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Corona Virus

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Well I've watched for taters twice a week at a little market I buff the floors at and all I ever see is this.
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Today I was there as a truck backed up loaded with 50 pound bags from the state of @MikeyIdaho and so scored a bag before they broke them down to 10 pounders. For us and in-laws. Helps to know people
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Yep thats a good thing to know someone. We needed hamburger the other day so when my wife got to her store the other day before they opened she was able to get the meat guy to make her up a couple of packs and leave it in the freezer so she was able to get it when her shift was over for us.
I watched the President's speech this evening. I watched because I didn't want to miss out if there was something in his speech which was important. Ultimately there wasn't. I just can't stand to listen to him interject his "opinions" into everything he says. And he can't even read what is written on the paper in front of him. He is constantly stumbling or mispronouncing words. I wouldn't be so harsh on him if he weren't the first person to jump all over someone else's stumbling or mispronunciation. The most valuable information I heard tonight was on the news when they said that thousands of supplies such as masks, ventilators, etc. were to be released to NYC from the Federal Stockpile. Earlier this evening I was talking with a friend and we both wondered whether the Federal Stockpile, which is intended to be used for wartime emergencies, would be used for the virus. We both agreed it would be criminal not to use those supplies. It seems as though someone got some sense knocked into their heads. Very little positive news these days. Let's hope this helps ease some of the shortages and let's hope the Federal Stockpile can be used all across the country where the materials are needed most. Stay safe everyone. And stay the F home.
So as Dave said it was for Wildfire precaution that they stocked them and they are donating even though they could still face wildfires. Seems good on them. They bought before the hysteria so they didn't cause a shortage and lack of further production. Good thing they have them to donate.........
Totally Dave. It was just really odd when I first heard it. I was like, "What do they need all those masks for?" It makes total sense now and good on them...I guess. I just didn't have time at that moment to make a comment about it.
Totally Dave. It was just really odd when I first heard it. I was like, "What do they need all those masks for?" It makes total sense now and good on them...I guess. I just didn't have time at that moment to make a comment about it.
Of course now I see the Government said that if companies had stockpiles to expect a knock on your door since it's now been declared a crime to hold them. Who knows what came first. The offer or the threat they responded to...........
Of course now I see the Government said that if companies had stockpiles to expect a knock on your door since it's now been declared a crime to hold them. Who knows what came first. The offer or the threat they responded to...........

From all appearances, it looks like Facebook made the donation first. They might have seen what was coming. But I'll give them a little credit.

I watched the President's speech this evening. I watched because I didn't want to miss out if there was something in his speech which was important. Ultimately there wasn't. I just can't stand to listen to him interject his "opinions" into everything he says. And he can't even read what is written on the paper in front of him. He is constantly stumbling or mispronouncing words. I wouldn't be so harsh on him if he weren't the first person to jump all over someone else's stumbling or mispronunciation. The most valuable information I heard tonight was on the news when they said that thousands of supplies such as masks, ventilators, etc. were to be released to NYC from the Federal Stockpile. Earlier this evening I was talking with a friend and we both wondered whether the Federal Stockpile, which is intended to be used for wartime emergencies, would be used for the virus. We both agreed it would be criminal not to use those supplies. It seems as though someone got some sense knocked into their heads. Very little positive news these days. Let's hope this helps ease some of the shortages and let's hope the Federal Stockpile can be used all across the country where the materials are needed most. Stay safe everyone. And stay the F home.
The President has actually been talking about releasing ventilators, protective wear, and other things from the federal reserve for several days if not a week now. I'll admit that some days there isn't a lot of new updates that pertain to me. But there are updates. I have been enjoying listening to Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci, Seema Verma, Jerome Adams, and Brett Giroir, as these people have been giving really useful information!

What I find really interesting is that The President has enacted the Defense Production Act and very few people have actually asked him questions about it. There have been some. But not a lot. This is something that has not been enacted all that much. In 2001 for California Energry, the Iraq War, and in 2017 for the Puerto Rico Hurricane. In all three events the Defense Production Act was limited in scope (and yes even in the Iraq War it was only used for production of weapons for certain militarizes). I am not certain it has been used on such a scale since, or even including, it's inception in 1950. caught in a tangent. 🤪
Maybe related to this, but maybe not. One of the difficulties is, we need to plan long term. Like a month or two down the road. The staff is frustrated now with the lack of PPE and hear about big donations and Trump saying we have enough. They want to see it all right now and are upset that they don't. I think they are too tired and frustrated to hear or think about if we aren't rationing so tightly now, what happens in a few weeks when this is so much worse.
What I find really interesting is that The President has enacted the Defense Production Act and very few people have actually asked him questions about it. There have been some. But not a lot. This is something that has not been enacted all that much. In 2001 for California Energry, the Iraq War, and in 2017 for the Puerto Rico Hurricane. In all three events the Defense Production Act was limited in scope (and yes even in the Iraq War it was only used for production of weapons for certain militarizes). I am not certain it has been used on such a scale since, or even including, it's inception in 1950.
I think he's activated it but has not actually used any of the powers under the Act. Hopefully he will.
I think he's activated it but has not actually used any of the powers under the Act. Hopefully he will.
I think you are right. I think there are going to and soon. I know DHS has come out and said they will to make tests.
Woke up this morning and went out for supplies I mean groceries. I picked a local Grocery chain to Utah. The prices are always a little higher but they take care of their employees and have a lot of local products. I got everything I needed and bought a soda for the lady scanning my groceries, and the young teen bagging my groceries. I even got the coveted TP. We should be good now without a grocery run for another 3 weeks. We are in this fro the long haul, and today for some reason I am just left with hope.

I'm concerned about some states going back to work and lifting the social distancing/quarantine before the curve is visibly flattened. But I know that my family is home til at least May 1st. Hopefully the curve is flatter by then and whatever our new normal is can begin at that time.
I have seen projected curves charts but no actual curve charts with real data. How do we know if it is flattening or not?
I have seen projected curves charts but no actual curve charts with real data. How do we know if it is flattening or not?

Really hard to tell, but I look at my own states data and track. New cases and total tests ran. With that info I can gauge when it goes down. For instance just because we added 50 new cases yesterday compared to the day before. We also processed 1300 more tests than the day before. BUT consistently here in Utah only 5% of the tests are producing a positive result. So 95% of those are people who have another sickness or lied to get a test. I am hopeful but I don't expect to see curve flattening for at least a couple more weeks honestly. But I am a math guy and when I spent time yesterday entering all the data it made me more hopeful.
We seem to be adding 10 cases a day. We are sitting at 118, zero deaths and 7 recovered. We also just got 1 casein my county......things just got real!
We seem to be adding 10 cases a day. We are sitting at 118, zero deaths and 7 recovered. We also just got 1 casein my county......things just got real!

If your state is not putting how many tests they are running then really the numbers are worthless. Bug your state on Twitter or Facebook. I stole a screenshot from @dangerousdon and flooded Twitter with it. 2 days of doing they BOOM out site updated and the layout is real similar to Louisiana now.
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