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Corona Virus

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Well we knew they would extend things and saw on the news now the CDC (not state government) is encouraging that everyone for 4 WEEKS we have no group gatherings of any sort of 50 or more. Time to hunker down. Just be sure to get outside and be active to the extent you can to maintain your mental health and deal with the stresses sure to follow. Take advantage of being able to have time with family which is usually neglected. Heading to work after an update from our Governor at 9.
In other words...get out and mow your damn yard!
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YES! that is a great article. I am losing all respect for people who are ignoring this on social media.
Yes, I'm not sure what about "running out of ventilators and ICU beds" makes someone think they are blowing it out of proportion.
Seriously...Kudos to Dollar General for helping out a population that is more at risk than most or may be at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting for toilet paper or a gallon of milk. I wish more businesses would do this. Can you imagine how much better things would be is Costco, Sams, Trader Joes, or Walmart would be if they would adhere to these practices?

I put together this video for the anniversary package. I also have a message about the virus. Which is why I'm posting here in case anyone is curious about our stance.

Practice social distancing folks!

Thanks for the video, great one handed work! No worries, it's not like any of us need this today. Take your time.
Okay...I have really tried to remain positive about this whole deal. And as the days go on I feel it getting more "real" than ever. I can't help but draw a comparison to when the US was attacked by Terrorists on September 11, 2001. No, I don't think (or at least I won't admit to you all 🤪 ) that we were attacked by China or another countries. But what I do draw a comparison is the American Spirit.

After 9/11 the country as a whole was unified in spirit. Men and women were signing up for the military in droves. Volunteers were coming out of the wood work to assist people in need. Donations were coming in for victims. I could go on and on and on. Basically, we as a country, were on the same page and had likely have never been closer since World War II.

We don't necessarily need the same things as we did after the aftermath of 9/11. But what we do need is that same spirit of unity. People are just plane selfish right now. Ignoring simple tasks that could make us all safer and may even save lives. But no...schools are out and trampoline parks have never been busier. Chuck E. Cheese is packed. People are throwing down for items at grocery stores that will be restocked in the next day or two. These are just a few examples.

In short...I am disgusted by the human race right now.

I have no doubt that we will all get through this. It's just a matter of how quick we get over it.

So I am going to do my best to do my part. I was given a choice to work from home, even though it will be a huge inconvenience. But I am giving it a go. I am staying home as much as possible only to go out for things I need.

I likely won't be ordering out much, but if I do...I will be ordering take out (all our restaurants are ordered to close dining rooms but can still operate with take out food) from a local business that has no national corporate ties, as I believe the mom and pop businesses will be hit the hardest.

Yeah, I's all doom and gloom right now. But be of good cheer. Being happy is good for health and the soul!

My main take-away here is that we all need to come together. Embrace the task at hand and be willing to do what is unexpected, uncomfortable, and necessary.

My wife has been saying, " Easy times makes a soft man." Well the opposite is true also, "Hard times make GREAT MEN!"
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