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Corona Virus

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There are two things that have been bothering me a lot this week, both fall into the category of how information is being reported and distorted. WHY the information is being distorted is up for debate, purposeful manipulation by politicians/media/other?, plain old ignorance, stupidity, sensationalizing to get ratings or attention...? What is it that has been bothering me THIS week?

Breathless reporting of, or warnings about the numbers of DEATHS this state, that county or the nation WILL have in 10 days or 4 weeks. The first example was the California governor proclaiming in a witten letter to the President then in a news conference that HALF of California (26 million people) will be infected within the time we had less than 1000 cases and 2 in our own county. Since the current death rate is about 1% (maybe 1.5% in the US?) He might as well have said "we will have 390k dead...". Another last night, our neighboring county had their health department holding a tele-news conference proclaiming they WILL have more than 100k DEAD in the next 4-6 weeks, as the national guard was setting up a field hospital at the local fair ground location...the current confirmed count is approximately 100 with either 5 dead. Seriously! we are going to see the county go from 100 cases to 100k DEAD in 4 weeks in that single county while the national case load is not even 100k today? Not to be outdone, the Los Angeles Mayor gets on TV to say WE are going to have 500k DEAD in 4-6 weeks ...and the Los Angeles county Sheriff is shutting down the gun shops so residents don't go panic buying guns. Clearly these people are getting their numbers from those models that Dr Brix said were totally wrong but they continue to spew out doomsday numbers that are SO apocalyptic that the people dismiss them and continue to party on the beaches. Perhaps if they used more realistic numbers people wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the information as being a lie or scare tactic.

The OTHER thing that has been bothering me is how the politicians and media craft the personal protective equipment narative. Instead of focusing on how the shortage (or logistical challenges) are being met by American companies and its people rising to the occasion, the politicians and the media are relentless in their attack on the administration its failure to be prepared for this shortage or to do this or that.

I think it is appalling that the narrative is so focused on negativity with a near total absence of any positivity. There are plenty of things the politicians and media can include in the news cycle that would add a positive spin.
Explicitly mention EVERYDAY that a portion of the total number of confirmed cases are now recovered/immune/buffers. Buffers are a valuable part of herd immunity so start counting them!
The doubling rate in NY (and most other locations) has slowed.
The epidemiological models that predicted more rapid spread and higher death counts globally ARE being found to be very inaccurate now that we have more ACTUAL data from the ground.
Americans have stepped up all over to do GOOD - kids are buying groceries for elderly that can't leave the house etc
American companies are VOLUNTARILY altering production lines to make critical medical supplies (no need for War TIme Production Act)- Ford, GM, Tesla, MyPillow, 3M etc
Massive self-isolation and voluntary shut-downs. Businesses have shutdown because they were asked with NO push back and NO violence (this could have been very messy)
Massive Fiscal Stimulus bill passed the Senate 96/0- a unanimous vote shows strong political will to support the american family/worker during this time of need *this could be a major rallying point regardless of political party and a major stress relief valve for those who are MAJORLY stressed ...
Explicitly mention EVERYDAY that a portion of the total number of confirmed cases are now recovered/immune/buffers. Buffers are a valuable part of herd immunity so start counting them!
OF course there are now 2 strains of COVID, so there's that...
OF course there are now 2 strains of COVID, so there's that...

