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Corona Virus

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Michigan jumped big time today, 500+. Most are on the east side of the state (I’m on the west).

Picked up pizza this evening from a local shop. It looked like they were getting a good deal of support, but strange that people were standing so far apart from one another...
Yeah, I'm between Flint and Saginaw. I had to pick up Rx's Thursday. The masks and 6 feet of space thing was weird.

I'm a bit at high risk for complications, so that was my last outing for at least a month.
Excellent explanation of the origins of the Covid-19, Spider!

Both of my adult children live in Italy. They are taking the lock-down very seriously there. You can't go out without a document stating where you are going, and for what essential purpose: only things like buying groceries, a doctor or pharmacy visit, briefly walking your dog, etc are allowed. And no travel between counties (commune) so my kids can't get together as they live in different towns. We're all checking on each other by phone and Skype daily, but it's scary. Police are out in force, making sure that people obey the lock-down and handing out substantial fines for anyone without documents or gathering in groups. It's changing how people interact, for sure.

Husband and I have been self-isolating for about two weeks now, not because we think we've been exposed, but because we don't want to be. This will affect my business, the farmer's market season was supposed to start for me in about three weeks, but I don't think this will be anywhere near over by then. I hope I'm wrong, but we seem to be on a trajectory similar to Italy's but a couple of weeks behind them. Some of my spring shows have already announced that they're being called off.

Everybody stay safe and don't forget to wash your hands!

Excellent explanation of the origins of the Covid-19, Spider!

Both of my adult children live in Italy. They are taking the lock-down very seriously there. You can't go out without a document stating where you are going, and for what essential purpose: only things like buying groceries, a doctor or pharmacy visit, briefly walking your dog, etc are allowed. And no travel between counties (commune) so my kids can't get together as they live in different towns. We're all checking on each other by phone and Skype daily, but it's scary. Police are out in force, making sure that people obey the lock-down and handing out substantial fines for anyone without documents or gathering in groups. It's changing how people interact, for sure.

Husband and I have been self-isolating for about two weeks now, not because we think we've been exposed, but because we don't want to be. This will affect my business, the farmer's market season was supposed to start for me in about three weeks, but I don't think this will be anywhere near over by then. I hope I'm wrong, but we seem to be on a trajectory similar to Italy's but a couple of weeks behind them. Some of my spring shows have already announced that they're being called off.

Everybody stay safe and don't forget to wash your hands!

Glad to k now that you are safe Michelle and that you and your husband are doing the right thing. There are a lot of businesses that will be hurt, but hopefully things will be over quicker than expected and hopefully there will be enough assistance out there to keep the small businesses afloat!
Thought this article might be a good resource. There are programs for small businesses out there to help to deal with our current predicament. And I believe there will be more assistance in the near future. So check back to the article for more info:

Also, I know a lot of people and businesses shudder at the thought of taking out another loan especially when they otherwise didn't have to. But I can tell you that during 2016 when Southern Louisiana had our catastrophic floods, the SBA loans that business and some individuals took out, later became grants and did not have to get paid back. I don't know anything more than anyone of you in this situation...but I would think this would be a similar situation.
A friend of mine from another forum posted this earlier on another site......

"Talked to my son last night. He is CEO at one of the biggest hospitals in the nation.
They have a " predictive model" that shows it peaking in 5-7 weeks. It will likely get much worse before it gets better."

I hope everyone is doing okay and continues to also.
So I am going to start doing something that I wish I had started a week or more ago. Our Louisiana Department of Health put out numbers about the Cov Vir twice a day. I am going to start collecting the following information:

  • Total Number of Tests Completed
  • Total Number of Positive Cases
  • Total Deaths Reported

I know this is a really a simplistic approach, but I want to be able to determine what the short term trends are and find out the following:

  • The Percentage of Positive cases from the number of tests; and
  • The Percentage of Mortality from the total number of positive cases

Like I said, a very simplistic approach, but hey...what else have I to do!

Again...I wish I would have done this a week ago or so, but I didn't. In the meantime I will see if I can find a website that has this info already.
A friend of mine from another forum posted this earlier on another site......

"Talked to my son last night. He is CEO at one of the biggest hospitals in the nation.
They have a " predictive model" that shows it peaking in 5-7 weeks. It will likely get much worse before it gets better."

I hope everyone is doing okay and continues to also.
Thanks for the info. And don't take this as me bashing you...because need more information. However, I hate predictive models. There are so many out there and they all say VERY different things. The problem with predictive models is that you have to put assumptive information into it. And the problem with that in this case is that there is so much we just don't know. So in many cases these models assume a lot. Plus...there is very much a bias in a lot of these models because at the end of the day...the people who make these models have some type of agenda. I am not saying they purposely are trying to pass along bad info.

If one is to gleam information from a predictive model...he or she needs to look at a wide variety of predictive models. Your friend might be right. But I hope he is not. I hope the peak is much sooner. Best case scenario is that the peak is right now.

Again...I appreciate the information. But I think we have to look at all predictive models with a bit of healthy skepticism.
Excellent explanation of the origins of the Covid-19, Spider!

