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Corona Virus

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So what will be the new normal ?
Will big city living be part of the past?
What about cash , will it become a
Cashless economy?
And sporting events, who is going to want to go to a elbow to elbow jam packed arena ?
And finally, what are the 3 Shell's for ?
We have the first reported case of COVID19 infected homeless in Los Angeles, in my op that’s the absolute worst possible thing that could happen. We have/had an ‘epidemic’ of homelessness in California well before all this started, adding a virus to that community is like dropping a match into a powder keg. The mayor has set up beautiful trailer cities along the beaches (where EVERYONE IN THE WORLD wants to get reservations and CANT but the homeless won’t go...regardless, they don’t have anyplace to wash hands or retreat to, they are exposed at all times. Not only would/will the homeless community suffer greatly, they will be the source of great spread.
The New Orleans Homeless population is moving into Hilton Gardens. heard that correctly. After a good number of homeless kept coming into the the ER rooms and testing positive, the Mayor has decided to round up the homeless and put them into the New Orleans area Hilton Gardens. I guess in the short term this might be a good idea. The homeless are now getting a roof over their head, getting fed, clothed, and other things. But I can't imagine what kind of issues this will cause in the long term. When this is over do they boot them out and put them all on the street again?

We also have what is thought to be the first/only death of someone under 18, a 17 year old Lancaster boy. Because there have been no other reported cases in the world of anyone under 18 dying of COVID19 they are obviously looking into the details. Seems there may be more to the story but you can imagine how it’s freaking people out, the Lancaster mayor darn near locked all kids in their rooms to protect them. They will probably find that COVID19 was only part of the story but because he should never have been sick let alone died, he exposed a lot of people and rocked a lot of boats.
On the 26th (I think) we had a report that a 17 year old died of COVID 19 also. But there is definitely something more to the story. The father of the boy has come out and said that the boy died of heart failure. According to the Coroner's Office the cause of death is still under investigation.

Last thing: I am seeing so much statistical data being collected and shared then used out of context that the only thing I am 100% positive of is that NOBODY (citizen or media) has any chance of understanding what the data means or what is really going on. Making matters worse, there is little consistency in the ‘unit of measure’ being used/reported. Some charts are linear, others exponential. Some counts are raw numbers, other count/thousand. Some are actual, others are projection based on previous rate, some are projecting based on model or trend or rate of change. Get it? Being a numbers guy who uses this kind of data to understand business trends, earnings and growth rates AND having come from a laboratory background (I even studied epidemiology at one time), the first thing I try to do is standardize the data so I’m comparing fruit to fruit.

You are really spot on here Chris. I know I keep my simple stats out of curiosity more than anything and I am only really looking at a very linear trend. And yes...NOBODY really understands what any of these numbers mean. If you are able to impart some wisdom and understanding in this area, I am all ears. I had some classes that related to statistics, probability, and logic in college, but the statistics portion did not compute. I had a better understanding of the probability and logic portion...but it wasn't something I was interested in at the times and was rudimentary training at best.
Got sent this video. I recognize a lot of people in this thing does anyone else? Pretty funny collaboration to hopefully bring you a chuckle in the midst of all of this.

NY is really bad mostly in NYC though. They have determined that the subway caused the massive spread. If you think about it, 500 people live in a building, well each person touches the door in.........enough said. They also didn't take the social distancing serious down there when it was first instituted. I bring my parents groceries and leave them outside the door talking to them from about 20 feet away. My dad is at risk and I don't take any chances.
The New Orleans Homeless population is moving into Hilton Gardens. heard that correctly. After a good number of homeless kept coming into the the ER rooms and testing positive, the Mayor has decided to round up the homeless and put them into the New Orleans area Hilton Gardens. I guess in the short term this might be a good idea. The homeless are now getting a roof over their head, getting fed, clothed, and other things. But I can't imagine what kind of issues this will cause in the long term. When this is over do they boot them out and put them all on the street again?

On the 26th (I think) we had a report that a 17 year old died of COVID 19 also. But there is definitely something more to the story. The father of the boy has come out and said that the boy died of heart failure. According to the Coroner's Office the cause of death is still under investigation.

