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Corona Virus

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Okay new numbers here.....
  • Positive cases: 1,917
  • Deaths: 35
  • Total tests: 18,314
  • Public Health Lab tests: 7,017
  • Public Health Lab backlog: 0
  • Public Health Lab results: 24-48 hrs
  • Hospital beds utilized: 6,490
  • Beds available: 5,790
  • Calls to Care Line: 667
72 positive in my county.
As of April 2, 2020 our town of about 48,000 have had 168 cases of covid-19 and 1 death. The numbers for the entire county of over 800,000 is 2,607 cases and 65 deaths. NJ as a state has seen 22,255 cases and 355 deaths. This is a densely populated part of the state and today the governor mandated stay at home for everyone except those who are essential workers, and people shopping for food or medicine.
As of April 2, 2020 our town of about 48,000 have had 168 cases of covid-19 and 1 death. The numbers for the entire county of over 800,000 is 2,607 cases and 65 deaths. NJ as a state has seen 22,255 cases and 355 deaths. This is a densely populated part of the state and today the governor mandated stay at home for everyone except those who are essential workers, and people shopping for food or medicine.
our governor still hasn't implemented a stay in place order.....
as another side note our state has a population of about 5.084 million people and our county has a population of about 306,854 people
Okay new numbers here.....
  • Positive cases: 1,917
  • Deaths: 35
  • Total tests: 18,314
  • Public Health Lab tests: 7,017
  • Public Health Lab backlog: 0
  • Public Health Lab results: 24-48 hrs
  • Hospital beds utilized: 6,490
  • Beds available: 5,790
  • Calls to Care Line: 667
72 positive in my county.
2 days ago we had about one-third of your positive cases but about the same number of deaths.......... I quit watching the reports
Like I said, same # of deaths here but with less than half the total positive cases you have. Not boding well here

Current as of April 4, 2020 at 5 p.m. Eastern time

Kentucky Coronavirus Monitoring

Number Tested: 16,663
Positive: 917
Deaths: 40
Well I hope things start looking up for you guys soon and that you and yours remain safe....
One of our hospital systems are rolling out a rapid COVID 19 test. Apparently the test takes only five to 13 minutes to learn the results. It's part of the FDA's Fast R=Track initiative. Currently there is only one location in the Baton Rouge area and it's actually just a couple miles at from house and done at an urgent care facility. From what I understand, you go online and set up a virtual appointment. You answer some questions and if it is determined that you should be tested, then you drive up to the Urgent care facility and they do the test. Then you find out if you tested positive or not before you leave. The down side to this is that there are only something like 1900 tests being distributed to the entire state weekly.

Interesting new feature our State is giving the public on their website. At the bottom of the Graph there is a tab that says "By Day (rank)." If you click it shows day by day the number of parishes with the most cases. It's a pretty interesting graphic.
I think it's important to remember that some places are only ramping up testing, so when you see a giant spike in the number of cases from the day before it doesn't mean that many people got the virus in a day. It only means that the test results were finalized. Statistics are essential for us to understand how the virus is spreading and where but statistics also must be considered in conjunction with the situational limitations. Some people will use the statistics to conclude that the world is about to end and others will use the statistics to conclude we have nothing to worry about. Neither would be correct. What is clear is that this is an extremely dangerous virus and without a vaccine, we are all sitting ducks unless we stay away from other people and accept the fact that the virus is extremely resilient. It can remain in the air for hours. It can remain on surfaces for days. And it can be transmitted by even the briefest exchange, even just passing by someone. And not just immunocompromised people are dying. People of all ages, including completely healthy people, are dying. So, stay home, protect yourself with a mask if you do have to go out and stay safe everyone.
Well a Utah update

We are averaging over 4000 tests a day the last few days. And our positive rate is still at about 5%. Sadly we had our first confirmed case and death in an assisted living center. Bringing total deaths to 8.

Governor has really stepped up his game but will not do a statewide shelter in place. He wants the counties to do so. Utah county which is the youngest by population and has 3 universities in it is becoming a hot zone! They won't stay home. Social media daily shows their parks jam packed! But yet the county mayor will do nothing! If they don't fix their act soon then the statewide shelter in place might happen.

I've really been avoiding reading a lot news stories and just focusing on the family lately. I have taken screenshots of the daily numbers but haven't updated my sheet yet. I'll probably do that tomorrow on a break.
I can't share the graph, but I've seen one related to our health plan that shows our cases have been growing in a linear fashion since around 3/15 instead of logarithmically which is very hopeful.

Does your hospital look at this? Is this pretty accurate? Because the updates for Utah seem real promising. But not understanding the hospital side not sure how accurate it is.


Does your hospital look at this? Is this pretty accurate? Because the updates for Utah seem real promising. But not understanding the hospital side not sure how accurate it is.

I can't tell you what all the group looks at. I know we also have our own division of research and a large enough market share that our internal numbers are reflective of the state. If you click on the California tab of the link you sent, I would say that's pretty accurate for what we're seeing and hearing. Things feel fairly steady right now with consistent growth in the numbers as opposed to an explosion. This at least gives hospitals the time to get things in place. It's not just the number of new cases that's the problem, but how long these patients are in the hospital once they get here.
My wife goes back to work on Thursday for a "2-week on" rotation after being off for 2; I'll be functioning as her PPD (personal protective driver) to shuttle her to and from work during this period. My director is pretty understanding and knows that I'm either :
(a) a responsible person who doesn't shag the dog while at home (figuratively speaking 🤪) or
(b) a habitual liar but they really don't any alternative at the present but to smile and nod. 🤪🕺:eek:🤪
So Utah went from 8 to 13 deaths today so the official report. But out of the 3400 tests returned today only 3% were positive.
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