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Corona Virus

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What masks do you recommend for the layperson?

I had been using a bnadana folded over twice so that I was breathing through 4 layers of fabric. Then I read that one of the best simple filters is paper towels. So I took a piece of paper towel, layed it in the bandana and folded it as usual. I was able to breath through it reasonably well and and think it makes an excellent homemade option if real masks are hard to come by. I figure I'd leave the regular masks for the healthcare professionals and stick with this.

But has anyone seen the recent comments that they are considering opening up schools in the US? I don't understand this. Is anyone else as puzzled by this as I am?
I had been using a bnadana folded over twice so that I was breathing through 4 layers of fabric. Then I read that one of the best simple filters is paper towels. So I took a piece of paper towel, layed it in the bandana and folded it as usual. I was able to breath through it reasonably well and and think it makes an excellent homemade option if real masks are hard to come by. I figure I'd leave the regular masks for the healthcare professionals and stick with this.

But has anyone seen the recent comments that they are considering opening up schools in the US? I don't understand this. Is anyone else as puzzled by this as I am?

Great idea on the mask. Not so sure on the schools.
Our schools are closed for the year with the kids doing at home online only schoolwork until the end of may when the regular school year ends.
Distance learning here.

My wife is a teacher and they are already talking about next school year. Honestly I don't think its happening.
Our schools are closed here also through this school year. And like Chad says...talking about limited school starting in the fall.
I have some of the above mentioned masks with the exhaust port I use when painting. I’ve retrofitted them with a hepafilter liner made from vacuum sweeper bags. Mind the direction of the material if you do Thais. Printed side towards your face for best results. The retrofit breathes pretty easily and forms more of a gasket over my cheeks to reduce steamage.
Interesting research about blood types and susceptibility to Coronavirus. Essentially it says that those with O Blood types are less susceptible to COVID 19 and those with A blood types are more susceptible. The study has NOT BEEN PEER-REVIEWED yet and is out of China. So take it for what it's worth. Just thought it was interesting. Link to abstract and pdf of paper.

A lot of information is coming out about respiratory illness and Vitamin D also...

This article is sourced with a lot of scientific peer-reviewed research, but I would like to quote the pivotal point to be made in this article:

"Keep in mind that there’s no scientific evidence that taking supplemental vitamin D can protect you from developing COVID-19. However, being deficient in vitamin D may increase your susceptibility to overall infection and disease by harming immune function."
We have been homeschooling for the last 5 years so no real change here. We are also planning on the same thing in the fall. (Please, no one tell my daughter that other kids aren't doing school!)
Our schools are closed but they are doing online learning. You can tell her everyone is doing school like she is.
Governor just layed out a 4 month plan to slowly open. Each step will take a month. Feel bad for all the small businesses that won't make it.
May 1st we begin to open I guess. Biggest change I saw is that restaurants can do dining IF the tables are spaced 6 feet apart. And EVERYONE wears a mask that works there.
A lot of information is coming out about respiratory illness and Vitamin D also...

This article is sourced with a lot of scientific peer-reviewed research, but I would like to quote the pivotal point to be made in this article:

"Keep in mind that there’s no scientific evidence that taking supplemental vitamin D can protect you from developing COVID-19. However, being deficient in vitamin D may increase your susceptibility to overall infection and disease by harming immune function."
Thanks Don. I realize that no-one here is likely to be downing bottles of Vitamin D each day to ward off COVID, but Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and can (in rare cases) accumulate in your system and reach toxic levels. Moderation in everything.

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