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Corona Virus

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Not to mention the 2 most important numbers are those that are hospitalized and those that are intubated. If 75% got sick with sniffles then not as much as a problem right? We're seeing about a 10% positive rate with the general public.
Not to mention the 2 most important numbers are those that are hospitalized and those that are intubated. If 75% got sick with sniffles then not as much as a problem right? We're seeing about a 10% positive rate with the general public.

Good point. In the press conference they said 10% of our cases have resulted in some form of hospitalization. But some have already been sent home.
If your state is not putting how many tests they are running then really the numbers are worthless. Bug your state on Twitter or Facebook. I stole a screenshot from @dangerousdon and flooded Twitter with it. 2 days of doing they BOOM out site updated and the layout is real similar to Louisiana now.
Maine COVID-19 Testing Data
Updated: March 24, 2020 at 12:00 PM
Confirmed Cases1Negative Tests2

They also have the number of tests pending somewhere but can't find it right now.

I feel that our state is doing a good job of keeping us updated.They have a daily update and keep the website up-to -date as well.
Not to mention the 2 most important numbers are those that are hospitalized and those that are intubated. If 75% got sick with sniffles then not as much as a problem right? We're seeing about a 10% positive rate with the general public.
Friday's press conference state that 3 or 5 (I can't remember right now) were hospitalized
Not to mention the 2 most important numbers are those that are hospitalized and those that are intubated. If 75% got sick with sniffles then not as much as a problem right? We're seeing about a 10% positive rate with the general public.
That really is a good point! Unfortunately our Dept of Health Website doesn't give the information on how many people are hospitalized. That is something I would like to know though. One of the reporters for our local news paper just tweeted this:

I couldn't find it on our DoH page but I will take his word for it as our paper is for the post part legitimate.

20% Hospitalized and 94 patients on Ventilation.
If your state is not putting how many tests they are running then really the numbers are worthless. Bug your state on Twitter or Facebook. I stole a screenshot from @dangerousdon and flooded Twitter with it. 2 days of doing they BOOM out site updated and the layout is real similar to Louisiana now.
That's pretty amazing Chad! Look at you...holding your state accountable!
I think state doesn’t get a pass if they’re not publishing moderately detailed statistics publicly, people have a right to know. Local cities and counties on the other hand I can understand. It’s a little more close to home and just adds to panic when you see your neighborhood numbers.
I think state doesn’t get a pass if they’re not publishing moderately detailed statistics publicly, people have a right to know. Local cities and counties on the other hand I can understand. It’s a little more close to home and just adds to panic when you see your neighborhood numbers.
Our state gives a detailed report on cases positive and deaths by parish. All states should be doing this at a minimum.
I tried to use the way back machine and go back and get data I was missing...but it wasn't very helpful. But in the short term I find the numbers interesting. As the number of people being tested drastically increases, the percentage of people who are testing positive against the large number falls. Inversely, the mortality percentage did rise with our latest numbers coming in. It's a small sample and I would like another week or two at the least of this data.

DateUpdate TimeTests Complete StateTests Complete PrivateTotal Tests ReportedPositive CasesDeaths ReportedPercent Positive CasesPercent Mortality
New numbers are in but they cautioned that testing is really ramping up and is on a 24-72 hour lag. So numbers will keep climbing. But I will say it all feels promising. Not great not the end of the tunnel, but promising.

We are at 298 cases, and just one death. 5.12% of tests conducted in Utah are coming up positive. Sadly I live the most densely populated county within our state, and 45% of those cases are in my county. I am trying find solace in the fact that we are in fact on the outskirts, literally two streets away from being considered unincorporated. We were told that roughly 10% of our cases are resulting hospitalization during the meeting today. So that means roughly 30 people in hospital currently. I think if we can stay at 10%, start turning over healed people, and increase testing more we can beat this thing. The more I look at all the data I think this is going to be a state by state initiative. And in some cases even cities might have to tackle it on their own such as NYC which looks pretty grim right now. Praying for world!
Governor speaking now..................Talking about frustration of people that held a Corona-virus party................IDIOTS (My Words) 163 cases, that's 39 new since yesterday, Still just 4 deaths I believe.
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