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Corona Virus

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May 1st we begin to open I guess. Biggest change I saw is that restaurants can do dining IF the tables are spaced 6 feet apart. And EVERYONE wears a mask that works there.

They might just as well bring my porterhouse out on a hospital tray. Yuck!
Thanks Don. I realize that no-one here is likely to be downing bottles of Vitamin D each day to ward off COVID, but Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and can (in rare cases) accumulate in your system and reach toxic levels. Moderation in everything.

Most definitely! Unless your health professional prescribes it, probably shouldn't be supplementing more than 1000 IUs a day.

I was just pointing out some information. There is a lot of research going on right now studying susceptible populations and vitamin d deficiency.
Cool. I was talking about the home made cloth ones. When I first heard about using those liners I thought it was weird but they actually work for us that don't want to take the mask away from you guys.. My wife's company has started supplying them with mask to wear also since they are dealing with the public daily and she's an essential worker also.
This distancing thing is messing with my head. We were watching the intro to "King of the Hill" and the first thought in my head was, "they're standing way too close and none of them have a mask". Then I remembered that they're cartoons from 15 years ago.
Right, cartoons now it would be a totally different story...
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