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Corona Virus

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The biggest obstacle for teaching a lab based science class is obviously the lab portion. You are probably familiar with all of the prep work and hands on instruction that it takes to teach a worthwhile chemistry lab to students. As a current science teacher, I have struggled with having to substitute virtual labs and lab simulations for my normal hands on labs that I would normally do with my students. Online instruction may work for some subjects, but I have found in the past few weeks that it is very difficult to do without lab based science classes.
I was a terrible student. I discovered that the same simple lab experiments were repeated verbatim or with minor variances every year in the curriculum. Went to the public library and retrieved old Regents exams and curriculum texts. I ‘cliff noted’ my way through science labs. Same thing with dissections.
Wr are talking about snow this weekend! Up to 5 inches in some areas.

Well DUH! Like last week you posted a picture of you looking out over the water. So there ya had it your one day of summer. Welcome back to winter!
Akk! That sucks. My images do, right?

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Yeah, I've seen those I'm pretty sure. And maybe some emojis but I do see quite a few where I'm sure it was an emoji but came up with an x or whatever. Sorry, not complaining. Just thought you'd want to know and maybe it's just me on my phone......
Yeah, I've seen those I'm pretty sure. And maybe some emojis but I do see quite a few where I'm sure it was an emoji but came up with an x or whatever. Sorry, not complaining. Just thought you'd want to know and maybe it's just me on my phone......
Nope, I went to the web version and it's not there either. I then tried to duplicate it on another forum, but it works fine there.

I recently had to reinstall Tapatalk due to the inability to upload photos. Wonder if my settings are off. [emoji3525]

I'll stop clogging this topic. Sorry folks.

(That's supposed to be a frown up there, btw)

Sent from my Speak and Spell via Tapatalk
Nope, I went to the web version and it's not there either. I then tried to duplicate it on another forum, but it works fine there.

I recently had to reinstall Tapatalk due to the inability to upload photos. Wonder if my settings are off. [emoji3525]

I'll stop clogging this topic. Sorry folks.

(That's supposed to be a frown up there, btw)

Sent from my Speak and Spell via Tapatalk
No worries. This thread has already plunked the steam engine into the bottom of the ravine.
The message that’s not getting out is that we generally haven’t stressed the ventilator supply precisely because we have been social distancing and/or population density is not high enough for rapid viral spread.

All we have to do is look at the outbreaks in nursing homes and meat processors to see what happens when we compress people into high density and introduce the virus, even in low population density states. Ask the folks in Cedar Rapids if they are concerned and I bet you get a completely different answer than if you asked the same question in another part of Iowa without a meat processing operation.

The fact that your ventilators are not at or near capacity should not be the cue to loosen up. We don’t want them near capacity, just ask the docs and nurses in New York. The current version of my nightmare hellscape is a silent hospital corridor where the only sound you hear is the rhythm of ventilators.
The message that’s not getting out is that we generally haven’t stressed the ventilator supply precisely because we have been social distancing and/or population density is not high enough for rapid viral spread.

All we have to do is look at the outbreaks in nursing homes and meat processors to see what happens when we compress people into high density and introduce the virus, even in low population density states. Ask the folks in Cedar Rapids if they are concerned and I bet you get a completely different answer than if you asked the same question in another part of Iowa without a meat processing operation.

The fact that your ventilators are not at or near capacity should not be the cue to loosen up. We don’t want them near capacity, just ask the docs and nurses in New York. The current version of my nightmare hellscape is a silent hospital corridor where the only sound you hear is the rhythm of ventilators.
ZACKLY !!!!!!!!!!
We've already seen how quickly it spreads from the debacles of Spring Break in Florida and Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Lots of kids from Spring Break got the virus and took it home and gave it to their elderly relatives and some have died. I read one instance where a father told his son not to go. He went anyway. When he came home, his father told him he couldn't live with them. Perfect. And Mardi Gras revelers also spread the virus around and many tested positive, I'm sure infecting many. In fact, there is the pastor who said the virus was a hoax, went to Mardi Gras, contracted the virus and ended up dying. It's just sad that the leader of the free world can't learn from other's mistakes. Frankly, the leader of the free world should be able to anticipate and use the vast number of experts available to them to make sound decisions that protect the people of the country they represent and swore to protect. Maybe this post is too political, and if so, delete it. But enough is enough.
In fact, there is the pastor who said the virus was a hoax, went to Mardi Gras, contracted the virus and ended up dying.
Apparently home isn't safe either:
From CNBC "numbers from NY shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%."
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I was a terrible student. I discovered that the same simple lab experiments were repeated verbatim or with minor variances every year in the curriculum. Went to the public library and retrieved old Regents exams and curriculum texts. I ‘cliff noted’ my way through science labs. Same thing with dissections.
Ouch, the same basic labs on a yearly basis. Sounds like someone was taking the easy way out and minimizing their prep time. That is just Not good teaching. Sorry you were cheated out of a good lab experience.
With the way the United States is set up, we have certain freedoms that are granted to us. The President regardless of being republican or democrat can not shut down the whole country that would be poor form, and many say unconstitutional. Why should Wyoming be on the same lock down as New York? I do appreciate the fact that the President is letting each individual state handle this, and has at least released some programs to the states to handle their respective answer to this as well.

