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Corona Virus

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As of 5:30 last is what our state looks like. Numbers will likely go up at the 9:30 AM update this morning.


Nothing in my parish yet. But yesterday there was a new case in a neighboring parish.

They also set up a drive threw testing place yesterday in our area so I expect that these numbers will change exponentially.
Finland is at apx. 315 confirmed probably around 200 in the greater Helsinki area. Testing here is also quite limited due to low availability. That's something they are working on here with the goal of much more widespread testing.

Helena sent me another pic, this was during rush hour here -

Half of the cases in PA are in my county. Schools statewide are closed for at least two weeks. All of the universities are operating with remote teaching (including mine), and the administrative sides are operating remotely if at all possible.

Good times.
We have 2 cases in my county. 1 tested positive and they Eva uated he job she's about 5 or 10 min from me
I agree with your thought @dangerousdon. My wife said traffic out there looked normal while we're in our lockdown. Thanks folks, you're of no help at all.
Dallas auto and foot traffic was very light today. I guess people are paying attention. As of tomorrow, our company will be working remotely for the next two weeks.
I was told today at work that my new department is a good candidate to stay work at home. So in other words I'm now 100% work from home. When this all blows over I should only be in office for crucial meetings and monthly department meetings.

I hope they can change this... I get my new digs technically 4/1. So this better be one bit April fool's joke! I want my new office!
I've been officially ordered to work from home and I work for the government. We have one confirmed case in my county of NY. Like fleas, you just know that when you see one jump on your foot that there are probably 100's more you won't see. We were told that the apex of COVID-19 won't be for another 45 days in NY. Folks, that's a long time and things will be getting worse before they get better.

My wife asked how she should answer the phone and I thought.............hmmmm, I get to sleep with my secretary! Ooooops, can I say that these days? 😆
I was told today that me and my fellow dispatchers have officially been deemed critical to keeping things going and will therefore still be coming into the office but the vast majority of the rest of the company will not. combined with the way our office is set up in the building that should help keep us in good shape while at work. they are however still setting us up so we can work from home if it becomes necessary.
I've worked most of the past 15 years remote, and supposed to trial WFH tomorrow. Alas, I can't RDP into my machine, but can into other ones, which don't have the software I need installed; nor can I RDP from those to mine as they appear to be on different networks. See, even at work, they practice social distancing when it comes to me. 🤪
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