You are really spot on here Chris. I know I keep my simple stats out of curiosity more than anything and I am only really looking at a very linear trend. And yes...NOBODY really understands what any of these numbers mean. If you are able to impart some wisdom and understanding in this area, I am all ears. I had some classes that related to statistics, probability, and logic in college, but the statistics portion did not compute. I had a better understanding of the probability and logic portion...but it wasn't something I was interested in at the times and was rudimentary training at best.
I’m not about to add MORE stats and confusion to the soup... The only thing I would say is the numbers don’t matter, the trends are. find a single data set that is meaningful to you and stick with that, don’t be pulled in multiple directions by all the numbers or you’ll miss the trend. And definitely ignore people/reporters trying to convince you of some sort of expected outcome using statistical projections to justify their story. It’s a lie. Flat out, it’s a lie!
For those of you playing along at home, the NYTimes is tracking all known cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. on a county-by-county basis and is making the data public. No subscription needed.

I’m not about to add MORE stats and confusion to the soup... The only thing I would say is the numbers don’t matter, the trends are. find a single data set that is meaningful to you and stick with that, don’t be pulled in multiple directions by all the numbers or you’ll miss the trend. And definitely ignore people/reporters trying to convince you of some sort of expected outcome using statistical projections to justify their story. It’s a lie. Flat out, it’s a lie!
Totally Agree! x 10
Yet the same day she says that Riverside county used doomsday modeling to come to the conclusion the current case load of 100 or so cases would bloom to include 100k dead in 4-6 weeks, and activated the National Guard to build a field hospital at the local fair ground.

I’m DEFINITELY not down playing the significance or inevitable impact of this virus and the need to take significant action to contain the spread but I really, really wish we had better communication around the topic. It seems we are either getting doomsday predictions of millions dead in the next few weeks, or nothing.

I saw a clip this morning from Dr Faucii where he was trying to explain how we might ul9end up with millions of infected and probably 100-200k deaths, but he made clear those numbers could not be called estimates or predictions because the target is still moving and it’s impossible to know where this will ultimately end up. He was speaking of the entirety of the viral cycle, not the next few weeks or months. What does the news headline become? ‘Nations top doctor predicts more than 100k will die from the Corona virus!“. Way to scare up viewers right?
Well our county issued a stay at home order. Goes into effect at midnight. I guess it's a good thing we went on a Sunday drive today just to get out of the house and see some different scenery.

Starts at midnight and goes til the 14th. Violation can get you a class B misdemeanor.

Our numbers today I don't have my graph handy but we went up over 100 cases just today, 2200 new tests, and no new deaths. Positive % still holding steady at the 5% range.

Also saw Joe Diffie passed away today from Corona. We've seen him perform live. One of my favorite country music singers. RIP
Nice interview with Bill Gates. Gates has been very invested in epidimology, and was advocating preparing for a possible global pandemic 5 years ago.

Regarding the stay at home orders, from this cops perspective, it's mostly just "feel good words". Pretty much all law enforcement agencies are adopting "only in dire need" type of responses. Routine stuff like neighbor disputes, petit thefts, even car burglaries are being handled via phone, if at all. Traffic enforcement is about non existing now for the same reasons. Social distancing is for first responders too. I can't see police commanders sending platoons of cops to arrest people for just congregating in large numbers. Arrest them? Bring them to the jail, which are being emptied anyway? Appearance ticket? For 20 or 50 or 100 people? That's literally hours if not days if paperwork. Think of the overload of the court systems in a few months. Oh yeah, courts are being shut down too.
My rant just about over, but what we need is not criminal enforcement but a whole societal shift of how we as a society think.
We have the first reported case of COVID19 infected homeless in Los Angeles, in my op that’s the absolute worst possible thing that could happen. We have/had an ‘epidemic’ of homelessness in California well before all this started, adding a virus to that community is like dropping a match into a powder keg. The mayor has set up beautiful trailer cities along the beaches (where EVERYONE IN THE WORLD wants to get reservations and CANT but the homeless won’t go...regardless, they don’t have anyplace to wash hands or retreat to, they are exposed at all times. Not only would/will the homeless community suffer greatly, they will be the source of great spread.

We also have what is thought to be the first/only death of someone under 18, a 17 year old Lancaster boy. Because there have been no other reported cases in the world of anyone under 18 dying of COVID19 they are obviously looking into the details. Seems there may be more to the story but you can imagine how it’s freaking people out, the Lancaster mayor darn near locked all kids in their rooms to protect them. They will probably find that COVID19 was only part of the story but because he should never have been sick let alone died, he exposed a lot of people and rocked a lot of boats.

