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Corona Virus

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89 positives here in Maine (numbers will be updated Monday). Things are insane at the church. Church services have been moved online because the Gov. has asked groups not to exceed 10 people. I even got a Facebook account so I could post video updates and messages. Have been scrambling to work with the town to make sure that the elderly in our community have meals and necessities. Also working with the next town in getting food to food insecure children in our community.

I need to self quarantine so I can get some rest!
Prayers for safety for everyone and don't forget check on the vulnerable around you,
Good job John!
What is more frustrating is that people have to wait in line for needed items. The hoarding needs to stop so good people like @MrsNurseDave can keep important people @NurseDave rested, nurtured, clean, and healthy.
i saw a post somewhere that someone said they wished that they would run specials on the essentials, yes make a limit of 4 for lets say toilet paper 48 rolls and mark it 8.99 a pack for the first 2 but if you buy the 3rd or 4th those go to 49.99 a piece !! he said watch how quickly hoarding stops........
We just got our first confirmed case in our county... turns out it’s someone who lives on the Air Force base, where we work. Amber is a bit freaked out by it. They have the individual on lock down and are trying to see who they may have been in contact with since being infected. Apparently they traveled to an affected county and got it from someone there. That’s all the details we are likely to get. That just shows the importance, of staying right where you are!!!!! Unless you absolutely need to go somewhere.
I pray its no one that you guys came in contact with !!!!!!!!!!!!.on another note we just got our 2nd confirmed case in my county strangely the local media isnt saying where in our county it is . and we are at about 200 confirmed for our state. we also have had 2 people arrested for lying to their employers saying they were positive trying to get paid leave.
Not looking for accolades by any measure. Compared to what needs to be done or those of you here on the medical front lines, my efforts are nothing.
Everyone who puts forth an effort to help is something.. We all need to help where we can.... Good job my friend and everyone else who is doing more than just thinking of themselves........
89 positives here in Maine (numbers will be updated Monday). Things are insane at the church. Church services have been moved online because the Gov. has asked groups not to exceed 10 people. I even got a Facebook account so I could post video updates and messages. Have been scrambling to work with the town to make sure that the elderly in our community have meals and necessities. Also working with the next town in getting food to food insecure children in our community.

I need to self quarantine so I can get some rest!
Prayers for safety for everyone and don't forget check on the vulnerable around you,
I've been busy as can be too John. Thanks for popping in to let us know you are okay !!
Just announced the Governor of KY wants ALL NON ESSENTIAL RETAIL businesses closed by 8 pm tonight and to remain closed. Essential was listed as Drug, Grocery, Auto Repair yada yada yada and LIQUOR Stores, yep KY deems them ESSENTIAL [emoji2957] :cool:
NY too. Drunks, the lot of us. [emoji38][emoji23][emoji1787]

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89 positives here in Maine (numbers will be updated Monday). Things are insane at the church. Church services have been moved online because the Gov. has asked groups not to exceed 10 people. I even got a Facebook account so I could post video updates and messages. Have been scrambling to work with the town to make sure that the elderly in our community have meals and necessities. Also working with the next town in getting food to food insecure children in our community.

I need to self quarantine so I can get some rest!
Prayers for safety for everyone and don't forget check on the vulnerable around you,
You are doing good work John! Just hang in there and get the rest you need. If you are not well you can't help others. We are all proud of you.
We have all heard about the Drug Trials using anti-malaria drugs to see if they work with COVID-19, it looks some are studying Losartan (high blood pressure medication) in respects to this virus as well. I found this article very interesting. Also, Losartan is super cheap. Anyway...I'll post the text and link to the article.

Experts worldwide are experimenting with drugs to treat COVID-19. Those at the University of Minnesota have been testing if the blood pressure medication Losartan can prevent coronavirus infection or reduce the symptoms.

Since there isn’t a potential vaccine or treatment yet for the highly-contagious respiratory illness, patients have to only rely upon supportive care for now.

The generic blood pressure medication might ultimately help doctors fight back against the spread of COVID-19. The scientists are trying to determine whether Losartan can prevent severe symptoms and perhaps even prevent the rapid multiplication of the virus within a patient’s body, Reuters reported.

Losartan, also available under the brand name ‘Cozaar,’ blocks a specific cell receptor that the coronavirus might exploit. Preventing the deadly virus from binding to cells could significantly alter the patient’s recovery time and can also help curb the spread of the pandemic. However, we need to ensure that the drug works this way, BGR mentioned.

By far, only those exhibiting symptoms have been tested and lockdowns and quarantines have been advised to even those who appear healthy. Without any information pertaining to who has or has not been infected, such measures aren’t really sufficient to prevent COVID-19 from wreaking havoc.

Therefore, scientists have been experimenting with new drugs such as the blood pressure Losartan and the malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to find out if they can help prevent infections or reduce recovery times. Trials, currently, are underway and we might get the results within weeks.

“We are trying to leverage the science to see if we can do something in addition to minimizing contacts,” Reuters quoted Dr. Jakub Tolar, dean of the University of Minnesota Medical School and vice president for clinical affairs. “Results are likely in weeks, not months,” he added.

A couple of trials are, currently, studying if Losartan can be a potential treatment for COVID-19 and another 1,500-person trial is currently underway to find out if hydroxychloroquine can prevent or reduce the severity of coronavirus symptoms.

If they find out that one of these drugs would be effective, the next would be to ensure its safety. After all, preventing coronavirus infection isn’t beneficial if the drug poses potentially fatal side effects anyway.

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