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College football 2021

NCAA changed their overtime rules to what we've been testing in Div3 for awhile. I am sure High School will be following soon.

The reason was because the old format actually under review showed that most injuries that occur in overtime resulted in season ending. Most likely due to already playing a full game. New format results a winner a lot quicker and it's also very exciting.
NCAA changed their overtime rules to what we've been testing in Div3 for awhile. I am sure High School will be following soon.

The reason was because the old format actually under review showed that most injuries that occur in overtime resulted in season ending. Most likely due to already playing a full game. New format results a winner a lot quicker and it's also very exciting.
This makes a lot of sense. Kind of speeds things up a little as far as total game time I would think…unless you have 9 OT’s like today 😂😂😂
My step son was saying that this was kind of a throwaway game. They’re saving their QB for next week when it actually matters. And you know they’ll pull out all the stops against Ohio State, Michigan, and Michigan State!
I hope the Ohio dude quarterback will be healthy for the buckeyes.
Strange game why they even let Illinois think they could win.
My observation was too much swagger from the Penn state players all game. They should have won easily. How bad is the back up?
Would have been good time to rest starter and give back up some experience.
But they will be more focused this Saturday.
But so will we.
I hope the Ohio dude quarterback will be healthy for the buckeyes.
Strange game why they even let Illinois think they could win.
My observation was too much swagger from the Penn state players all game. They should have won easily. How bad is the back up?
Would have been good time to rest starter and give back up some experience.
But they will be more focused this Saturday.
But so will we.
According to my step son and his roommates, Penn State’s backup can’t throw a football to save his life lol.
I hope the Ohio dude quarterback will be healthy for the buckeyes.
Strange game why they even let Illinois think they could win.
My observation was too much swagger from the Penn state players all game. They should have won easily. How bad is the back up?
Would have been good time to rest starter and give back up some experience.
But they will be more focused this Saturday.
But so will we.
PSU did behave like the had this in the bag and then looked sullen after realizing they had tough competition in the 1st quarter.

I don’t think they’ll be cocky this week though 😀
PSU did behave like the had this in the bag and then looked sullen after realizing they had tough competition in the 1st quarter.

I don’t think they’ll be cocky this week though 😀
In an interview yesterday PSU’s head coach said they were focused on Illinois and ready to play in The Big House…they’re playing Ohio State. He might be a little confused 🤦🏻‍♂️