Both of my adult children live in Italy. They are taking the lock-down very seriously there. You can't go out without a document stating where you are going, and for what essential purpose: only things like buying groceries, a doctor or pharmacy visit, briefly walking your dog, etc are allowed. And no travel between counties (commune) so my kids can't get together as they live in different towns. We're all checking on each other by phone and Skype daily, but it's scary. Police are out in force, making sure that people obey the lock-down and handing out substantial fines for anyone without documents or gathering in groups. It's changing how people interact, for sure.

Husband and I have been self-isolating for about two weeks now, not because we think we've been exposed, but because we don't want to be. This will affect my business, the farmer's market season was supposed to start for me in about three weeks, but I don't think this will be anywhere near over by then. I hope I'm wrong, but we seem to be on a trajectory similar to Italy's but a couple of weeks behind them. Some of my spring shows have already announced that they're being called off.

Everybody stay safe and don't forget to wash your hands!

Scary times, but glad you’re OK Michelle!
Thanks for the info. And don't take this as me bashing you...because need more information. However, I hate predictive models. There are so many out there and they all say VERY different things. The problem with predictive models is that you have to put assumptive information into it. And the problem with that in this case is that there is so much we just don't know. So in many cases these models assume a lot. Plus...there is very much a bias in a lot of these models because at the end of the day...the people who make these models have some type of agenda. I am not saying they purposely are trying to pass along bad info.

If one is to gleam information from a predictive model...he or she needs to look at a wide variety of predictive models. Your friend might be right. But I hope he is not. I hope the peak is much sooner. Best case scenario is that the peak is right now.

Again...I appreciate the information. But I think we have to look at all predictive models with a bit of healthy skepticism.
Yeah what i posted was his whole post on it. Unfortunately there was no other info provided by him so i posted exactly what he said.
I hope its sooner also !!!!!!
So I am going to start doing something that I wish I had started a week or more ago. Our Louisiana Department of Health put out numbers about the Cov Vir twice a day. I am going to start collecting the following information:

  • Total Number of Tests Completed
  • Total Number of Positive Cases
  • Total Deaths Reported

I know this is a really a simplistic approach, but I want to be able to determine what the short term trends are and find out the following:

  • The Percentage of Positive cases from the number of tests; and
  • The Percentage of Mortality from the total number of positive cases

Like I said, a very simplistic approach, but hey...what else have I to do!

Again...I wish I would have done this a week ago or so, but I didn't. In the meantime I will see if I can find a website that has this info already.

Something close to home.

Thanks for the info. And don't take this as me bashing you...because need more information. However, I hate predictive models. There are so many out there and they all say VERY different things. The problem with predictive models is that you have to put assumptive information into it. And the problem with that in this case is that there is so much we just don't know. So in many cases these models assume a lot. Plus...there is very much a bias in a lot of these models because at the end of the day...the people who make these models have some type of agenda. I am not saying they purposely are trying to pass along bad info.

If one is to gleam information from a predictive model...he or she needs to look at a wide variety of predictive models. Your friend might be right. But I hope he is not. I hope the peak is much sooner. Best case scenario is that the peak is right now.

Again...I appreciate the information. But I think we have to look at all predictive models with a bit of healthy skepticism.
im sorry i couldnt provide more detail but thats all they posted...
Yeah what i posted was his whole post on it. Unfortunately there was no other info provided by him so i posted exactly what he said.
I hope its sooner also !!!!!!
im sorry i couldnt provide more detail but thats all they posted...
No worries man. I just know that we all want this thing to be done and over with. And in the meantime we all want to help out. That includes information. But the problem with information right now is that there is a lot of misrepresentation going on out there. Even unintentional. The media right now is the worse. I trust very little that come out of mainstream media. Even a person reporting what is going on at their location can be a bit misrepresenting at times. It's all a microcosm of what is going on at that specific time and that specific place. It's a snap shot if you will. It doesn't mean that it's not happening, it's just different than everywhere else.

I really like to get my information from primary other words the horses mouth. But like I said, this can be misleading sometimes. I will read or listen to media that can source their information. But even in all of this, I want to double source the information. In other words...if agency 1 is reporting such and such and they can provide me sources for their information, that is good. If agency 2 can do the same but cite different sources than agency 1 that is great two. Put these both together and you have what is called in investigations...corroboration. This used to be the gold standard in journalism...but it's rarely done anymore.

I say all this because we all need to use our critical thinking skills to try to wade through all the information out there and pick out the stuff that we find to be credible and that pertains to us.

Almost all mainstream media right now is doing what is called fear mongering. Why? Because the more afraid you are, the more you will watch the news. Yes...the mainstream media outlets are making more money right now than almost any other industry!

Anyway...sorry for the downer guys. And thanks @Jaro1069 for putting up with my crap.
In a very interesting side brother, who works for an Anheuser-Busch distributor in our area. They distribute a few hundred brands of beer, wine, spirits, and other non-alcoholic beverages (oddly enough they distribute water to all the schools in the area). Anyway, my brother is the fleet manager and is also in charge of loading the trucks and keeping track of what comes in and out of the warehouse.

Anyway...he told me this past week...despite all the bars have stopped their orders of kegs and cases of beer...his distributor has delivered three times as much beer to grocery stores than the average week. He said that it was even significantly more than they delivered during Mardi Gras.

So...while people are hoarding toilet seems that they are also drinking a lot of beer! 🍺🍻🤪
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