I read an article I think out of Iceland that said they have found 70 mutations. But the newer mutations are LESS deadly, and not making people as sick. Also that covid is mutating much slower than the common flu does. Obviously not a medical professional so I have no idea what any of that means
OF course there are now 2 strains of COVID, so there's that...
There always were 2 strains (or were early on). In the first week of February I read that a more 'deadly' strain was identified in China, then later in February as the virus was spreading but not yet a US concern (so maybe it was superbowl time) I read something about how fortunate we all were that the more deadly strain wasn't what was spreading. At the time all I could think was "we don't know squat about this thing but we KNOW the 'deadly' strain stayed in China? ...yeah right!"
Serious thought/question @NurseDave I was pondering while I have been alone in silence... Since we develop our annual flu vaccine based on the flu strain(s) that is/was most prevalent "on the other side of the world" that was experiencing its flu season prior to us experiencing ours. I would assume it is possible flu vaccines made for the North American region might be made to protect against different strains than those made for, say, the greater European region. I may be absolutely dead wrong but my reasoning is sound based on my first assumption. But my point is this, generally speaking I am thinking that the antibody make up of the population within a region would have to be different whether its because we use different vaccines, different combinations of vaccines or just a generations of exposure to different pathogens. I was wondering if a populations antigen makeup might make it more or less susceptible to a particular viral infection. It would be interesting if we find that those who have been diligent in getting flu vaccines are getting milder cases (or worse cases) than those who never got flu vaccines or were less diligent. I know this is purely academic and wasted thought even if it were groundbreaking and meaningful because nobody of consequence is reading this thread but what do you think? Am I full of Paqui chip residue?
Sadly another death in Utah. But our #s are still looking promising.

Edit: I missed a couple cases

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New York is insane! I'm baffled every time I look at the stats by state.

US total 97,028
New York : 44,743 (Number 1 in US)
New Jersey: 8,825 (#2 in US)

So New York has 46% of all cases in the US, and has 5 times the number of cases of the next ranking state!
@CBLindsay just read your post and I'll have to come back to it. Only capable of quick quips and colour commentary today.
New York is insane! I'm baffled every time I look at the stats by state.

US total 97,028
New York : 44,743 (Number 1 in US)
New Jersey: 8,825 (#2 in US)

So New York has 46% of all cases in the US, and has 5 times the number of cases of the next ranking state!
After looking at the numbers last week and accounting for the timing of all they have done in NY I figured they would hit about 50k by Friday AND this weekends numbers would form the NY apex... we will see if my expectations are realized.
There are two things that have been bothering me a lot this week, both fall into the category of how information is being reported and distorted. WHY the information is being distorted is up for debate, purposeful manipulation by politicians/media/other?, plain old ignorance, stupidity, sensationalizing to get ratings or attention...? What is it that has been bothering me THIS week?

Breathless reporting of, or warnings about the numbers of DEATHS this state, that county or the nation WILL have in 10 days or 4 weeks. The first example was the California governor proclaiming in a witten letter to the President then in a news conference that HALF of California (26 million people) will be infected within the time we had less than 1000 cases and 2 in our own county. Since the current death rate is about 1% (maybe 1.5% in the US?) He might as well have said "we will have 390k dead...". Another last night, our neighboring county had their health department holding a tele-news conference proclaiming they WILL have more than 100k DEAD in the next 4-6 weeks, as the national guard was setting up a field hospital at the local fair ground location...the current confirmed count is approximately 100 with either 5 dead. Seriously! we are going to see the county go from 100 cases to 100k DEAD in 4 weeks in that single county while the national case load is not even 100k today? Not to be outdone, the Los Angeles Mayor gets on TV to say WE are going to have 500k DEAD in 4-6 weeks ...and the Los Angeles county Sheriff is shutting down the gun shops so residents don't go panic buying guns. Clearly these people are getting their numbers from those models that Dr Brix said were totally wrong but they continue to spew out doomsday numbers that are SO apocalyptic that the people dismiss them and continue to party on the beaches. Perhaps if they used more realistic numbers people wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the information as being a lie or scare tactic.

The OTHER thing that has been bothering me is how the politicians and media craft the personal protective equipment narative. Instead of focusing on how the shortage (or logistical challenges) are being met by American companies and its people rising to the occasion, the politicians and the media are relentless in their attack on the administration its failure to be prepared for this shortage or to do this or that.

