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Corona Virus

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Schools in Sac now closed through May 1 at the earliest.

One newsworthy kerfuffle in a neighboring city - armed man busts into a hospital and demands attention/treatment, threatening medical staff. Thankfully the situation was handled realtively quickly.
2 more here today bringing it to I think 7. 52 more cases which is just slightly higher than yesterday's increase which they say is hopeful the curve is bending some. 302 cases total. We'll see more but at least they try to share some positive news instead of just negative. Also they are taking stronger measures than many states.
Every time I see Johns Hopkins University (looking at KJ @Spider 's pic) I can't help but think about the CIA. Johns Hopkins has a long history (that you can quickly learn with just a simple Google search) with the CIA. Mostly with recruiting...but the Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security has worked along side the CIA for a very long time. Sorry...I have to inject a little crazy into this thread every now and then! :sneaky:
@CBLindsay reread your post. I would have to say in theory you have some points. To take it to the extreme I know there are the examples of tribes of people that were cut off from the modern world only to have their populations devastated when explorers/missionaries come visiting and expose them to new illnesses. Or in my case, when I became a nurse I was sick once a month for a year as I was exposed to all sorts of things, but then would go a year at times without a sick day after that.

Your question about being immunized again the flu helping to minimize symptoms of COVID is interesting. The key of course is how close on a molecular immune response COVID is to some of the major flu strains. Wild assumption guess is it isn’t close enough for the two to relate. First you do have the need to revamp the flu vaccine every year to be effective against new strains of the same virus. You also have reports of many healthcare and first responders getting COVID and one could assume this group would be have higher adherence with getting the flu shot than the general public.

Just my ideas.
Area around here FINALLY closes parks and trails after weeks of people acting like it’s vacation time.

We have a limited amount of time for the Shelter In Place Order to truly save lives,” said San Mateo County Manager Mike Callagy. “The sheer number of people crowding our parks and driving to reach them made them unsafe for our community. I appreciate the desire for our residents to get outside and enjoy our open spaces, but we cannot have them descending on our parks in large groups now.”

Parks staff will lock entrance gates and parking lots and post “Park Closed” signs at park and trail entrances. Park staff will continue to patrol parks during the closure.

The department collects foot traffic through trail counters placed throughout the system to show use.

Data collected from mid-February to March 25 showed spikes in the days following the Shelter in Place order, with an increase of 50 percent to 300 percent.
I would hope that now being pretty much 2 weeks out on social distancing we can begin to see better numbers. But I still feel we are another week at least of bad news. Which is hard.

I try to find solace in the fact that overall in the United States our positive test % seems good. Also our death rate seems lower than other countries too.

I tend to look at data at Worldometers and our Utah Health Dept.
New York is insane! I'm baffled every time I look at the stats by state.

US total 97,028
New York : 44,743 (Number 1 in US)
New Jersey: 8,825 (#2 in US)

So New York has 46% of all cases in the US, and has 5 times the number of cases of the next ranking state!

The NY numbers reflect that most of those are located in NYC. Living in NYC is mostly apartment living. Small apartments where people are in close proximity to one another. And I imagine that many of the cases are clustered in low income buildings. There appears to be a lack of knowledge on the subject of social distancing among low income people. An example was when I went to Home Depot yestereday to get two propane containers exchanged I had to wait on line outside the store. They had markings on the sidewalk and signs that said to keep a distance from each other while on line. This woman behind me was right up on me as though there was no virus out there. I had to tell her "They want us to stay 6 feet apart, hence the markings on the ground." She just looked at me and backed up. I say she is low income because of her apalling dress and her even worse language. Now I'm hearing Trump is consiering imposing a quaratine for New York and parts of NJ and CT. I'm guessing I'm in the part of NJ that will be effected as I'm about 30 minutes outside of Manhattan and Essex County is probably one of the most densely populated areas. Hopefully it will miss us because I would hate to have to stop my solo bike rides which provide me with essential fresh air and exercise. Scary times.
The NY numbers reflect that most of those are located in NYC. Living in NYC is mostly apartment living. Small apartments where people are in close proximity to one another. And I imagine that many of the cases are clustered in low income buildings. There appears to be a lack of knowledge on the subject of social distancing among low income people. An example was when I went to Home Depot yestereday to get two propane containers exchanged I had to wait on line outside the store. They had markings on the sidewalk and signs that said to keep a distance from each other while on line. This woman behind me was right up on me as though there was no virus out there. I had to tell her "They want us to stay 6 feet apart, hence the markings on the ground." She just looked at me and backed up. I say she is low income because of her apalling dress and her even worse language. Now I'm hearing Trump is consiering imposing a quaratine for New York and parts of NJ and CT. I'm guessing I'm in the part of NJ that will be effected as I'm about 30 minutes outside of Manhattan and Essex County is probably one of the most densely populated areas. Hopefully it will miss us because I would hate to have to stop my solo bike rides which provide me with essential fresh air and exercise. Scary times.

no, you’ve got it exactly right.most folks get it...... some don’t. I head in the radio the ithe dayC that’s one went to a “PO dunk” town and their resuraunts were still open, and they were like WTf?..... Their response was they are too small to be affected.... yeah, to a point, but if you are a long a major traveling route, like they were, it’s just a matter of tIke. Max distance is best for all.... at least for a time. And when groups don’t, it can affect all of us!
Well new numbers released for Utah. We saw our largest testing day which also means are largest up tick in cases. No new deaths thankfully. Positive Percentage still around 5%

Ruh-roh time to hunt for TP...even with the 1 per person rule instated at most stores...many seem to still sell out quickly!
well we are now at 660 positive and 15 deaths 21 positive in my county and 57 in the county next to ours......
We have the first reported case of COVID19 infected homeless in Los Angeles, in my op that’s the absolute worst possible thing that could happen. We have/had an ‘epidemic’ of homelessness in California well before all this started, adding a virus to that community is like dropping a match into a powder keg. The mayor has set up beautiful trailer cities along the beaches (where EVERYONE IN THE WORLD wants to get reservations and CANT but the homeless won’t go...regardless, they don’t have anyplace to wash hands or retreat to, they are exposed at all times. Not only would/will the homeless community suffer greatly, they will be the source of great spread.

We also have what is thought to be the first/only death of someone under 18, a 17 year old Lancaster boy. Because there have been no other reported cases in the world of anyone under 18 dying of COVID19 they are obviously looking into the details. Seems there may be more to the story but you can imagine how it’s freaking people out, the Lancaster mayor darn near locked all kids in their rooms to protect them. They will probably find that COVID19 was only part of the story but because he should never have been sick let alone died, he exposed a lot of people and rocked a lot of boats.

Last thing: I am seeing so much statistical data being collected and shared then used out of context that the only thing I am 100% positive of is that NOBODY (citizen or media) has any chance of understanding what the data means or what is really going on. Making matters worse, there is little consistency in the ‘unit of measure’ being used/reported. Some charts are linear, others exponential. Some counts are raw numbers, other count/thousand. Some are actual, others are projection based on previous rate, some are projecting based on model or trend or rate of change. Get it? Being a numbers guy who uses this kind of data to understand business trends, earnings and growth rates AND having come from a laboratory background (I even studied epidemiology at one time), the first thing I try to do is standardize the data so I’m comparing fruit to fruit.
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