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Corona Virus

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Thank goodness for @MrsNurseDave. She's out in line already for a Costco that doesn't open for another half hour to make sure we don't run out of essentials. Frustrates me that I need to be available to work and can't do that. Don't like exposing both of us to this.
What is more frustrating is that people have to wait in line for needed items. The hoarding needs to stop so good people like @MrsNurseDave can keep important people @NurseDave rested, nurtured, clean, and healthy.
In a very interesting side brother, who works for an Anheuser-Busch distributor in our area. They distribute a few hundred brands of beer, wine, spirits, and other non-alcoholic beverages (oddly enough they distribute water to all the schools in the area). Anyway, my brother is the fleet manager and is also in charge of loading the trucks and keeping track of what comes in and out of the warehouse.

Anyway...he told me this past week...despite all the bars have stopped their orders of kegs and cases of beer...his distributor has delivered three times as much beer to grocery stores than the average week. He said that it was even significantly more than they delivered during Mardi Gras.

So...while people are hoarding toilet seems that they are also drinking a lot of beer! 🍺🍻🤪

Of course consumption is up. What else are people to do? And with most of us homebound, I'm sure people are starting with their first beer earlier in the day than usual. I just realized that I have an unopened bottle of Lagavulin 16 but not the 8. I need both. Yes, need. I'll be heading to the liquor store to pick up two of the 8 and one of the 16. Gotta have backups. 🥃 😁
Saw a report from Tampa University that 5 students that went to the beaches for spring break tested positive for Corona. Where is my shocked face?!
I'd make a comment related to them taking a ventilator from someone else, but it would be inappropriate for a public forum.
I'd make a comment related to them taking a ventilator from someone else, but it would be inappropriate for a public forum.

You can always PM me to vent out your frustrations. I am right there with you. This of course goes back to the selfishness of our society. They couldn't wait a few months to get drunk on a beach. That's how ridiculous this is and now the number of infected persons are going to spike.
We just got our first confirmed case in our county... turns out it’s someone who lives on the Air Force base, where we work. Amber is a bit freaked out by it. They have the individual on lock down and are trying to see who they may have been in contact with since being infected. Apparently they traveled to an affected county and got it from someone there. That’s all the details we are likely to get. That just shows the importance, of staying right where you are!!!!! Unless you absolutely need to go somewhere.
Email I got from Harbor Freight...

Dear Harbor Freight Community,

As we’ve been following the news over the last few days, we’ve heard about the severe shortage of protective gear for hospitals, healthcare workers and first responders as the impact of COVID-19 is being felt across the country. America depends on these heroes every day and in the days ahead we will depend on them even more. At Harbor Freight, we want them to know that they can depend on us too.

So we’ve decided to donate our entire supply of the personal protective equipment items listed below to front line hospitals with 24 hour emergency rooms in the communities served by our stores.

• N95 Masks
• Face Shields
• 5 and 7 mil Nitrile Gloves
If you work at a hospital with a 24 hour emergency room in need of these items, please ask the office in charge of procurement at your hospital to click here so they can provide us with the information we’ll need to determine if we can make a donation. If you’re not with a hospital, but would like to give us the name of a hospital with a 24 hour emergency room in your community that might need our help, please email us at, identify the hospital’s city and state in the subject line, and our team will follow-up.


For hospitals we’re able to help, we’ll email them a voucher when the supplies are available for pick up at their local Harbor Freight Tools store.

Although we certainly won’t have enough of these supplies to fill everyone’s needs, we’re going to donate everything we’ve got. We also recognize that there are so many other critically important people responding to this crisis and that there is need everywhere. We’ve chosen to focus our efforts on hospitals with a 24 hour emergency room with the hope that we can help as many people as possible right now.

Thank you and God Bless,

Eric Smidt
Owner and Founder
Harbor Freight Tools
89 positives here in Maine (numbers will be updated Monday). Things are insane at the church. Church services have been moved online because the Gov. has asked groups not to exceed 10 people. I even got a Facebook account so I could post video updates and messages. Have been scrambling to work with the town to make sure that the elderly in our community have meals and necessities. Also working with the next town in getting food to food insecure children in our community.

I need to self quarantine so I can get some rest!
Prayers for safety for everyone and don't forget check on the vulnerable around you,
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