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Corona Virus

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Yes indeed.

They used official language, but aren’t necessarily enforcing it just yet, though they well could. I guess they're hoping folks take it seriously enough And waiting to see what happens.
So is that like fast food curbside too? Or just grocery stores.
Most areas I’ve seen the announcements, authorities have explicitly stated that while it’s a misdemeanor, they don’t plan to sic law enforcement unless something major is going on. Is that not the case there?
Most areas I’ve seen the announcements, authorities have explicitly stated that while it’s a misdemeanor, they don’t plan to sic law enforcement unless something major is going on. Is that not the case there?

I am sure that to be the case. Like in all honesty there is no way these could prosecuted. HOWEVER college house party... It's probably a big enough deterrent. And when they show up and get the underage drinkers, drug charges, they can now tack this on too.

But my mom's sister has a BIG family. She had 9 kids and they each have at least 4. She's really upset thinking she can't do her Sunday dinners anymore. I told my mom to tell her probably a good idea since my 89 year old grandma lives with her. Probably better to social distance til this blows over
Man O69Man! Things are crazy. I'm sure it's way worse in other areas, but it's just insane. All resturaunts and bars are closed unless they offer pickup or delivery. We had planned on going to a bar soon to celebrate the anniversary of the first day we met. Can't do that now. Also no public meetings in excess of 10 people, for at least the next month. So our masonic lodge meetings have been cancelled, at least until May. We had already cancelled Bingo at the VFW, for the foreseeable future. It just seems crazy that we've gotten to this point. So many people are now (forcedly) out of work. It's just crazy.
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