I wear my mask, I work at home, and I haven't seen my extended family in over 2 months. I'll just say someone tries to lock me down how they are locking down NY or other extremely hurt areas. I will NOT comply. My state has a 4% positive rate, transmission is down to 1:1, we are top ten in the nation in testing. A ONE size fits all is not the correct response. That is my opinion and you can disagree that is fine, but lets keep it civil.

Here are the facts as I personally see them; there is a new virus, it is trasmitting easily, it is killing people at what seems to be an alarming rate, and both sides of the political spectrum are trying to advance their individual political agendas.

I personally believe the right answer is somewhere in the middle.
Apparently home isn't safe either:
From CNBC "numbers from NY shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%."

There are some possible explanations about those "Home" numbers. Someone could be sheltering at home but stilll going out for food shopping and contracting the virus because they didn't take the proper precautions of washing hands and sanitizing the stuff that was bought. Also, if you get packages delivered to your home, apparently large percentages of delivery drivers have the virus. If you just take the package into your home, you can get it that way. I just was delivered two packages by UPS. I put on gloves, brought the boxes into the house and sprayed them down with Lysol. They'll sit there to give the Lysol a chance to work. So, I don't believe those numbers indicate that staying at home isn't safe. As with any statistics, they are only as good as the numbers and information that goes into the models. Garbage in, garbage out.
My safety glasses have protected me from molten metal, paint, acid, all kinds of dust and debris, even a knife blade on one especially boneheaded occasion. But I never thought I'd be wearing them to protect against potentially fatal cases of "Say it, don't spray it."
We've already seen how quickly it spreads from the debacles of Spring Break in Florida and Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
And Mardi Gras revelers also spread the virus around and many tested positive, I'm sure infecting many. In fact, there is the pastor who said the virus was a hoax, went to Mardi Gras, contracted the virus and ended up dying.
While I am certain the Mardi Gras had it's part to play in the spread of COVID-19 I wouldn't call it a "debacle." The first reported case of coronavirus in the US was in the state of Washington on January 20th. Fat Tuesday was on Feb 25th with festivities generally starting two weeks before then. Louisiana's first reported case was March 3rd. There was not a lot known about the virus during this time and the first guidelines on social distancing, closure of businesses, and other measures...Federal, State, or Local (and let's remember...there is this thing called "States Rights" which stems from the United States Constitution...specifically the 10th Amendment) were not implemented until (with the exception of New York and New Jersey) much later.

The spring break thing occurred when people knew they should not be doing those things. It's not even the same comparison. Unless there are serious advancements in the near future in the protection and eradication of the virus...authorities in New Orleans and Louisiana are talking about canceling Mardi Gras in 2021 altogether.
With the way the United States is set up, we have certain freedoms that are granted to us. The President regardless of being republican or democrat can not shut down the whole country that would be poor form, and many say unconstitutional. Why should Wyoming be on the same lock down as New York? I don't consider myself a full on Trump supporter BUT I do appreciate the fact that he is letting each individual state handle this, and has at least released some programs to the states to handle their respective answer to this as well.

I wear my mask, I work at home, and I haven't seen my extended family in over 2 months. I'll just say someone tries to lock me down how they are locking down NY or other extremely hurt areas. I will NOT comply. My state has a 4% positive rate, transmission is down to 1:1, we are top ten in the nation in testing. A ONE size fits all is not the correct response. That is my opinion and you can disagree that is fine.

Here are the facts as I personally see them; there is a new virus, it is trasmitting easily, it is killing people at what seems to be an alarming rate, and both sides of the political spectrum are trying to advance their individual political agendas.

I personally believe the right answer is somewhere in the middle.

I've never said that the entire country needs to be treated the same. But we are also seeing spikes in the number of cases in areas of the country that you would least expect it. We are hearing that rural areas are seeing an increase in the number of cases. Certainly not the same kind of numbers being seen in more populated areas but the problem for rural areas is the lack of resources needed to fight and treat the people who succumb to the virus. So hospitals are being overwhelmed. And while I'll agree that each state should probably handle this in a way that is appropriate for what that state is seeing, it isn't helpful when the president makes partisan comments saying that it isn't fair for Republicans to have to bail out Democratic states. He says that all the states that are suffering the most from covid-19 are run by democrats. It's pretty clear that Federal assistance, whether it be in the form of materials or money, is not being looked at based upon need but instead based upon someone's partisan perspective of who is more deserving. And we won't even get into the reality of which states contribute more in federal tax dollars and receive far less than that contribution back in Federal aid. The wealthier states are often subsidizing the poorer states. And that has worked just fine up to now. But when aid is denied to certain areas of the country because of their political affiliation, that is just unconscionable. You are correct in that the answer is somewhere in the middle. But the Federal government is not allowing that middle ground answer to come to fruition.
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