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Corona Virus

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This is a pretty good video, if you have time to watch the whole thing.

TL;DR Masks do work. Countries where people wear them in public have had the best results with flattening the curve. You don't need a fancy mask to be protected, homemade ones work fine, even a kerchief.

and here's a pattern that Belgium has put out based on a design from a Taiwanese Dr.

Watch out for the kerchiefs though..... might get associated with a gang, at least here in the US.

Last edited: N36 minutes ago
I think if you wear a pink paisley one you'll be ok.
I think I read that the US has taken the global lead in number of cases.

The thing we all have to remember is that the US has gotten into this thing really late. Also our population is much larger than most countries. Thirdly, I know China has a larger population, but I would not trust the Chinese government with the numbers they report. Remember...the Chinese government recently expelled journalists in the Wuhan area.

Man you guys all have catching up to do. We in NY really have it bad. My county went from 1 case to 12 cases in less than a week. Everything is closed down around here, but the vet's office was still open. How do I know, I had to put down our dog today. You had to call from your car and everything was done as remote as possible. The Vet was a vet with some tours under his belt and was really good about things.

Working from home has been going good though. I'm way more productive and enjoy being around my family.

A family in my church is infected with this so I'm hoping and praying for the best outcome.

Really sorry to hear about the family member. These are hard times and it seems like some are having it harder. My deepest sympathies.
The thing with the numbers is you can't 'trust' any of them to be accurate, even if they are honestly being reported.
It's only a count of how many people have been tested. Our paper is always adding under any stats that actual cases can be off from confirmed by a factor of 20-30.
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