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Corona Virus

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Our states Governor is worried about implementing a shelter in place order because he is worried it will scare the public and he is worried about the economy suffering so several towns in our state implemented their own orders and our attorney general is saying that its not legal and those towns may face lawsuits after this is over because of businesses suing for lost income and our wonderful governor is saying that the orders are not legitimate also because he is the only one who can make that order and he isn't ready to make it yet !!! I think that is insane because the counties/towns that are doing this are ones with high numbers and they are trying to cut off the spread by limiting peoples exposure to this virus.... Yes the Economy is important BUT Lives are more important. If this doesn't stop who will be left to buy or sell stuff anyway...... Okay im getting off the soapbox now.... :)
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We need something good in here. A really good friend and fellow official came over unannounced and rang the doorbell. Quick look on the doorbell cam I saw it was my friend. Opened the door and he stepped down a few steps keeping at least a good 8 feet. Asked how we are doing and dropped off some goodies. Sometimes we gotta focus on the positive.

We need something good in here. A really good friend and fellow official came over unannounced and rang the doorbell. Quick look on the doorbell cam I saw it was my friend. Opened the door and he stepped down a few steps keeping at least a good 8 feet. Asked how we are doing and dropped off some goodies. Sometimes we gotta focus on the positive.

View attachment 19743

Those look insanely delicious. What are they, pray tell?
More Good
My Wife works in the emergency department at our local hospital and the other night a Individual , not a company
Dropped off 12 Large pizzas for the staff
with a nice note thanking all of them for being there. They didn't leave a name.
I just thought that was really nice 😊
Pizza 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
For those of you playing along at home, the NYTimes is tracking all known cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. on a county-by-county basis and is making the data public. No subscription needed.

That site didn't work for me.... But these are what I've been using:
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center - this link works from home, but not at work, so I have to use this alternate link:

Well in the presidents address earlier tonight the social distancing was extended through April the 31st.

So..... Indefinitely????:oops::rolleyes:;)
That site didn't work for me.... But these are what I've been using:
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center - this link works from home, but not at work, so I have to use this alternate link:

View attachment 19771

So..... Indefinitely????:oops::rolleyes:;)
Yeah my mistake.. The media is saying they Said end of April... I would have swore one of the guys said April 31st during the news conference though... I'm sure it will last longer than the end of April though.
The hunting skills honed through years of on-line game play are coming in handy.
Yep. I went to pick up my wife's prescription at Wal-Mart the other day and scored the 1 bottle limit of hand sanitizer.. 1st one out of the case... So now I have joined the ranks of getting hard to find items during the Covid-19 outbreak... Honestly I wasn't even really looking for it though. I helped several elderly couple find it too though that were looking for some.
Bunch of dirty birds down there
And if I can learn how to spell...that would be great too.

But these are what I've been using:
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center -
Otherwise known as the CIA 🤪

Down at Target since 7:30, hoping for a TP score! Only the 7th person in line to get in :ROFLMAO: 🤙

Stores here have TP. Maybe not the huge selection that they used to...but they actually have it when you go in.
Waiting for the official state update in a few minutes. Expecting a big jump in positives from over the weekend.
The big concern here is that out of staters are fleeing to there summer homes and camps. The amount of out of state plates seen is similar to the height of tourist season. They are arriving and then stocking up there supplies. This is putting a big strain on the small little stores who are struggling to meet the need of the locals. Plus there is the concern that they will bring the virus up with them.

On a side note, I had to break out the clippers and scissors to give myself a hair cut. Scary days, my friends....scary days!
Well, by the time the store opened there were at least 30 people in line. Made it to the paper goods isle and grabbed a 30 pack (one of the only sizes available) of TP...score! Circled back about 10 minutes later and it was all depleted again. Made it home without needing to lay a smack down.

Stores here have TP. Maybe not the huge selection that they used to...but they actually have it when you go in.
Yea, we still have stock issues (and hoarding issues) here unfortunately.
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