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Corona Virus

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So no playing bingo at the strip club while getting a tattoo during your massage while getting your hair cut anymore......:)
Well our governor decided to close all nonessential business till mid April...he said instead of listing what's essential in list form that instead he would just list what's non essential to avoid confusion...

Entertainment – bowling alleys, night clubs, arcades, concert halls, theaters, auditoriums, performing arts centers, tourist attractions including museums, racetracks , indoor children play areas (excluding daycares), adult entertainment venues, bingo halls, venues operated by social clubs
Athletic facilities and activities – fitness centers and gyms, spas and public pools, spectator sports, events that require shared sporting equipment, public playground equipment
Close contact service providers – barber shops, hair salons, waxing salons, nail salons, spas, body art facilities, tattoo parlors, tanning salons, massage therapy
Dude...your state is behind the power curve. I could argue that the SC government at this point is part of the problem and not the solution.
They have not officially closed non essential here in Utah. But many counties have issues stay home orders. Governor has said that businesses should ONLY operate if they can guarantee social distancing and limit the amount of people in an area to 10 or fewer people. We are this way through June. Our numbers seem promising currently so I hope that means we are doing well. But I did find out someone two blocks away is quarantined in their house with the virus, mild symptoms thankfully. And one of our state's deaths was about 8 blocks away from us, a 24 year old girl with type 1 diabetes and had open heart surgery 12 months ago. Sadly she lost the fight. Her two brothers and dad are home recovering from the virus as well, the mom is in the hospital but is hoping to be released today to continue recovering at home.
And one of our state's deaths was about 8 blocks away from us, a 24 year old girl with type 1 diabetes and had open heart surgery 12 months ago. Sadly she lost the fight. Her two brothers and dad are home recovering from the virus as well, the mom is in the hospital but is hoping to be released today to continue recovering at home.

Dang...that is rough. That family can use some prayers right about now.
Dude...your state is behind the power curve. I could argue that the SC government at this point is part of the problem and not the solution.
I agree and what's funny ( well not funny but you know what I mean ) is a lot of the businesses that he closed in the "new" order were businesses he had Already closed in his " old" order....Our states other politicians are basically begging the gov to issue a shelter in place order but he is being stubborn for some reason. I mean in 8 day we went from low 200's to almost 1100 cases and still he won't do it.

As a side note Our first case was confirmed on March 9th so in less than a month we went from none to 1100......
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I think our states attorney general agrees about a stay in place order needing to be issued also now because when the state capitol city issued their own stay in place order he originally spoke out against it as did our governor but now the AG has said he won't fight Any town or city or county issuing their own order. Of course our governor still says he is the only one with the authority to issue such orders..
So here's an example of something good.

As a lot of you know my wife is a school teacher. She teaches 5th grade. When this was all starting they sent all the kids home with a laptop, and luckily in her situation all of her students have internet at home. They also sent them home with text books and other books. Well they finished their class literature book last week, and sadly the next book they were supposed to use is at the school all 25 copies. Well with the new travel restrictions in our county there is no way to get the books to the students. So I suggested that she email the publisher Penguin and ask if we could buy 25 digital copies and get a discount. Penguin responded 2 hours after we sent that email and gave her 25 copies for free!

I know its rough and its only going to get worse as we have not peaked yet. But things like that really give me hope!
AG has said he won't fight Any town or city or county issuing their own order. Of course our governor still says he is the only one with the authority to issue such orders..
My wife (who is an attorney that works in state government at the Executive Level) have talked about this at length. The consensus in the legal community is that even if an AG prosecutes these type of issues...there is no court that would actually take it serious. Same with the Governor. He can pontificate all he wants that he is the only entity that can legally issue the order (and he may be right depending on your state's constitution), but again...good luck at any court ruling against a city, town, or village for giving an order in the interest of public health.
So here's an example of something good.

As a lot of you know my wife is a school teacher. She teaches 5th grade. When this was all starting they sent all the kids home with a laptop, and luckily in her situation all of her students have internet at home. They also sent them home with text books and other books. Well they finished their class literature book last week, and sadly the next book they were supposed to use is at the school all 25 copies. Well with the new travel restrictions in our county there is no way to get the books to the students. So I suggested that she email the publisher Penguin and ask if we could buy 25 digital copies and get a discount. Penguin responded 2 hours after we sent that email and gave her 25 copies for free!

I know its rough and its only going to get worse as we have not peaked yet. But things like that really give me hope!
That is awesome Chad! There are people, companies, and entities out there that really want to do the right thing and good things!
That is awesome Chad! There are people, companies, and entities out there that really want to do the right thing and good things!

Agreed. And unlike others I just got a nice big raise before all this started. I was prepared to buy them! I suggested to my wife to have all her kids write thank you cards and when this over send them to the publisher cc'ing the author! Guess what their assignment is Monday lol
New Number from Louisiana...positive cases went up a good bit...but they added about 8,000 tests from yesterday.

Just announced...our schools are now closed through the remainder of the school year. At least the kids won’t be learning common core... :ROFLMAO:
Just announced...our schools are now closed through the remainder of the school year. At least the kids won’t be learning common core... :ROFLMAO:
We heard that Maine is canceling all requirements for total school days and grading to promote to the next grade. Yet us homeschoolers are still required to have our kids tested by the end of the year. How is this fair?I'm not even sure we will be able to find the tests we need due to everything closing.
We heard that Maine is canceling all requirements for total school days and grading to promote to the next grade. Yet us homeschoolers are still required to have our kids tested by the end of the year. How is this fair?I'm not even sure we will be able to find the tests we need due to everything closing.
Yea that stinks, considering most homeschoolers, IMO, are getting a much higher education...

A lot of testing for our state has been canceled. I haven’t seen our specific ms yet on what the kids are going to have to do to make up the missed learning. Our local district still hasn’t even started official online courses and only just last week began posting enrichment material in them meantime.
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