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Corona Virus

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Maine COVID-19 Data
Updated: March 30, 2020 at 12:00 PM
Confirmed Cases1RecoveredHospitalizedDeaths
6,088 tests returned negative


I live in Waldo county (it sort of looks like Texas) which has 2 cases.
Does that seem accurate? Is that what your hospital thinks?
The update we were just given is that Northern California is actually flattening the curve. The cases in NY are doubling every 2 days. Here it's every 7 days. So we're still planning for more, but it does give us more ability to get things in place.
The update we were just given is that Northern California is actually flattening the curve. The cases in NY are doubling every 2 days. Here it's every 7 days. So we're still planning for more, but it does give us more ability to get things in place.

But no one has found the 2020 plug yet? It you do please unplug wait 30 seconds.... No wait... How about 30 minutes just to be safe! Then plug it back in.
Waiting for the official state update in a few minutes. Expecting a big jump in positives from over the weekend.
The big concern here is that out of staters are fleeing to there summer homes and camps. The amount of out of state plates seen is similar to the height of tourist season. They are arriving and then stocking up there supplies. This is putting a big strain on the small little stores who are struggling to meet the need of the locals. Plus there is the concern that they will bring the virus up with them.

On a side note, I had to break out the clippers and scissors to give myself a hair cut. Scary days, my friends....scary days!
Same here John. TONS of Ohio plates fleeing their state to hit their summer lake homes.....
Waiting for the official state update in a few minutes. Expecting a big jump in positives from over the weekend.
The big concern here is that out of staters are fleeing to there summer homes and camps. The amount of out of state plates seen is similar to the height of tourist season. They are arriving and then stocking up there supplies. This is putting a big strain on the small little stores who are struggling to meet the need of the locals. Plus there is the concern that they will bring the virus up with them.

On a side note, I had to break out the clippers and scissors to give myself a hair cut. Scary days, my friends....scary days!
Texas Governor signed an executive order stating that anyone traveling from Louisiana to Texas must self quarantine for 14 days prior to entry. summer camp fleeing here.

The update we were just given is that Northern California is actually flattening the curve. The cases in NY are doubling every 2 days. Here it's every 7 days. So we're still planning for more, but it does give us more ability to get things in place.
Actually...Governor Cuomo recently came out and said the spread is slower than originally anticipated and doubling "only" every four days. I guess that is good?

Texas Governor signed an executive order stating that anyone traveling from Louisiana to Texas must self quarantine for 14 days prior to entry. summer camp fleeing here.
I think our suggested the same thing but there is no enforcement. I wish that if they are coming that they would bring enough supplies with them to self quarantine for 14 days.
I think our suggested the same thing but there is no enforcement. I wish that if they are coming that they would bring enough supplies with them to self quarantine for 14 days.
I am actually not sure how I feel about it...but Texas has actually set up road blocks. I think Florida is doing something similar. are right...if they are traveling to your location...they need to bring their own supplies!
Additional info from the state news conference today.

None of our positive #s are presumptive. State encourages anyone with symptoms to get tested. That want confirmations not presumptions.

8% of our total cases are currently in the hospital. So roughly 65 people. Of them 44% are in ICU so about 29 people.

Of our cases 10% are from community spread so about 81 people.

Our state epidemiologist said that the numbers are promising but the next two weeks are critical. But believes social distancing and other measures are working here. Our hospitals can still get overwhelmed but continued resilience will hopefully prevent that from happening.

All 4 deaths in Utah had other underlying medical issues.

Currently no confirmed cases in jails or assisted living centers across Utah.
I'm not good at graphs but I'm pretty sure a graph on Dave's amount of time on the forum pre-corona till lately would indicate the curve has been bent.
Finland has had the same issue, of people leaving the capital city for their Sumer homes. The problem being that if they take ill there, the hospital infrastructure isn't large enough to handle them, plus the people who live their year round. So the Finnish Govt. decided to seal the capital are off from the rest of the country.

Personally I have zero problem with it, though there is nothing nice about being stuck in a small flat for possibly months, I'm pretty sure it's better than being on a ventilator, or taking one that could have been prevented.
Personally I don't think these idiots have thought it thru. These homes on the lake are not cabins. Pretty swanky area in Deerfield Resort. But the hospital in LaFollette TN they would go to if they got sick I wouldn't want to go to for a hang nail. None yet f the locals go to it. Knoxville is like an hour and a half away for them.
I read an article I think out of Iceland that said they have found 70 mutations. But the newer mutations are LESS deadly, and not making people as sick. Also that covid is mutating much slower than the common flu does. Obviously not a medical professional so I have no idea what any of that means

That’s good news! Slow mutation means vaccines can work longer, since a mutation is the thing that can help a bug change from what the vaccine works on.
Actually...Governor Cuomo recently came out and said the spread is slower than originally anticipated and doubling "only" every four days. I guess that is good?

Yes. Slower doubling rate is good. It means it’s taking longer to infect enough people to double. The virus is just as infectious, so it means that distancing is working. Less contact = less transmission
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