I think it is appalling that the narrative is so focused on negativity with a near total absence of any positivity. There are plenty of things the politicians and media can include in the news cycle that would add a positive spin.
Explicitly mention EVERYDAY that a portion of the total number of confirmed cases are now recovered/immune/buffers. Buffers are a valuable part of herd immunity so start counting them!
The doubling rate in NY (and most other locations) has slowed.
The epidemiological models that predicted more rapid spread and higher death counts globally ARE being found to be very inaccurate now that we have more ACTUAL data from the ground.
Americans have stepped up all over to do GOOD - kids are buying groceries for elderly that can't leave the house etc
American companies are VOLUNTARILY altering production lines to make critical medical supplies (no need for War TIme Production Act)- Ford, GM, Tesla, MyPillow, 3M etc
Massive self-isolation and voluntary shut-downs. Businesses have shutdown because they were asked with NO push back and NO violence (this could have been very messy)
Massive Fiscal Stimulus bill passed the Senate 96/0- a unanimous vote shows strong political will to support the american family/worker during this time of need *this could be a major rallying point regardless of political party and a major stress relief valve for those who are MAJORLY stressed ...
I applaud you Chris for saying such things! This is pretty much spot on with the things I have been saying with close friends and family. Almost all models are wrong. Even close models are wrong to an extent. But the fear mongering is just so blatant right's really disgusting and is in the same category as price gouging in my book! But you have a very special case going on in CA there.

And we definitely don't here enough about the positive things going on. What the manufacturers are doing to pump out medical equipment in dire need is amazing! (I will admit I am less than impressed with GMs reaction though)

Thanks for speaking your mind Chris!
You majored in College Art? Is that all it takes to become a Nurse?
Bullet point history: Was going to go into engineering in high school. Hit pre-calc and said screw that. Spend my senior year pretty much in art and photography classes. Went to college for a BFA in photography, the art equivalent to a Master's. Went for 4 years and quit, burnt out on art. Went back to school a few years later for nursing. And now I drink wine and shave for a living.
Bullet point history: Was going to go into engineering in high school. Hit pre-calc and said screw that. Spend my senior year pretty much in art and photography classes. Went to college for a BFA in photography, the art equivalent to a Master's. Went for 4 years and quit, burnt out on art. Went back to school a few years later for nursing. And now I drink wine and shave for a living.
Bet you are wishing that you stayed in engineering!
I applaud you Chris for saying such things! This is pretty much spot on with the things I have been saying with close friends and family. Almost all models are wrong. Even close models are wrong to an extent. But the fear mongering is just so blatant right's really disgusting and is in the same category as price gouging in my book! But you have a very special case going on in CA there.

And we definitely don't here enough about the positive things going on. What the manufacturers are doing to pump out medical equipment in dire need is amazing! (I will admit I am less than impressed with GMs reaction though)

Thanks for speaking your mind Chris!
GM will rise to the occasion (they have to now because the president signed the DPA forcing GM and Ventec to get cracking), they all will.

I am seriously (no joke) more concerned by the generation(s) who lacks the depth of patriotism we will need to see for us all to pull together and do...uh, NOTHING, for as long as it takes for us to get through this. The ones that needed to be tostop eating tide pods, taught how to wash their hands and can’t seem to figure out why their spring break part had to be canceled.

I think the next bill out of Congress needs to grant liability waivers to the parents of those lazy good for nothing tide eating dirty handed spring breaking youth so they slap ‘em silly on public television. A good John Wayne slap, that’s what they need.
GM will rise to the occasion (they have to now because the president signed the DPA forcing GM and Ventec to get cracking), they all will.

I am seriously (no joke) more concerned by the generation(s) who lacks the depth of patriotism we will need to see for us all to pull together and do...uh, NOTHING, for as long as it takes for us to get through this. The ones that needed to be tostop eating tide pods, taught how to wash their hands and can’t seem to figure out why their spring break part had to be canceled.

I think the next bill out of Congress needs to grant liability waivers to the parents of those lazy good for nothing tide eating dirty handed spring breaking youth so they slap ‘em silly on public television. A good John Wayne slap, that’s what they need.

I can proudly say that the generation you are talking about no longer pertains to me. Us millenials are so deep in student loan debt that we can't afford to leave our houses during this. Also, our parents never bought tide pods.
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