understand the panic in some parts of the country but up here we have had 50 some deaths and only 30 some people in the hospital, these are for the whole state. I wear a mask when out because it is what I'm suppose to do but I don't have any fear.
One size doesn't fit all. Most of the restaurants here are mom and pop places and they won't make it through this. It isn't just that one has to invent new ways but here the potential customers are out of work.
I understand the panic in some parts of the country but up here we have had 50 some deaths and only 30 some people in the hospital, these are for the whole state. I wear a mask when out because it is what I'm suppose to do but I don't have any fear.

100% agree a one size fits all approach is NOT the best approach. It should be a county by county way of doing things.
NJ just opened up the parks and golf courses. NJ has the second hightest numbers in the country behind NY. I went for a bike ride today and my ride takes me right up the middle of a 2,100 acre park that is located about a half hour drive from Manhattan. I can say that every single parking lot for the park was jam packed with cars. In this area I have enountered so many different versions of stupid that I would put money down that NJ will be shut down again in two weeks, maybe sooner.
NJ just opened up the parks and golf courses. NJ has the second hightest numbers in the country behind NY. I went for a bike ride today and my ride takes me right up the middle of a 2,100 acre park that is located about a half hour drive from Manhattan. I can say that every single parking lot for the park was jam packed with cars. In this area I have enountered so many different versions of stupid that I would put money down that NJ will be shut down again in two weeks, maybe sooner.

I agree Same here, I have rescheduled my clients 4-time since March 13th. the most recent now the 15th of May, however with what I am seeing here in AZ we cant even get out of the starting blocks to ease things open. My guess is June 1 based on what I am seeing.
A problem with some states opening and some not is that people will be crossing borders into other states. Perhaps a state that's open will have people crossing into one that's not open and spreading it. Or people in the one not open go down into the 1 open and then come back home and can spread it. I have a feeling we're going to be dealing with issues spiking up and down for a while until they figure things out.
A problem with some states opening and some not is that people will be crossing borders into other states. Perhaps a state that's open will have people crossing into one that's not open and spreading it. Or people in the one not open go down into the 1 open and then come back home and can spread it. I have a feeling we're going to be dealing with issues spiking up and down for a while until they figure things out.
Here we are seeing that problem by county. A thirty minute drive North into the less populated rural areas where cases are low is not a far ride for folks to hit the diners and such. Or truckers etc.
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Help me understand the numbers or at least the presentation of them.
Maine has 186 that have been hospitalized but when asked today the CDC director clarified that there are only 37 presently hospitalized. Also the official number of deaths in Maine is 57 but when asked today if this number or of deaths by the Coronavirus, the CDC director said "no" this represents the number of people who have tested positive with the virus at some point that have died of any cause, they dont track what they died of.
I have been trying to track how our state is doing but the numbers that they are giving out just seem to muddy the waters instead of clearing things up.

This is a famous statue in downtown Helsinki.

Our numbers have been pretty steady and flat for the most part. I believe that schools will reopen soon, restaurants are also going to reopen in some graded fashion. That's good news for us, as it's part of the business my wife works in.
Seniors are advised to limit contact indefinitely. I'm a bit germophibic anyway. (Whenever I get weird, I tell my wife I'm Howard Hughesing.) I don't plan to change too much that I'm (not) doing for a while yet. But happy to see some small bit of life returning, and feel overall much better about how the situation is being handled here as I feel the numbers speak for themselves. It's here, but under control and people are being safe, at least compared to some of the crazy things I've seen coming out of the US the last day or so.

Nothing to do with COVIC-19 but two incidents made me paranoid about getting sick.
One trip to India, I made the mistake on our last day, of buying some sweets from a street vendor.
A few hours before our flight was due to leave, I could feel I was getting food poisoning, and just hoped I could hold out. I wound up getting sick on the plane about an hour after take off.

Then the following year, my wife's brother invited us up to Lapland, he didn't tell us he had norovirus!
So, we drove up there, with her brother and family, but my wife wanted to take the overnight train back to Helsinki, a 12 hour trip.
Guess who come down with the virus an hour after the train left. Worst experience of my life.
Anytime I travel and feel anything in my stomach I get massive anxiety. It pretty much ruined travel for me as I get anxiety every time we go anywhere now.

This is a famous statue in downtown Helsinki.

Our numbers have been pretty steady and flat for the most part. I believe that schools will reopen soon, restaurants are also going to reopen in some graded fashion. That's good news for us, as it's part of the business my wife works in.
Seniors are advised to limit contact indefinitely. I'm a bit germophibic anyway. (Whenever I get weird, I tell my wife I'm Howard Hughesing.) I don't plan to change too much that I'm (not) doing for a while yet. But happy to see some small bit of life returning, and feel overall much better about how the situation is being handled here as I feel the numbers speak for themselves. It's here, but under control and people are being safe, at least compared to some of the crazy things I've seen coming out of the US the last day or so.

Nothing to do with COVIC-19 but two incidents made me paranoid about getting sick.
One trip to India, I made the mistake on our last day, of buying some sweets from a street vendor.
A few hours before our flight was due to leave, I could feel I was getting food poisoning, and just hoped I could hold out. I wound up getting sick on the plane about an hour after take off.

Then the following year, my wife's brother invited us up to Lapland, he didn't tell us he had norovirus!
So, we drove up there, with her brother and family, but my wife wanted to take the overnight train back to Helsinki, a 12 hour trip.
Guess who come down with the virus an hour after the train left. Worst experience of my life.
Anytime I travel and feel anything in my stomach I get massive anxiety. It pretty much ruined travel for me as I get anxiety every time we go anywhere now.
Thanks for the update, Howard.
Help me understand the numbers or at least the presentation of them.
Maine has 186 that have been hospitalized but when asked today the CDC director clarified that there are only 37 presently hospitalized. Also the official number of deaths in Maine is 57 but when asked today if this number or of deaths by the Coronavirus, the CDC director said "no" this represents the number of people who have tested positive with the virus at some point that have died of any cause, they dont track what they died of.
I have been trying to track how our state is doing but the numbers that they are giving out just seem to muddy the waters instead of clearing things up.
It sounds like your state is doing a very poor job of keeping stats. Likely because your numbers are so low that they probably don't see a need to. The 186 is probably a running count. To not track what people are dying of that have COVID 19 is irresponsible in my books. JUst from what you gave us John...I am not sure that these are really all that useful. But just know that your state is among the fewest cases. So that's a good thing.
It sounds like your state is doing a very poor job of keeping stats. Likely because your numbers are so low that they probably don't see a need to. The 186 is probably a running count. To not track what people are dying of that have COVID 19 is irresponsible in my books. JUst from what you gave us John...I am not sure that these are really all that useful. But just know that your state is among the fewest cases. So that's a good thing.
I hate to be cynical but I feel it is for the headlines. I suppose it is harder to justify a stay at home mandate if the headline is less than 40 active cases. Much easier to justify if you throw out a number closer to 200. Same thing with the death count.
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