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Corona Virus

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Isn't Disney closed? I know the California one is
according to the florida news disney florida said they would close right after they announced disney California was closing.Sunday was the last day according to the article i linked.
We went grocery shopping earlier today to pick up a few small things. 2 stores out of :
- flour (we already have)
- yeast (wanted some)
- pasta (we can make our own if we run out)
- TP (already have.. no emerg buying here)
- paper towel (already have)

So basically, we picked up what we need for the week minus some yeast and pasta. The places were not crowded and nobody had carts piled full of stuff.
CA just issued orders to shut down bars, have eateries cut down number of patrons allowed in establishments, and all 65+ are being asked to stay home unless an outing is absolutely necessary.
They just announced here in Ohio that after 9:00 tonight all bars and restaurants will be closed , restaurants can have take out or delivery but no
in house service at all . Just last week they closed the schools for at least 3 weeks starting tomorrow.
Guess what good old Grandpa gets to do all day now :) I hope that I don't brake any child labor laws :)
We went grocery shopping earlier today to pick up a few small things. 2 stores out of :
- flour (we already have)
- yeast (wanted some)
- pasta (we can make our own if we run out)
- TP (already have.. no emerg buying here)
- paper towel (already have)

So basically, we picked up what we need for the week minus some yeast and pasta. The places were not crowded and nobody had carts piled full of stuff.
fortunately my wife works in a local grocery store deli and when she got to work before they opened this morning she was able to get the meat dept guy to make her up 2 packs of hamburger that we needed to buy anyway... we are not emergency buying / hoarding either... had to go to several different stores yesterday to get baby wipes for the babies because everyone has been hoarding them as hand wipes. I mean this is unreal.. my wife called before she got off work today to ask if we needed to get any grapes ( the kids like them ) because her store was almost sold out of them and several other fruits/ vegetables....
They just announced here in Ohio that after 9:00 tonight all bars and restaurants will be closed , restaurants can have take out or delivery but no
in house service at all . Just last week they closed the schools for at least 3 weeks starting tomorrow.
Guess what good old Grandpa gets to do all day now :) I hope that I don't brake any child labor laws :)
Train them to make brushes ? 😂😉
Well we knew they would extend things and saw on the news now the CDC (not state government) is encouraging that everyone for 4 WEEKS we have no group gatherings of any sort of 50 or more. Time to hunker down. Just be sure to get outside and be active to the extent you can to maintain your mental health and deal with the stresses sure to follow. Take advantage of being able to have time with family which is usually neglected. Heading to work after an update from our Governor at 9.
Governor of Kentucky this morning stated that all restaurants and bars will be closed. drive-thrus May operate and take out with curbside they'll have to ensure that there are no big lines waiting outside of restaurants together. He's waving they need to look for employment if unemployed and waving the wait time for unemployment benefits. That's pretty much the recap. Total of 21 positive cases in the state of Kentucky in about seven different counties. Bourbon County had one fatality yesterday a person that had numerous underlying issues. Thoughts go out to everybody that's dealing with things all triggered by this.
Just to add there were numerous kentuckians that were on a cruise ship that were all brought back home. One individual that did not want to self quarantine like they were instructed was the first that had to forcibly be quarantined in their own home. They have a sheriff's deputy there to ensure that they do not leave their home. Getting serious when people don't want to cooperate to benefit anybody but themselves.
Finland declared a state of emergency today. Schools, and all public places closed, boarders will close soon as well. Private businesses are not yet ordered to close, but the suggestion is there and no gatherings of more than 10 allowed.

Loitering is also outlawed, so the kids can't just all go hang out somewhere together since they aren't in school. I saw some of you guys were seeing that going on in your areas.

Helena is in the hotel industry and they are scrambling to see what they have to do.
And all restaurants are now closed. Only allowed for delivery and drive up. Glad we ordered 5 Family sized pizzas fro papa murphys on Saturday. Figured that will give us alot of leftovers to avoid using other food for lunches for awhile. PLUS who gets tired of pizza?
Here in NYC most people are now working from home, schools are closed, and dining out has been banned for the time being. Supermarket shelves are all pretty much empty.
I never liked staying indoors for long periods of time, it always makes me lonely.

I just ordered a pound of my favorite coffee, just in case they have to close down for the time being.
If the apocalypse is truly near then my current supply of soaps and blades should last me a couple of lifetimes, so no worries there :)
Hope everyone stays safe!
Sounds like for a lot of you guys, the TV thread and finding some series to binge is in order.
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