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Corona Virus

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Speaking of cartoons wearing a mask - this is a good one about the situation we're in. Nothing groundbreaking that we haven't already heard, but I like the way he presents it and the analogy he uses.
Wow! I am surprised. I figured Utah would be on schedule to reopen a lot of things. But hey...I think overly cautious at this point is still a good thing.

I was shocked to see the email too. That was a company decision. Utah moved to what they are calling orange yesterday. We are being very cautious this week as I fear of a potential spike as nincompoops go out and be stupid.
I was shocked to see the email too. That was a company decision. Utah moved to what they are calling orange yesterday. We are being very cautious this week as I fear of a potential spike as nincompoops go out and be stupid.
I told you to work from home. That might be your new norm Chad!
Interestingly enough, our small hospital has the most positive cases of our 23 hospital system in NCAL. And we’ve always been in the top 3.
I don't know if were supposed to congratulate you for being top or feel sad or both or..o_O😜😟😢😷🤪🤨..oh now I think I get it you weren't saying your hospital is a top 3 hospital you were saying your hospital is top 3 in positive cases.. Right ? Be safe
For some reason this pandemic has made me think of the movie demolition man a lot due to some societal similarities.
Ya, and I’m just stunned when I see people protesting to open up businesses when 25% of the patients in our hospital are COVID. Anyway...I return you to amusing memes.
Ya, and I’m just stunned when I see people protesting to open up businesses when 25% of the patients in our hospital are COVID. Anyway...I return you to amusing memes.
I agree its crazy how people complained that we weren't being put in stay at home orders quick enough and then after we were the same people immediately started complaining we were in stay at home orders.. I mean now there is talk of the effects possibly lingering for several years and that we could see life not going back to normal for at least that long and while it might suck it is necessary if we are to be safe... I honestly had someone tell me that even when they come out with a vaccine that they or their kids would Not be getting it because its just another governmental ploy.. I wanted to tell them " yeah its a government ploy to keep you alive you dumb a$$....but I was nice and didn't say anything. This was not a political post by the way !!!!!!!!!
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