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Corona Virus

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So then there’s this...1AB8260C-CEB0-4E96-8E4F-AEC5FAF8BA6D.jpeg
Oh wait..I STILL have to buy bags because the state mandates I pay 10 cents for a bag. Good thing they will put my purchases back into my cart so I can drag them out to my car without buying even MORE reusable bags I can’t reuse without risking everyone’s health when I do.
So then there’s this...View attachment 20113
Oh wait..I STILL have to buy bags because the state mandates I pay 10 cents for a bag. Good thing they will put my purchases back into my cart so I can drag them out to my car without buying even MORE reusable bags I can’t reuse without risking everyone’s health when I do.
Hey you vote these folks in 🤪 .....(I laugh because Maine it right there with you. Maine tries to adopts whatever California does. We are sort of the California MiniMe)
So then there’s this...
Oh wait..I STILL have to buy bags because the state mandates I pay 10 cents for a bag. Good thing they will put my purchases back into my cart so I can drag them out to my car without buying even MORE reusable bags I can’t reuse without risking everyone’s health when I do.
All around here they are giving free plastic bags now. I think this is odd. You are coming into the store and touching everything in your cart, plus the cart, the money or the card machine. The bagger is wearing gloves and a mask. What exactly do your home bags add to the mix that’s so much worse?
So then there’s this...View attachment 20113
Oh wait..I STILL have to buy bags because the state mandates I pay 10 cents for a bag. Good thing they will put my purchases back into my cart so I can drag them out to my car without buying even MORE reusable bags I can’t reuse without risking everyone’s health when I do.
Louisiana's latest numbers... New Orleans area is Region I and Baton Rouge area is Region II...I'l Post a map of the different regions in Louisiana.

And just my own simple analysis on the situation...

DateTests Complete StateTests Complete PrivateTotal Tests ReportedPositive CasesDeaths ReportedHospitalizedOn Ventilators% Positive Cases% Mortality% Hosp - Pos Cases% Hosp on Vent
well our latest numbers 1700 with 34 deaths and 60 positive in my county... Our governor Still wont issue a stay in place order.......He did effectively do it today by saying that as of Monday all department stores and furniture stores and craft stores are also closed but left gun stores open along with essential places( grocery stores, pharmacies. and take out restaurants).. and they did say on the conference today that they are asking everyone to stay home if you don't have to go out...he just was asked what it would take to issue the order because Alabama just issued the order there and our state is now the Only state in our region without one. his response was we are unique our industries are unique... there is something up we are not being told by him......... oh and
Negative tests (Public Health Laboratory only)5,777
Hey you vote these folks in [emoji2957] .....(I laugh because Maine it right there with you. Maine tries to adopts whatever California does. We are sort of the California MiniMe)
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