Last thing: I am seeing so much statistical data being collected and shared then used out of context that the only thing I am 100% positive of is that NOBODY (citizen or media) has any chance of understanding what the data means or what is really going on. Making matters worse, there is little consistency in the ‘unit of measure’ being used/reported. Some charts are linear, others exponential. Some counts are raw numbers, other count/thousand. Some are actual, others are projection based on previous rate, some are projecting based on model or trend or rate of change. Get it? Being a numbers guy who uses this kind of data to understand business trends, earnings and growth rates AND having come from a laboratory background (I even studied epidemiology at one time), the first thing I try to do is standardize the data so I’m comparing fruit to fruit.

I totally agree with you. The data floating around out there is only as good as the context in which it is evaluated. For instance, while there is the belief that the 17 year old Lancaster victim was the first person to die from covid-19 under the age of 18, I found data that says there is at least 1 person under the age of 18 who has already died in China. In a situation like we are facing right now, where there is no consistency and what appears to be an active attempt to shield the public from real data, one thing is certain. This virus spreads VERY easily. It spreads very quickly simply because it can be transmitted whether someone shows symptoms or not. And the virus clearly survives on surfaces fairly long. How long? Don't really know. But does that really matter for the average person at this point? NO. We have seen this virus travel around the planet since late 2019. We've seen it run rampant in China, Italy, South Korea and now in the US. What is appalling is how so many people seem to put money before life. The US president has essentially done that. He publicly said he wanted to get the economy going on Easter. I agree the economy is important. Very important. But that's not what is driving this bus. The virus is driving the bus. And if you want ot start the economy you need to get the virus out of the bus. How do you do that? You need to know where the virus is, who is transmitting it. It needs to be tracked. How do you track it? By conducting tests. And not just those who show symptoms but also those who know they have been in contact with people who tested postitive. Looking at the number of tests conducted in the US shown on a per diem basis by either the CDC or public health labs, the total shown is approximately 130,000. I assume that number is not accurate as there is likely a lag of a week in compiling the actual total number of tests. Regardless, how are we to believe when our leaders say that 370,000 or more than 400,000 have been tested in the US? There can't be such a massive discrepancy between what the CDC shows and what leaders are telling us. It just doesn't make sense. Is it more than 130,000? I have no doubt it is. Is it 150,000? Maybe. Is it 200,000? I would have a hard time believing that though I suppose it is possible. much more than that I say BS. No matter what the above tells us, we can be certain that this thing is contagious and it can be deadly. Testing would certainly allow focus on areas where there is significant trasmission. But more important than that, we need people to take this thing seriously. And I see way too many people who either don't take it seriously by how they behave in public or the things they way online. Spring Break gatherings? Really? Mardi Gras? Really? It is the really stupid and ignorant people who are going to end up making this thing last longer than it has to and cost more lives than it has to. Clearly I'm venting. I'm in NJ, Essex County, which is only a half hour outside of Manhattan by car or train. Densely populated area. And lots of ignorance all around me. I was out on a solo bike ride on Friday and I was a bit behind another biker. He was probably a block and a half to two blocks ahead of me. I got stopped at a light so I lost sight of him. I kept riding and then I notice him standing on the grass between the sidewalk and the street drinking water and just before I got to him he tosses the water from his bottle that he was just drinking from into the street right in front of me. A little more effort on his part and it would have hit me. I was ready to stop my ride, turn around the kick the living shit out of that guy. But I didn't. I kept riding. I did yell out an expletive but was then distracted by a young woman who was also out riding as she blew past me. I wasn't going slowly mind you. And she just blew past me like it was nothing. God I'm a fat slob. LOL. Demoralizing. And motivating all at the same time. Anyway, if you are still reading you are clearly bored. All I have to say is stay the fxxx away from people. That's it. Do what's right for yourself, your family, your friends, your economy, your own wallet. It's all related. But it starts with the virus. As long as the virus is here, very few people will be earning a living. Peace.
Well in the presidents address earlier tonight the social distancing was extended through April the 31st. So the talk of back by Easter was thrown out the window by their new distancing extension.. They said that Easter was just a hopeful timeline but wasn't obtainable.
Well in the presidents address earlier tonight the social distancing was extended through April the 31st. So the talk of back by Easter was thrown out the window by their new distancing extension.. They said that Easter was just a hopeful timeline but wasn't obtainable.

Let’s all be honest here. Easter was never attainable, even back when the president first said it.
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